
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











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Now displaying: January, 2020
Jan 31, 2020

Today's Thought of the Walk is on our criminal justice system in the US and more specifically the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

Thanks to Carmel and Angie's Gardens.

Sign up for the LFTN Workshop, April 23-25

The Innocence Project

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Jan 30, 2020

Today is  a homesteading topic and I thought it would be fun to talk about starting seedlings for your spring garden.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

Stump the Sauce

  • Cow organs and heart?

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Kratky Update: Lettuce Week 3
  • Things are growing slowly and early spring greens are emerging
  • Time to start spring lettuce and brassicas

Main topic of the Show: Starting Plants from Seeds

4 Keys to successful seedlings

Some specific Links to equipment

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board




Jan 27, 2020

Over the weekend, I took a trek on up to Cincinnati to check out the first ever Rogue Food Conference and it was a great reminder to stand strong when things seem to be stacked against you. So many people with many of the same problems gathered together under the hopes of finding solutions that may or may not be there. So today I share with you ten ways to go rogue.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Sweet potato chili
  • Planning meals around what is left in the pantry: Green beans, tomato, corn, peaches, pickled items, squash, sweet potato, onions
  • Time for the midwinter freezer defrosting project
  • Monthly dry good and feed order is working well

What’s in Season

  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Watercress
  • Root forage

Operation Independence

  • The return of Finance Friday
  • Taxes

Main topic of the Show: Ten Ways to Go Rogue

Take aways

  1. There are ways to get around seemingly endless lists of lists of regulations - sometimes simple ones. But you need to educate yourself on your local laws and find them.
  2. People will not believe you when you tell them the scales of bad that gets hurled your way when you stand up for what is right. We need to get better at telling the story.
  3. It is hard to stand up on your own against an uncivil and unjust bureaucracy. It is easier to stand up when people are by your side. Therefore, we must do a better job of standing up with our brothers and sisters against the machine that is enforcing rules for the sake of rules and to further itself as a bureaucracy.

10 ways to go rogue

  1. Grow your own food
  2. Process your own food
  3. Establish a food church
  4. Establish a food cooperative (Membership organization)
  5. Retain ownership in animals with those you sell them to
  6. Don’t invite inspectors in to begin with
  7. Explore waste streams
  8. Start spreading stories of how healthy food is being kept from people who want it in favor of unhealthy food (Collect and repeat these stories)
  9. Skip the start up grants
  10. Find ways to buy food from sources that have gone rogue

Make it a great week!

Song: Burned by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Jan 24, 2020

Today is Friday so we have an interview show with Tim Cook all about how to start your handyman business with what you have, rather than waiting until you can afford the next great tool before you begin.

Main content of the show

Tim Cook is one of those weirdos that loves the cold and really doesn’t mind the heat. He gave up working for the man nearly two years ago. At the encouragement of his wife Becky he turned his side hustle into a full time gig. Together with the help of their 9 year old twin girls, they run All-Seasons Maintenance. A small town handyman business in the frozen tundra that is East Central Alberta.

Tim's Facebook Page

Tim's Youtube

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Jan 23, 2020

Today I share with you four things you should do to be ready to plant your spring garden.

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#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

LFTN Workshop Reminder

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Kratky Lettuce Update & related seedling plans
  • Cold weather crops still going though we had a freeze this week
  • Making plans for the 2020 gardens

Main topic of the Show: Four Things to Get Ready for Your Garden

  1. Order your seeds
  2. Set up your seedling growing area
  3. Start your sweet potato slips
  4. Tarp your beds if you have not

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Jan 20, 2020

After a long five days of being in the throws of the flu, I thought I would review five things that you want to have in place if you live alone on a homestead - or anywhere really - to be ready to be sick or gone. And I would love to hear your ideas about how to make unplanned away or sick times go smoother.

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Two Reminders:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Weakness found: No heat and go meals that do not require a 5 min rolling boil
  • Tapping into the herbal dried teas

What’s in Season

  • Snow
  • Watercress
  • Root forage: Jerusalem artichokes, dandelion roots, day lilly tubers
  • Nick Furguson in TN?

Operation Independence

Main topic of the Show: 5 Preps For Having The Flu When You Live Alone on A Homestead

Make it a great week!

Song: Learning What Leaving Is

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!

Advisory Board


Jan 17, 2020

Today, I have Brian Norton in from Food Forest Farms to talk about his various endeavors: CBD, Coffee and a new business he is calling Trade Show Sherpa.


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Reminder, registration for the Spring Workshop goes on sale tomorrow morning at 9CT to LFTN members – make sure you can log in and that everything is working tonight!

Brian set up a coupon code for LFTN to try out is CBD trial pack: Use code LFTN10

Make it a great week!

Jan 15, 2020

Today, we will go over the 2020 aquaponics and hydroponics plans for 2020. I h ope this will spur some ideas from you and that you can learn from my lessons learned over the past two seasons with this system!

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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Are you going to the Rogue Food Conference in Cinncinati on the 25th? If so, I plan to be there serving yummy Holler Roast Coffee and I thought it would be fun to have a meetup Friday the 24th for those of you arriving the night before. 

Barleycorns - Florence: 8544 US 42, Florence, KY 41042, 6:#0PM

RSVP on Facebook:

Webinar: How do people find me on the web? <<--RSVP 

January 29, 2020, 7-8pm

Become a member

Stump the Sauce

  • Fatless meatloaf?

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Spring temps: peas going in, lettuce going nuts
  • Update on indoor kratky lettuce growing operation

Main topic of the Show: 2020 Aquaponics & Hydroponics Plans

[caption id="attachment_4033" align="alignnone" width="613"]drawing of planting plans This is the initial sketch of the growing system I want to build in front of my home in 2020.[/caption]

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Jan 13, 2020

While visiting family, I have had a chance to connect with some skills and things from my past and I realized that this connection is helpful to GROW into the future. We learn a lot in life if we let ourselves and sometimes looking back is what we need to set the foundation for the future - so I wanted to share with you some ways to do that.

Do not forget that the Spring Workshop tickets go on sale this coming Saturday at 9am Central to members first. There are only 20 eats so you will want to get your registration is as soon as possible. We have been having fun finalizing our sessions and here are a few highlights:

  • Change your life one word at a time with Jenni Hill
  • Proper Knife Technique and Care with Patrick Roehrman and Brett Corrieri
  • Lessons Learned fromLaunching a CBD Business with Brian Norton
  • GSD with My3Things, Nicole Sauce
  • Sessions from Mark Alexander, JR Haley, Kurt Dugger, Mike Leonido and more… Final list coming after some final confirmations this week!
  • Hands on work: Solar Hot Water Heater Build with Shawn Mills of Hack My Solar
  • Hands on work: Sauerkraut, Feta Cheese, Canning Basics with many of our instructors.
  • Half a day to enjoy the fruits of our culinary labors, drink and be merry!
  • Barter Blanket
  • Tie Dye station to make your LFTN T shirt a custom wonder
  • Accelerators

Tix are $450 and include your t shirt and other LFTN event schwag.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

What’s in Season

  • Watercress
  • Wild Garlic

Operation Independence

  • Launching 2020 Webinars starting with Sue Zoldak’s trio of ones centered around increasing your visibility online.
  • Invested in family time this week as you know

Main topic of the Show: Connect with your Past to Grow Your Future

  • Take quiet time to think about 2-3 different times in your past when you navigated change well
  • List 2-3 personality traits that helped make that happen
  • Are you still connected with those things?
  • Why or Why Not?
  • Will reconnecting help you in your next phase?
  • How will you bring them back? 
  • Are there painful things in your past that are hindering your growth now? 
  • How can you address them, remove them, and move on for real? 
  • NOW CHOOSE 2 - one of each. Then add 1 more and you have 3.

Make it a great week!

Song: Strange Child, by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board


Jan 12, 2020

It occurred to me as I went over my January budget that clutter has a negative impact on your budget - so I wanted to talk a bit about that today in the Thought of the Walk episode.

Reminder: Sue Zoldak is offering webinars on increasing your digital visibility a series of three and the first one will be January 29. Based on the online polling, we do not have clarity on what works best: Midday or evening so I will schedule them in alternating slots. These sessions are $50 each but if you are a member, you get one included with your plan. If you are a premium member, you get all three. I expect to launch registration for them next week so keep your eyes on your inbox. 

Also - Spring workshop tickets go on sale in ONE WEEK! Saturday, January 17, at 9am CT to members. Make sure you can log in because to get first wack at them you will need to be able to do that. The registration link will appear in the side menu of your membership portal.

Main topic of the Show: TOTW on Clutter and Budget

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Jan 8, 2020

Today, I will walk you through the overview of what I plan to do in order to grow lettuce indoors in mason jars! I will also cover the supplies needed and goals of the project.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

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Nick Ferguson’s new project - 

Workshop Reminder - call for speakers! Email me your idea

Stump the Sauce

What’s Up on the Homestead

  • Planting peas
  • Lots of winter cleanup
  • No duck eggs yet, but seeking to move the coop to a less soppy location
  • Time to plant bare root plants

Main topic of the Show: Growing Winter Lettuce In Mason Jars

  • Goals of the project 
    • Least amount in infrastructure outlay
    • Very little time investment
    • Ability to have an ongoing supply of fresh lettuce year round
    • Find ways to visually integrate it with the house redo
  • Process
    • Supplies needed
      • Waterproof container
      • Rockwool or seedling plugs
      • Netpots
      • Seeds
      • Lights
      • Timer
      • Mason Jars
      • Clay pebbles
      • Nutrient
      • Paper or tinfoil
    • Germination
    • Grow the roots
    • Transplant the plugs - (will transplant half prematurely) add the nutrient solution
    • Cover the jars
    • Check every few days until I understand the speed of water consumption
    • Harvest lettuce
    • Regrow several times because it is lettuce
    • Assess timing so that there is a perpetual crop

Hopes and expectations 

  • 5 weeks to harvest, with a smaller thinning harvest
  • Restart seedling every 4 weeks
  • 10 plants is enough
  • Lower cost than store bought
  • Better flavor than store bought
  • ….fun and learning

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board


Jan 7, 2020

Today I wanted to delve a little deeper into this concept of selfishness. I had a great day of being pretty selfish yesterday and it made me a bit sad to think of people who never make time to care for their personal self interests. So today, I will push back on the idea that always focusing on the “Greater Good” is better than handling your personal house.

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Sue Zoldak is going to offer THREE marketing webinars to LFTN MEMBERS y'all!

We need your FEEDBACK though! We will do these on Wednesdays and want to know which time slot is best?

  1. a) 2-3pm ET
  2. b) 7-8pm ET

Here are the topics:

1) How do people find me on the web? Learn basic tips on how to get found on search engines, how to write content that gets read, and how to see who is visiting your website. This digital seminar is for those who run or wish to run their own website and want to learn how to use Google Analytics, a free tool to measure site traffic.

2) How do I know what digital platforms are best to market my business? Do you use multiple digital tactics such as Facebook, Instagram, and email to drive people to your website? Learn how a simple step (UTM link tagging) can help you know for sure which activity is driving the most business. We will also discuss the basics of A/B testing (i.e. comparing two different email subject lines) and take your understanding of Google Analytics to the next level by understanding Goals.

3) Learn how to set up a Facebook Ad Campaign in 60 Minutes

Workshop registration will launch for members on January 19 at 9am CT

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • SADS on my Water Hyacinth - this is why you need backup friends
  • Potatoes are gone for the year
  • Plenty of sweet potatoes and hard squashes, though
  • Salsa stores are half used
  • A word on cravings….

What’s in Season

  • Inside veggies - sprouts, lettuce (Will talk more about the grow operation on Wednesday’s show)
  • Should have oyster mushrooms - but haven't found any recently. 
  • Turkeytail
  • Watercress 
  • Wild game

Operation Independence

  • The new bedroom story

Main topic of the Show: Just Be Selfish

Song: Wolf by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board


Jan 3, 2020

Last year was filled with adversity, heartbreak, moments of insane work schedule, worry, great friends, fun adventures and so much more. And as I reflected on my next step in life, I realized that I need to grow as a person, must grow my businesses in order to grow my independence, and want to grow my food because it brings me happiness and stability.

So today, we will have a great interview with a fellow who is growing food for fun and has recently launched his business. But he is more than that: Mark Alexander is one of the angels in our network who is there to encourage, make jokes with and ask us hard questions. You will find him lurking about the LFTN Mewe group, but you can also see him live in the Columbia area or order his yummy farm meat products.

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LFTN 2020 Highlights

  • Sauce songs will be available, one per month, to members
  • Exciting new growing system on the front of the house
  • Spring Workshop 2020 - solar build, awesome food, great presentations and the best networking you can find
  • Holler Roast will turn a corner
  • Girl Gun Weekend
  • Hands On Workshops: making sauerkraut, canning in 8 sessions
  • Webinars on Marketing available for members for free, or non members for a one-off fee
  • A new goat

Main topic of the Show: GROW with Mark Alexander

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board
