
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











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Now displaying: 2023
Sep 11, 2023

Today, we have a hybrid Monday show with an interview with Brian from The Lots Project, Along with our usual Monday Segments!

Featured Event: The Back to the Land Festival, Sept 22-24

Sponsor 1:, Coupon LFTN

Sponsor 2: Discount Mylar Bags 

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • More green beans have come off the garden for processing so I am going for it
  • It is time to shift things around to prepare for incoming meat
  • Crock Pot Beef Ribs
  • Auditing and refilling the pantry medical, staples

Weekly Shopping Report from Joe

We took our usual trip on Saturday. Traffic was a lot heavier than it has been. People's generally pleasant moods were no different, there were just a lot more of them on the road.

Dollar Tree was first. There have been no significant changes. The one cooler still hasn't been fixed, but the others have plenty of stock in them. I didn't see any holes in aisles.

Home Depot was next. A 2x4x8 remains at $3.68. We were able to get two big bags of the detergent Sonia likes; each is good for 132 loads, so with what we still have we're covered for laundry for probably a year.

Aldi was last. New pallets of flour and sugar were put out not long ago. We found everything else we wanted, although I had to get the 85% cacao chocolate. Staple prices are:

eggs: $1.02 ; milk: $2.78 ; heavy cream: $4.69; OJ: $3.19; butter: $3.19; bacon: $3.99; flour: $2.19; sugar: $3.09; potatoes: $6.29.

A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.899.

Frugality Tip from Janet

Parmesan cheese rinds get added to the soup pot for flavoring.

Operation Independence

Focus is on SRF Tickets and Repairs to the Duplex in Nashville to keep finances moving in a positive direction!


Main content of the show

Brian from The Lots Project travels in an rv with his wife and two LARGE dogs. They started their journey seeking a new piece of land and through keeping an open mind and focusing on the characteristics of the life they want have transitioned into the nomad lifestyle. By going minimalist, Brian and Cory have saved enough money to purchase a piece of land and are beginning to build a new dream.

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Sep 8, 2023

Today we talk about Managing the homestead while down one person, new infrastructure for the animals, impending birth and more!

  • Featured event: Homesteaders Meetup Sat at 4:30 here - info at
  • Sponsor 1:
  • Sponsor 2:


  • Paw paw time


  • Bruny is getting close - her udder is growing
  • Time to process another round of rabbits
  • Where to look when the sheep go missing
  • Almost time to integrate smallest ducks which makes management easier


  • Having trouble getting harvest in while working in Nashville on my duplex
  • Lettuce is germinated just need to keep it going through times of no rain while the plants are small
  • Fall beets look horrible
  • Peppers are slow
  • Storing basil in the kitchen
  • Ginger is up

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Meetup for our local freedom cell on Saturday at 4:30
  • Played a new game - world without Rule of Law


  • New chicken waterer - Cement tray with water - then put in a 5 gallon bucket, drilled a hole in the side to fill with a hose then turn it upside down. Easier to clean all the parts
  • Installing semi permanent fence through the tree lines in the secondary property. If it works, will do more sections to make rotation easier. _Aluminum wire that will be charged when in us


  • Tracking is on point - 
  • Focus on rental and home sale

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



Sep 6, 2023

Today we talk about the Berkey Lawsuit with the EPA, Artificial Intelligence, storing medications past their expiration date, chicken water, plants, homestead data management, Self Reliance Festival and business with Jack Spirko and John Willis.

Million Satoshi Give Away Episode Highlight:

Enter your favorite Episode here:


Mention the weekly mail


Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee

The Survival Podcast


Main content of the show


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Sep 1, 2023

Winter is coming even though it is not fall. T is stressed out right now. Time to audit infrastructure, water, firewood, feed hay for the sheep and goats, wood chips and more.

Featured event October 16 Chicken Processing:

Sponsor 1:



  • Shake the Paw Paw Tree
  • Watercress is back
  • Mullein Seeds
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • MInt and other herbs are still with us but the time is soon that a frost will come


  • Pregnant Ewe
  • Male sheep are settled here - trying to eat bark of fodder trees
  • Baby Ducks going outside of the chicken tractor for the first time today 
  • Chicken Eggs should start soon
  • Max fd around and found out
  • About time to breed rabbits

Harvest Meals

  • Saute with wild mushrooms
  • Holler Stew 
  • The Pork Tenderloin thing


  • Lettuce has germinated
  • Fall beets look sad
  • Still getting beans and tomatoes off the garden but they are slowing down
  • First brussels sprouts harvest ever
  • Time to start prepping the garlic patch for the year
  • Peppers are very slow, unlike former years
  • Tomato horn works and other caterpillars have arrived (WHy and what we are doing about it)
  • Planning to just maintain the lettuce patch into the fall as things get super busy here

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Tested a prepper game: WROL
  • Traded coffee for eggs


  • Getting ready to work in Nashville on drywall next week we could not find anyone to do work there so it is up to us
  • Staining tajmaholler
  • Rabbit redo starting


  • Started the new tracking system: meeting post errand run as a policy, spreadsheet, immediate reimbursements. 

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Aug 29, 2023

Today Nicole Sauce and John Willis welcome Joel Ryals to talk about building on your passion, the rumors of coming shut downs, and more.

Featured Event:

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee

Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Aug 28, 2023

Over the weekend, I got y'alls attention with a post about bookkeeping software. And I FIRED QuickBooks Online. Based on your response, I think it is time to have a discussion about the struggles of a creative addressing things in business that are outside our areas of talent and priority. I will share the things I must make myself do and how I handle it. Just because I am not inclined toward a thing does not mean I should ignore it.

Featured Event: Back to the Land Festival:

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2: The Wealth Steading Podcast:

Email feedback to

Livestream Schedule

🎙️ Tuesday at 12:30 pm - Don't miss the Tuesday Live with Bobby Spags and John Willis. You can also stream it on Odysee, here:



🎙️ Thursday at 7:30 pm - SRF Live with Toolman Tim! The master of kicking the poverty mindset to the curb will join me. Be sure to tune in for a great show!

You can catch the show:




🎙️ Friday at 10:30 am - Tune in to the Homestead Happenings Show for all things homesteading. You can also stream it on Odysee, here:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • 64.5 jars of green beans put up
  • 20 jars of salsa
  • Added 8 pints of tomato sauce - tomato sauce shortcut tips
  • The turkey that was rabbit - a recipe
  • Covid shot down rumors, assessing your storage, thoughts on proper reaction to all this noise

Weekly Shopping Report: 8/26/2023

Dollar Tree: One drink cooler is still out of order, but the others are mostly full. There isn't much Venom left, so I hope they get more, although they do have the brewed tea now. Other stock looks good too, and the store was busy enough that a second line was opened.

Although we skipped Home Depot, I checked online for the price of a 2x4x8, and it remains at $3.68.

Aldi was last. We found most of what we wanted except cherries and dark chocolate; they had other varieties which I skipped. They did have heavy cream back in stock. Staple prices were: milk: $2.78; eggs: $1.06; heavy cream: $4.69; OJ: $3.19; butter: $3.19; bacon: $3.99; sugar: $3.09, and flour: $2.19. I may need to add potatoes; Sonia said this is the first time they were over $6, and they had been under $5 or even under $4.

Untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.899 / gallon. A side effect of having a rental car while ours was in the shop is that I got to discover that the usual corrupted stuff (with ethanol) is $3.399 / gallon.

Frugality Tip from Janet

Save 8-1/2 x 11” sheets of paper (printer mis-prints, etc.) and when you have a large stack of paper, take it to a copy shop and have them turn it into small notepads for you.

Operation Independence

  • Today’s show is all about WHY a creative would invest hours of time in tracking finances and doing other annoying clerical things. It is all about optimizing tax deductions to keep more money in my pocket as well as increasing efficiency in my enterprises so that we are increasingly stable.

Main topic of the Show: Creatives' Struggles in Business

I struck a chord over the weekend with a post about Quickbooks Online and bookkeeping: I fired QBO. I got more engagement on that post than most over the past few months. People reached out with advice and suggestions. People also reached out saying the want to follow my progress because they have the same problem.

And what is the problem? I am a creative. I think big picture first, then details. If I was going to be screened, I would probably be diagnosed with ADHD and my chosen lifestyle aplifies those characteristics. In fact, they REALLY wanted to diagnose me in the third grade and Mom would not let them. Thank you MAMA SAUCE.

Creative Challenges in Business

  • I know that tracking details gives critical feedback, but I hates it
  • Bookkeeping and tax codes are freaking complex - unnecessarily so - and this impacts tracking systems leading to frustrations
  • The bookkeeping and finance industry has no motivation to make this easy for us
  • High Pressure of doing it wrong: Fines, audits, and jail time OH MY!
  • The challenge of FINISH

Characteristics of creatives:

  1. We thrive when making something - and suffer when tracking things, unless it supports making something
  2. Prone to starting multiple things at one time
  3. Either shift focus often or can only concentrate on one thing (The coming presentation problem)
  4. Prefer operation outside the box, dont really care about rules or procedure

That being said, I know the power of having things tied up, prepared well in advance, finished and tracked from a feedback standpoint. The beauty of being in business is that the money stops when you are not meeting the needs of your customers and that is a pretty instant feedback.

Addressing Creative Challenges in Business

  • I know that tracking details gives critical feedback, but I hates it (Mindset)
  • Bookkeeping and tax codes are freaking complex - unnecessarily so - and this impacts tracking systems leading to frustrations (What I have tried, shortcuts, outsourcing)
  • The bookkeeping and finance industry has no motivation to make this easy for us (Work in advance to simplify your corporate structure)
  • High Pressure of doing it wrong: Fines, audits, and jail time OH MY! (You found your why - don’t let it paralyze you)
  • The challenge of FINISH (#My3Things)


  1. Outsource or Hire to your Weakness
  2. Change your perspective: Investing time in tracking is an important tool toward future success and being able to create more
  3. #my3things

So my creative listeners - what do you do to handle your creative challenges in business?

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Aug 25, 2023

AC is my friend this week. We finally had a set of days above 100 and Autofab reminded me that this happens every year between mid August and Mid September. 

Winter is coming.

Featured Event: Girl Gun Weekend:


One Million Downloads Reminder: 


  • Elderberries are ripe
  • There are weeds dying because it is hot 🙂
  • Pasture is much better than last year


  • Helping animals with heat
  • Male sheep ate the bark off the fodder trees
  • Baby ducks are out of the brooder (2 weeks old)
  • Time to process more rabbits plus the stray we found


  • Deep harvested peppers andmade salsa
  • Post Mysterious Trip Harvest
  • Tomatoes not liking 100 degree days, a lesson
  • Beets germinating so struggling to keep the baby plants alive through this three day period
  • Adding lettuce seeds Saturday or sunday
  • Water automation is a god send
  • Harvesting brussels sprouts tonight

Harvest Meals

  • Holler Stew
  • Devilled Eggs

Holler Neighbors/Community


  • Moving a garden gate
  • Wiring still isnt done
  • Moving the chimney in the main house, getting parts for that
  • Waiting to hear from Signature Solar about electrical issues with our cinder block wall giving us a shock.


  • Getting more feed which will serve as the foundational trip for our more in-depth financial tracking system

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Aug 21, 2023

Today, we will talk about the content creating homesteaders that are kicking butt and taking names, and what that feels like.

Featured Event: August 24 at 6pm: Spokane Washington Meetup:

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • 1st Cheddar is aging
  • Focused un using all the bits and bobs from the freezer that have long been there
  • 7 gallons of tomatoes in the freezer ready to process
  • No canning was completed this week, instead we fed the neighbors for a Holler Neighbor Campfire Night
  • New Green Bean Recipe - Grumpy Acres Calls The Cowboy Green Beans

Weekly Shopping Report from Joe

Our main shopping trip was Sunday rather than Saturday, as on Saturday one of the trips included a gun show at the Knoxville Expo Center. There, I found a few items, including a tourniquet, some small freedom seeds, and a garden implement for planting them.

Dollar Tree was a usual stop. The cooler containing the Venom I prefer is still down, so my drink was room temperature; oh well. Stock levels in the other coolers are still mostly good, with all at least half full, and some full. There were a lot of drinks on the shelves as well.

Home Depot had at least two visits. The price of a 2x4x8 has taken a pretty big jump, back up to $3.68.

As usual we got our groceries at Aldi. They do not have any of the 70% chocolate I prefer, nor the 85% alternative. Staple prices were:

Eggs: $1.06; whole milk: $2.86; heavy cream: $4.69; butter: $3.19; bacon (1 lb. low sodium): $3.99; OJ: $3.19; sugar: $3.69; flour: $2.19.

A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.899.

Frugality Tip: Send yours in

Operation Independence

  • Subpanel is moved for the Cabin Solar so that final automation can be completed
  • Heating water with the sun
  • Starting Sept 1, changing how we track homestead finances

Main topic of the Show: Failing Homesteaders From The Internet

The world of content creation has been rapidly growing in the homesteader and hobby farm sectors. You notice that?

Over the past few weeks, I noticed something interesting about fellow homesteaders on the Internet who are kicking butt. Most of the don’t realize it.

You see, there is this constant feeling that things are undone on a homestead and that is amplified when you are also working a job, or doing content creation which is like a whole other job.

That said, there are lots of homesteaders who are just plain showing the world that they are kicking ass. But when you get to know them, they are worried about the same things.

Then there are the homesteaders who are making great films but not actually doing the work. We’ve seen a few scandals in that regard of “Off Grid” folks living in the city but filing on their off grid locations.

So why am I bringing this up? It is because someone embarrassed me the other day. They said nice things about my homestead and what we are able together done here, while also making this podcast and shooting some video. All I could think of what hose cluttered my living room is right now, how behind I am on the remodel, and how crappy the quality of my videos is. I aspire to make these cool tutorials, then end up just shooting something as fast as I can and getting it out there so that SOMETHING is done. 

Then I spoke with another friend who is newer to homesteading who was feeling like he hadn’t reached his stride yet because after a year, he had only done the following things <Insert an impressive list of stuff here>. He could not see how much he HAD DONE.

I started reaching out to other content creators who I know who seem to be doing awesome things and started hearing similar perspectives. They see what other homesteaders are doing, race to take care of everything while creating content that they feel is  not good enough, constantly behind, etc.


Guys, what gives? What if we are the problem? What if we are undermining ourselves with these perspectives?

* You are the story you tell yourself, so make it a good one

* Maybe people like to see real content that may to be top quality editing

* Let’s face it, You don’t make much money as a content creator - Youtube is definitely NOT paying the bills so we all have to get creative on that front

* Every time we waste a thought on feeling inadequate, we miss an opportunity to show someone how to do something they did not now how to do. Homesteading is a never-ending learning experience, you know more than you think you know

* Most homesteaders are in fact bad asses. Bas asses who will jump in to save a hurt chicken or lamb. Bad asses who will hand pick cabbage worms off their plants to avoid insecticide. Bad asses who have figured out how to look at a pile of produce from the garden and pit it together into a tasty meal. Bad asses who can make 14000 egg dished because there is always a time when you have too mane. Bad asses who have had to look at remorse and feel the guilt when an animal in your care died because of you either not knowing what to do, or accidentally creating a situation that was unsafe for the animal, or it just died and you somehow think it is your fault. 

* We are fearless.

* We are not afraid to start something we know nothing about

* We are relentless and don’t give up

* We jump into things that other folks would never do and are more resilient because of it

But most of all, we have something most of the world does not: a true connection to nature, the cycles of life, and to God - however you define God. We are living in a way that is more grounded in the world and nature than most in modern society and because of this, we feel humble.

And I think this is why, when folks say something nice about what we do, we stammer, look around guiltily, and feel like they should be talking to someone else.

But what will change if we instead do this - say Thank you! I’ve worked hard to get where I am and often feel like I have not done enough and it is really nice to hear someone say that to me.

And what if we start telling each other more proactively when we see some homesteading kickassery?

What would that feel like? How could that change our worlds?

Just food for thought as we go into this hot week in August.

Make it a Great Week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Today, we will talk about the content creating homesteaders that are kicking butt and taking names, and what that feels like.

Featured Event: August 24 at 6pm: Spokane Washington Meetup:

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • 1st Cheddar is aging
  • Focused un using all the bits and bobs from the freezer that have long been there
  • 7 gallons of tomatoes in the freezer ready to process
  • No canning was completed this week, instead we fed the neighbors for a Holler Neighbor Campfire Night
  • New Green Bean Recipe - Grumpy Acres Calls The Cowboy Green Beans

Weekly Shopping Report from Joe

Our main shopping trip was Sunday rather than Saturday, as on Saturday one of the trips included a gun show at the Knoxville Expo Center. There, I found a few items, including a tourniquet, some small freedom seeds, and a garden implement for planting them.

Dollar Tree was a usual stop. The cooler containing the Venom I prefer is still down, so my drink was room temperature; oh well. Stock levels in the other coolers are still mostly good, with all at least half full, and some full. There were a lot of drinks on the shelves as well.

Home Depot had at least two visits. The price of a 2x4x8 has taken a pretty big jump, back up to $3.68.

As usual we got our groceries at Aldi. They do not have any of the 70% chocolate I prefer, nor the 85% alternative. Staple prices were:

Eggs: $1.06; whole milk: $2.86; heavy cream: $4.69; butter: $3.19; bacon (1 lb. low sodium): $3.99; OJ: $3.19; sugar: $3.69; flour: $2.19.

A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.899.

Frugality Tip: Send yours in

Operation Independence

  • Subpanel is moved for the Cabin Solar so that final automation can be completed
  • Heating water with the sun
  • Starting Sept 1, changing how we track homestead finances

Main topic of the Show: Failing Homesteaders From The Internet

The world of content creation has been rapidly growing in the homesteader and hobby farm sectors. You notice that?

Over the past few weeks, I noticed something interesting about fellow homesteaders on the Internet who are kicking butt. Most of the don’t realize it.

You see, there is this constant feeling that things are undone on a homestead and that is amplified when you are also working a job, or doing content creation which is like a whole other job.

That said, there are lots of homesteaders who are just plain showing the world that they are kicking ass. But when you get to know them, they are worried about the same things.

Then there are the homesteaders who are making great films but not actually doing the work. We’ve seen a few scandals in that regard of “Off Grid” folks living in the city but filing on their off grid locations.

So why am I bringing this up? It is because someone embarrassed me the other day. They said nice things about my homestead and what we are able together done here, while also making this podcast and shooting some video. All I could think of what hose cluttered my living room is right now, how behind I am on the remodel, and how crappy the quality of my videos is. I aspire to make these cool tutorials, then end up just shooting something as fast as I can and getting it out there so that SOMETHING is done. 

Then I spoke with another friend who is newer to homesteading who was feeling like he hadn’t reached his stride yet because after a year, he had only done the following things <Insert an impressive list of stuff here>. He could not see how much he HAD DONE.

I started reaching out to other content creators who I know who seem to be doing awesome things and started hearing similar perspectives. They see what other homesteaders are doing, race to take care of everything while creating content that they feel is  not good enough, constantly behind, etc.


Guys, what gives? What if we are the problem? What if we are undermining ourselves with these perspectives?

* You are the story you tell yourself, so make it a good one

* Maybe people like to see real content that may to be top quality editing

* Let’s face it, You don’t make much money as a content creator - Youtube is definitely NOT paying the bills so we all have to get creative on that front

* Every time we waste a thought on feeling inadequate, we miss an opportunity to show someone how to do something they did not now how to do. Homesteading is a never-ending learning experience, you know more than you think you know

* Most homesteaders are in fact bad asses. Bas asses who will jump in to save a hurt chicken or lamb. Bad asses who will hand pick cabbage worms off their plants to avoid insecticide. Bad asses who have figured out how to look at a pile of produce from the garden and pit it together into a tasty meal. Bad asses who can make 14000 egg dished because there is always a time when you have too mane. Bad asses who have had to look at remorse and feel the guilt when an animal in your care died because of you either not knowing what to do, or accidentally creating a situation that was unsafe for the animal, or it just died and you somehow think it is your fault. 

* We are fearless.

* We are not afraid to start something we know nothing about

* We are relentless and don’t give up

* We jump into things that other folks would never do and are more resilient because of it

But most of all, we have something most of the world does not: a true connection to nature, the cycles of life, and to God - however you define God. We are living in a way that is more grounded in the world and nature than most in modern society and because of this, we feel humble.

And I think this is why, when folks say something nice about what we do, we stammer, look around guiltily, and feel like they should be talking to someone else.

But what will change if we instead do this - say Thank you! I’ve worked hard to get where I am and often feel like I have not done enough and it is really nice to hear someone say that to me.

And what if we start telling each other more proactively when we see some homesteading kickassery?

What would that feel like? How could that change our worlds?

Just food for thought as we go into this hot week in August.

Make it a Great Week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Aug 19, 2023

Today, we return to our interview show series with a chat with the Renegade Butcher. Josh joins us from his overly hot studio, in the heat of summer, in Texas to talk about what he has been working on, AI, Nostr, Butchering meat and more.

1 Million Download Celebration Reminder:

Featured Event: Girl Gun Weekend, Last Call!

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Show Resources

Main content of the show

Josh grew up in the midwest with an ever-growing passion for cooking and food in general. Making his way to Texas nearly a decade ago, he added craft butchery and charcuterie as well as Texas style barbecue to his list of culinary obsessions. Eventually starting his own series of small businesses in an effort to help ease the pressure on small processors caused by the events in 2020. Not only has he been working to teach small ranchers and homesteaders how to process their own livestock in person, he runs a video/audio podcast, has built an active online community and has launched a much anticipated line of seasoning blends based on his own personal recipes. His blends have been well received by his wild game customers, and his sausage products are in demand every fall with local hunters.

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Aug 18, 2023

Today we talk about the great duck reset of 2023, a new way to do green curry, community fun and more.

Featured Event: Midwest Preparedness Project: 

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Weather has been awesome - nice and cool relatively speaking.


  • Elderberries are ripe


  • New baby ducks
  • The hatches are all meat birds
  • Teenagers are integrated with old flock and the other babies are learning to
  • Need to check sheep for work pressure - flokie’s ears are hanging down
  • Sheep love box elder

Harvest meals

  • Green curry turkey - roasted the leg quarter first and it tasted good
  • Tomato, cucumber, basil mozzarella salad


  • Ts peppers are coming on
  • Swimming in tomatoes
  • Green beans, harvest 3 this week
  • Reseeding beets, top watering each day
  • Swiss chard looks sad
  • Malabar spinach and forever spinach doing very well
  • Deciding if I feel like direct seeding lettuces, etc before my secret trip next week

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Island Mt Pat is back in town, bonfire with the whole neighborhood this weekend


  • Shocking gutter
  • Seconds away from all cabin wiring being complete
  • Getting ready to fix the rest of my home joist problem


  • Sending another round to the auction

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



Aug 17, 2023

Today we take your questions on trombincino squash, songs, society, building your business, and more.

Featured Event: Self Reliance Festival:

Sponsor 1: The Wealthsteading Podcast:

Sponsor 2: Senior Chief Electric:

Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee


Main content of the show


What is the change you made coming up to this SRF that you think will make the biggest improvement?


Curious if either of you have a reaction (good, bad, or indifferent) to that song "Rich Men North of Richmond." I just heard it for the first time this morning.

From Lettie = What is one topic that has not been done at SRF that you would like to see?

  • Scything
  • Assassination

John: Have you always been the  kind of person who goes your own way without really caring what other people think?

John: If you could not sew anymore, what would you do?


From andrea

  1. How do you store the tromboncino squash? And do I harvest it when it turns yellow? What are ways that you use it in your food?
  2. You talked about harvesting chocolate mint on Monday's show. How much of it do you use to make tea? I have some growing and figured that it would make a great Christmas present but I am not sure how to use it in tea. I am just used to buying the already put together tea.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Aug 14, 2023

It’s time to celebrate! We have had our first million downloads at LFTN. Today we reflect on how we got here and how we want to celebrate!

Featured Event: Oct 28 & 29, Kentucky Sustainable Living Festival

Sponsor 1: Holler Roast Coffee:


Livestream Schedule

🎙️ Tuesday at 12:30 pm - Don't miss the Tuesday Live with Skypirate. Due to the nature of Skypirate’s job, this may get rescheduled. He does important things and they can be unpredictable. This week, we are only streaming to LFTN and SRF on YT due to SOE having gotten a STRIKE! You can also see this stream on Odysee, here: YT:

🎙️Interview shows are BACK! I am interviewing Josh the Renegade Butcher this Wednesday at 4pm. 




🎙️Backwoods Butcher and Renegade Butcher are going HEAD TO HEAD! Join us for an SRF live as we talk about their coming contest!




🎙️ Friday at 10:30 am - Tune in to the Homestead Happenings Show for all things homesteading.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Taught a canning class this weekend and ended up just 2 quarts shy of our 60 quart goal
  • Added 7.5 quarts of tomato sauce, thanks rick
  • Added 5 pints of salsa from the Holler Tomatoes and peppers
  • Greatly reducing the stored commercial foods (like spaghetti sauce), but still keeping some on hand (why)
  • Green Curry Turkey this week

Weekly Shopping Report. 8/7/23

Our first trip on Saturday started with Dollar Tree as usual. The cooler with the Venom I like has been dead long enough that the drinks there are now room temperature. Oh well, I'm not interested in Coke or Pepsi products for caffeine. 

Next we went to Hobby Lobby so Sonia could pick up some art supplies. We had not been there in a while, but I didn't notice any significant changes. The parking lot was mostly full as usual, and Sonia found what she wanted.

We skipped Home Depot today (I figured I'd check online for the 2x4x8 price), so the next and last stop was Aldi. The pad I was keeping in the car to record prices is still in the car; we've got a rental due to the car dying. I looked at the same things, and don't recall any significant changes. I'll grab another pad for next week.

Back home, we realized we forgot the fruit. We also discovered that some ladder supports we had ordered were eunuchs (both missing their nuts), and Sonia also decided she wanted some more of a particular product she bought at Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby isn't open on Sunday, so we took our second trip today. Hobby Lobby was just as busy, and Sonia got what she wanted.

The second stop of the weekend at Home Depot also allowed me to check the price of a 2x4x8. It is back up to $3.25 after being just $2.98 last week. That's still lower than it has been; they're probably still adjusting.

Aldi had the cherries, bananas, and cantaloupe we had forgotten.

A gallon of untainted regular remains at $3.899, but I suspect it is wishful thinking to believe it will stay there.

Frugality Tip

None submitted this week

Operation Independence

  • Seven Series Homestead Starter Pack Product Build Out!

Main topic of the Show: One Million Downloads

I never even gave a thought to having a million downloads when I first started Living Free in Tennessee, especially with only 14 downloads of my second episode. Yet we passed that number a little while ago. 

So the question came up, how do we celebrate?

1,000,000 Downloads Give Away: 

Entering is super easy

  1. share you favorite episode (You can just use the link at my website for that episode)
  2. tag me in it
  3. use #LFTN
  4. fill out the form below to tell me you did it

We started as a creative outlet, became a show, transitioned into a community of doers.

Some People To Talk About

  • Dori
  • Janet Szabo
  • Shawn and Dawn Mills
  • Bryan
  • Autofab
  • Jenni
  • Mark Alexander
  • Jack Spirko
  • Jack's Friend David, aka the Booze Whisperer
  • Patrick from MT Knives
  • John Willis
  • Knighthawk
  • Ford
  • Dawn Ghoram
  • Paul Wheaton and Crew
  • Tactical Redneck
  • Oxy the Savings Ninja
  • Tag and all the MWPP guys
  • Margot
  • Lettie
  • Jessica Dixie Mills
  • PA Prepper
  • Ken and Carmel Eash
  • Leos
  • Chef Brett
  • Matt and Gabby from Homesteading for a living
  • Matt and Ashley
  • Scott from the LIberty Lab
  • Mama Sauce
  • Kerry Brown
  • Billy Bond
  • Rebecca Cunningham
  • Eric Meyers
  • Ryan Steva
  • Renegade Homesteaders
  • John Pugliano
  • Dr. Ken Berry
  • Brent from BBC Inc
  • John Bush
  • Joe shopping report
  • Melissa of honeybees
  • Toolman Tim
  • Brian from Food Forest Farms
  • Porterhouse and Teal
  • John A

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Aug 11, 2023

Best baked wings recipe, funny new "found" livestock and more.

Featured Event: Midwest Preparedness Festival

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2: Harvest Right:  


  • Watercress is back
  • Pawpaws are about three weeks out
  • Creek mint
  • Yard mint
  • Echinacea seed


  • Found Pet Rabbit
  • Strays I have found: cats, dogs, a pig, and this rabbit
  • Moved the boys from the girls (tell the story)
  • Girls are more outgoing without the rams around
  • Feed needs through the seasons


  • Did not get the beet seeds in before I left, hope to today
  • Tomatoes are coming on fast
  • Time to harvest the brussels sprouts - no really this time
  • Fall garden transition
  • Baby ducks are ready to integrate when we are ready to integrate them
  • No egg season is here (Typical timing for ducks)
  • Need a “hard” harvest today
  • There was a peach and we did not know it

Harvest Meals

  • New Wings Recipe

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Steve oversaw the installation of fiber here because they were about 4 hours late
  • Neighbor Pat is back in town the helicopters have also returned
  • Meetup update


  • Gate is in for the chicken area - thank goodness
  • Still working on perimeter fence, a lesson


  • Making salsa from our tomatoes and Rick’s tomatoes he dropped off t the meetup

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



Aug 8, 2023

Today we talk about public policy in the US, what motivates police from an arresting and ticketing standpoint, why girls should do gun training, and more with Dana McLendon and John Willis.

Featured Event: Girl Gun Weekend:

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2: coupon code LFTN

Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee


Main content of the show


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Aug 7, 2023

Today we talk about real estate, AI, community gardens and more with Davian McKnight and John Willis.

Featured Event: Wednesday, August 9 - Meetup in Medford, Oregon at 6 pm. RSVP Online to let me know you will be there. We will meet at 6pm at Bricktown Brewery!

Sponsor 1: John Pugliano and the Wealthsteading Podcast

Sponsor 2:

Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee

Top Notch Community Gardens Youtube

Davian McKnight’s Tiktok: @weightsandrealestate

Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Aug 4, 2023

Today, we talk about surprise baby rabbits, baby ducks in training, garden abundance, food preservation, ruining cheese, and more.

Featured Event: Girl Gun Weekend, Last Chance:


  • Goldenrod
  • Red Clover
  • Paw Paws in about a month
  • Comfrey
  • Mullein flower


  • New baby rabbits
  • Not breeding until september
  • Baby ducks did all ducks go to bed successfully
  • Time to separate the ewes from males
  • Ducks are integrating
  • Sheep have a second grounding rod and the fence shock is improved


  • Tomatoes are coming on
  • Direct seeding fall garden plants (Weather looks favorable)
  • Japanese beetle attack and wood vinegar
  • Observation about which plants got targeted 
  • Last round of summer squash is up - have gotten two zucchini off of 6 plants (SVB)
  • Covered up in cucumbers
  • Peppers starting to come on
  • Trying to root willow - aquaponics works best

Harvest Meals

  • Cheese class yielded ALL THE CHEESE: Chevre, mozzarella, cream cheese, cheese dip
  • Making cheddar after my Oregon trip

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • The stray dog
  • Weekend Meetup


  • The gate to Holler Roost is up
  • Another round of hard fencing is in process
  • Still wiring


  • Hip camp

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Aug 2, 2023

Today we talk about content creation, tools, new ideas, and building your business with Jack Spirko and John Willis.

Featured event:

Sponsor 1: Senior Chief Electric:

Sponsor 2: Harvest Right Freeze Dryers: 

Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee

The Survival Podcast

Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jul 31, 2023

Today, I share the benefits of having completed #75Hard, as well as talk about what life has been like AFTERWARD. We also will have our usual Monday segments on pantry management, the shopping report, a frugality tip, and operation independence.

Featured Event: Earlybird Pricing is Expiring for the Self Reliance Festival. Grab your tickets now.

Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources

Sponsor 2:, Discount Code: LFTN

Email feedback to

Livestream Schedule - Live on Youtube and other places.

  • 🎙️ Today at 4 pm - I'll be live recording the Monday Podcast. Join me for some interesting discussions!
  • 🎙️ Tuesday at 9:30 am - Don't miss the Tuesday Coffee Talk with Jack Spirko and John Willis Show. Grab your coffee and be part of the conversation.
  • 🎙️ Friday at 10:30 am - Tune in to the Homestead Happenings Show for all things homesteading.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Barely keeping up with food preservation projects
  • Using up the meat in the black upright freezer to get ready for fall bovines
  • The tomato trick
  • Tomato Picnic Salad, recipe of the week
  • Harvest Right has a new line of freeze driers:

Weekly Shopping Report, 7/25/23

I can't find the page where I wrote down prices, in any pocket. Fortunately, I don't think anything in Aldi changed.

Our first stop was the recycle center.

We skipped Dollar Tree this week, since I had bought an extra energy drink for my trip, and we didn't need anything else there.

I ran into Home Depot to check the price of a 2x4x8, and it has indeed dropped quite a bit, to $2.98. It has been months if not years since they were under $3.00.

Aldi was last. Looking at last week's staple prices, I don't think anything changed. I did notice definite gaps in the meat coolers. I won't decide anything about that until this weekend though, since we don't normally shop on Tuesdays and this could be when they might have a lull. They also had none of the 70% chocolate I like, but the price tag at its spot had not changed, so I'll just look again this weekend.

A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.899.

Frugality Tip

Hey all. Today's frugality tip is a gardening hack. What I use to tie my plants to stakes and trellis is t-shirt yarn. It moves with the plants and prevents you from tying too tight and ruining your plant babies. 

Take an old Tshirt, lay it flat, and cut strips. I cut off any bottom folded over seam on the shirt and discard. Then cut all the way across the shirt. Take that strip and cut into pieces 3-4" inches long. Then pull those pieces in both directions and they will spring into stretchy "yarn" like ties. 

Double hack, cut a couple of strips off the bottom, then cut the sleeves and neck line off (can use the sleeves to make ties as well) then sew across the bottom of the shirt and you have a stretchy bag you can use for harvesting your veggies, or shopping. 

Operation Independence

  • Freedom Cell and Homesteader’s Alliance Meetup in the Holler, Aug 5
  • Medford Oregon Meetup, Aug 9

Main topic of the Show: Life After #75Hard

What are you going to do to keep your gains after #75hard? What’s next? How is it going now that you are not on #75hard?

All these questions have been pouring in since I finished my 75Hard challenge and I have stayed pretty quiet about it because I just wasn’t sure. I can tell you that my final ten days were the hardest. My body was struggling with the exercise and I had to push through. My morning motivation was crap. I was doing that thing I do when I have done “most” of a thing and do not feel like finishing. 

Which brings me to the lessons learned part of this.

Lesson one: finish

Lesson two: decide

Lesson three: plan

Lesson four: prioritize yourself – and just prioritize the important

Lesson five: no

Lesson six: early starts

Lesson seven: You are the story you tell yourself - i finally dropped below my “stuck weight”

Lesson eight: making old age easier & knowing what you can do

Lesson nine: physical health improves mental health

Lesson ten: our food system is jacked up

So really. What does life look like after #75hard

John willis asked me that and I said I am basically still doing it, just not the water part. He was surprised that was the thing that wrinkles. The delio is sometimes I do not need a gallon, sometimes I need less, sometimes more. Listening to my body seems more important.

  1. Building swimming/workouts/dog walks/pilated/fitness as top priority
  2. Eating clean
  3. Keeping the deadline discipline
  4. No
  5. Looking at doing 75hard type things on a schedule 
  6. Lose another 10-15
  7. Challening myself to swim faster
  8. Working with SHTF Fitness on making more strength and function gains
  9. Marketing consistency, business development, and a big transition at Holler Roast

Social Reminder

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Jul 28, 2023

Today we talk about proper tire selection, the oven turning on, getting ready for fall, and the race to make salsa.

Event: Chicken Processing with Joel Salatin

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Email feedback to

Homesteader Alliance and Freedom Cell Meetup Aug 5 at 4:30 in the Holler


  • Goldenrod
  • Red clover is needing to be picked now
  • Surprise sunflower
  • Root willow cuttings


  • 2 dead baby ducks
  • Egg laying desert
  • Teen ducks found pond
  • Teen ducks are trained to go to bed
  • Chickens are all set
  • Ants


  • Tomatoes are coming on
  • Peppers about to be ready
  • Removed first row of beans
  • Egyptian walking onions seeds
  • Tactical cant identify basil in Nicole’s garden
  • Shade cloth needed
  • Propagating comfrey
  • Fall garden starts in 2 weeks

Homegrown Cooking

  • Ham hock roasted
  • Cucumber Recipe of the week

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Zello and emergencies
  • Hipcamp dog


  • Cabin electrical
  • Fencing 3.0


  • Hipcamp income

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Jul 26, 2023

Today, I am joined by John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and Toolman Tik Cook to talk about building your empire, using social media and YouTube to grow your audience, and more.

Event: Advanced Wound Care with Chuck Peoples

Sponsor 1: John Pugliano of The Wealthsteading Podcast

Sponsor 2: EMP Shield, Coupon Code LFTN

Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee


Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jul 24, 2023

Today, I am going to talk about being ready for first aid needs on the homestead.

Event: Girl Gun Weekend:

Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources:

Sponsor 2:

Homestead Advanced Wound Care Class.

Livestream Schedule:

  • Tuesday 12:30pm CT Live with Toolman Tim Cook: Build Your Empire
  • Thursday 7pm CT Live for SRF
  • Friday 8am CT Homestead Happenings

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • More Green Beans to put up
  • Sioux Vide Venison Roast
  • Drying more mint for winter teas
  • Redoing the prepper pantry since we wont be remodeling it this year
  • Kitchen Remodel Update

Weekly Shopping Report

Our trip was a little abbreviated this week. Not needing anything there, we skipped Home Depot; I figured to check the price of a 2x4x8 online, but it's not clear which product I've been viewing; it might be $3.67, but it may have dropped a lot, to $2.98. I'll have to actually go inside next time.

The first stop, as usual, was Dollar Tree. No big changes were evident. The shelves all look pretty well stocked, although there is some duplication.

Aldi was next and last. We found everything we wanted, which for some reason was a short list this week; perhaps because the garden is producing. 

Some staple prices are:

Eggs, $1.12; milk: $2.92; heavy cream: $4.69; butter: $3.19; bacon: $3.99; flour: $2.19; sugar (jumped): $3.09. 

Hearing of shortages, I expected to see the 70% chocolate I like going up, but it is still $1.99 (I don't think it has ever changed that I remember); and OJ is $3.19 (that's at least a quart, but I need to recheck to be sure; it's a large glass bottle).

Untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.899/gallon.

Frugality Tip: Nothing in this week

Operation Independence

  • Around 8 jars of green beans added for “free” this week 

Main topic of the Show: First Aid on the Homestead

Why it is important: Often the hospital is far away, things go wrong on the homestead quickly. It becomes up to you to handle things.

  • Chuck People's Class at SRF on Wound Care got me thinking
  • Clean, Covered to protect from dirt, Observe
  • The Zello Message
  • What we did: Pressure, Cleaning, Etc – but the hair
  • Sewing scissors (Have a sharp pair of scissors on hand)

Butterfly, steri strips, etc, Good quality clippers

  • Some things to audit:
    • Bandages, supplies, guaze etc
    • Bentadine vs alcohol
    • Stop Bleed, Wound Care, Signs of a concussion, etc
    • Ointments and meds
    • Organization - we moved things around and did not communicate well about it (oops)
    • COMMS

Turns out the animal first aid kit was more together for today’s incident than my generalist human one so that got used.

What to do to prepare

  • Stop the bleed class
  • Wound care class
  • Learn how to handle snake bites and bee stings gone wrong
  • Learn about dealing with illness and herbal remedies

Homesteading can look like all baby goats and garden abundance, but it is a very physical lifestyle. This means that you are exposed to getting hurt, and responsible one it does happen.

Membership Plug

MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jul 21, 2023

Today we talk about the overall gardening season


Featured event: Foraging Walk by Kerry Brown

On Saturday August 12th, around 10 am at Solomon Park in Wartburg, TN I'll be holding a foraging walk as a guest of the Morgan County, TN Homesteaders Group. They have a group on Facebook if you search that particular title. Location: Wartburg Civic Center- Solomon Park 132 Carter Street Wartburg, TN 37887

Sponsor 1: John Pugliano of The Wealthsteading Podcast

Sponsor 2:



  • Wine berries

  • Watercress is coming back

  • Mint is all over the place

  • Yarrow



  • Trapped!

  • Baby ducks got free

  • Compost area is built for chickens

  • Rabbits are moving to grass next week - took us a long time to get that set up because of sheep being added (talk about adding too much at once)

  • Separating the boys from the girls (why)



  • Overall season update

  • Last seeding of summer things and rotation into fall

  • Processing garlic

  • More on the onion harvest

  • Green beans and shade cloth


Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Update on Jenni

  • Meat curing class



  • Rain assists with analyzing hydrology of the land

  • Solar and power outages



  • $15 for 16 jars of homemade relish


Membership Plug


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!



Advisory Board



Jul 17, 2023

Today, we talk about learning new things and how that fits in with a happy and productive life. I also highlight a new side hustle that one of our community has launched, and review the results of a recent survey that came from the weekly mail.

Have you signed up for the weekly mail? Do so here.

Featured Event: Early Bird Prices are about to be a thing of the past for Self Reliance Festival

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Livestream Schedule

  • Tuesday Live with Davian McNight, 2:30 PM Central
  • Friday Homestead Happenings, 10:30 Central Time 

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Getting ready for the canning webinar: Bone in chicken
  • Failed to notice a rotting butternut squash “What’s that smell?”
  • Spicy Pickle relish (thoughts on condiments)
  • Return of the Dinner for One concept
  • Quick Cube Steak Recipe
  • Send me pictures of 4% vinegar if you find them at your store (And how to react to information like that)

Side Hustle Feature: BovineBits

Operation Independence

  • New Round of Items for Auction
  • Chicken Composting System is Beginning to Work
  • Holler Roast Update

Main topic of the Show: Learn New Things or Die

Evocative headline, no?

They say if you are not growing, you are failing in business - the same goes for building your life. If you are not learning something new, you are dying.

  • 75hard, one more day (LEARN new things)
  • Spinning Wheel Community Story
  • Setting it up: attempt | Learning | Attempt | Learning | ATTEMPT | jury rigged part filed | Ordered new part
    • Youtube university
    • Revisited the drop spindle
  • So now yall are going to her for the next few months all about me learning how to spin wool - and this is a good thing
  • Chicken Processing Story (LEARN new things)
  • When things become habitual they seem easy, yet for a first timer, they can be quite hard
  • Are you cruising right now? Or pushing yourself?
  • LEARN new things
  • What is that one thing you have been avoiding because you do not know how to do it? (LEARN new things)

Weekly Mail Survey Results:

  • Community Update, Events, Recipes and Tips (Avoiding the greater reset)

Social connection: Medford Oregon Meetup on August 9 - RSVP Here.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jul 14, 2023

Today we give a midsummer update on the homestead, talk about community, and celebrate some things that have made life a little easier this year.

Featured event: Pressure Canning Class Wednesday at 5pm Central

LAST CALL: Paul Wheaton’s Permaculture Adventure Bundle, $35

Holler Roost Plans on Etsy

Rainy year is good

Schedule based on weather: Early morning, midday break, later afternoon (Lots of breaks)


  • Paw paw update
  • Red clover, mullein, echinacea, chocolate mint
  • Creek mint
  • Lambs quarter (final round)
  • Mullain seed
  • Elderberries acting differently this year
  • Yarrow 


  • Baby rabbits
  • Feeding dogs raw is a challenge
  • 8 baby ducks - all girls again
  • Go to bed training
  • Working with automation and the chickens
  • Sheep pregnancy assessment
  • Getting ready to move boys to my place
  • Goat is foraging


  • Tomato blight experiment
  • T has pet projects for food
  • Reset mottled shade bed for thorny berries
  • Green beans are banging
  • 1st zucchini
  • Brussels sprouts still not ready (Under seeding with squash)
  • Beets sucked this year
  • Onion update
  • Potato update
  • Chard is a perfect balance
  • Cucumber update: volunteer versus planted
  • Malabar spinach and forever spinach doing well
  • Pigs planted squash

Holler Neighbors/Community

  • Holler Neighbor Dinner
  • Spinning Wheel Story


  • Maintain or make forward progress when Nicole is gone, hammering hard when Nicole is here
  • Disturbing ground so that things can grow back before winter
  • Collecting supplies for a subpanel project for the solar system
  • Setting plans for a mini solar system for the main house that will run the oven and some lights
  • 4wd 4 wheeler, game changer


  • No new income at the moment

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Jul 12, 2023

Today we talk about what an economic crash looks like, discuss if we are in the midst of one, and explore what you can do to navigate the current economy with Jack Spirko and John Willis.

Featured Event: Self Reliance Festival in Camden, OCT 14-15

Sponsor 1: Paul Wheaton

Permaculture Adventure Bundle

Paul Wheaton and our friends at are offering a limited-time Permaculture Adventure Bundle that can kickstart your journey into natural building and homesteading. This fantastic offer has the potential to turn your summer into an educational tsunami. It's available at an unbeatable price of $35 through Friday.

Link to Product:

Link to Blog Post:

Sponsor 2:

Matthew Sercely at Agorist Tax Advice offers a free consultation to LFTN listeners so that you can find out if working with him to structure your finances, track tax write offs, and understand any risks associated with taking them can put more of YOUR money in YOUR pocket. He has broad experience in real estate, end of life planning, rentals, business taxes and more.

Find out more at

Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee

The Survival Podcast

Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




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