Join me as we explore what seven years of podcasting has taught me about getting started, gear, monetizing and more.
Featured Event: Self Reliance Festival:
Sponsor 1: The Wealthsteading Podcast:
Sponsor 2: Senior Chief Electric:
Livestream Schedule:
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Frugality Tip: Cherry Pitter
DIY Quick, inexpensive, easy way to pit cherries!
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: Lessons from 7 Years of Podcasting
From Micah
How about podcasting?
Equipment, guest form, interview tips, how it fits in with a business, how it incorporates with other areas of life, etc.
Software, workflow
Podcast lessons:
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Episode 765: Happy Independence Day with Tag and John Willis
Today we talk about exiting the system, increasing personal freedom, building community, off grid living and freedom with Tag and John Willis.
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
FreeSteading Group:
Mewe Group:
Telegram Group:
Twitter: @nicolesauce
IG: @nicolesauce
Today we talk about the heat of summer, interesting new forge things I have discovered here, chicken nuggets, baby ducklings, and processing garlic.
Featured Event: Sunday at 4pm Central, A live Auction for Jenni
Livestream Link:
Come tell your Jenni Story:
Heat and livestock on the homestead: A brainstorm.
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today we talk about we talk about one of the most important things you can do to opt out of having your life lived for you, and beginning to build the life you choose yon your terms: Decide.
Livestream Schedule
Featured Event: Permaculture Technology Jambouree starts next week and you can still BOGO!
(Spokane Meetup July 6)
Sponsor 1: The Wealthsteading Podcast:
Sponsor 2:
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Weekly Shopping Report from Joe
We made our usual three stops this Saturday, however I have added some more useful information I hope to continue.
Dollar Tree was first. They are well-stocked, although the coolers are filled with mostly name-brand drinks, not the ones I prefer. Oh well. I think they may have hired another person, as the lone woman at the registers was able to call for assistance when her line got long.
Home Depot was next. A 2x4x8 remains at $3.35. It's rather a shame we didn't need any lumber, as the cull cart had a lot of good long pieces on it. The battery carrels up front remain mostly full, although there's very little lithium AA or AAA; I think just some 2-packs.
Aldi was last. Here, I've added some staple prices, and will try to update them:
Milk: $3.06
Eggs: $1.23 (up a little)
Heavy cream (32 oz): $4.69
All-purpose flour: $2.19
Sugar (4 lbs): $2.68
Butter (1 lb): $3.18
We found everything we wanted except pepitas (hulled pumpkin seeds, which I've been having as a snack at work). I did find out that the one muzzled clerk is not waiting for bite training, but is the primary caregiver for her Mom, a cancer survivor; she would therefor likely be muzzled anyway.
A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.899.
Frugality Tip
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: Decide
I’ve got a newsflash for you: Not deciding is deciding. Usually this doest get you where you want to be.
What does it mean to decide
Shiny object syndrome and deciding
You stand at a crossroad each day where your first decision is this: Do you want to be better, or do you want to keep your unhealthy identity? (the Alcoholic example) Will you put on your oxygen mask first then help others, or will you bury yourself in indecision to mute the pain of knowing you did not decide, and therefore things were decided for you.
Living the life that others chose for you - vs living your life starts each morning (Job story) - boils down to one thing: Decide. Decide to do something. Decide you will never do something. Decide to let go of the crap. Decide you want to be crap. Decide to grow. Decide no. J
Just go out and decide - because when you decide, you change the metric by which your minutes, hours and days are measured. You bring it back to the things you can control. And you stop stagnating in apathy.
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we talk about the busy season of the homestead, canning update, garden abundance, weeds, chicken graduation weekend and more.
Featured event: October Chicken Processing with Joel Salatin, Oct 16
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Episode 761 - You Need To Fire Someone
When you are making lots of policies, you need to fire someone, and other words of wisdom.
Featured event: The Homestead Starter Pack, a 7-week course:
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Livestream Schedule
No Tuesday Live
Thursday 7pm SRF Live
Friday at 10:30am CT - Homestead Happenings
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Chicken Workshop Prep
Chili and Smoked pork enchiladas
Redoing the shelving in the prepper pantry
Operation Independence
Thank you to the community
Main topic of the Show: You Need To Fire Someone
When you are making lots of policies, you need to fire someone.
Call people back. (on their terms)
If you are having trouble focusing go work out.
Anyone can die at any time: Embrace that.
Membership Plug
MeWe reminder
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Follow me on Nostr: npub1u2vu695j5wfnxsxpwpth2jnzwxx5fat7vc63eth07dez9arnrezsdeafsv
Mewe Group:
Telegram Group:
Consistency wins over skill in the long run.
Invest time in what matters, not in endless distractions.
Not my monkeys, not my circus - and none of my business.
Pushing through no matter what, matters. So does prioritizing yourself.
OToday I welcome Shawm Mills from Hack My Homestead to talk about the Holler Homestead solar project as well as talk about how to approach off grid planning in a big picture way, with goals in mind.
Featured Event: Self Reliance Festival
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Shawn Mills, founder of Hack My Homestead has been active in our network for over six years. His Mission is to help fellow homesteaders by providing practical and accessible ideas with easy to follow instructions.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today, we will cover our usual Monday segments and discuss the connection between Mind and Body.
Featured Event: Chicken Processing:
Sponsor 1: The Wealthsteading Podcast:
Sponsor 2: Senior Chief Electric:
DONT MISS OUT on the seven skill Homestead Starter Pack bundle of online classes! LFTN Members, you know what to do.
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we talk about newest forage in the Holler, injuries and homesteading, and garden success.
Featured Event: Featured Event: Chicken Processing:
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Holler Neighbors/Community
Homesteading Starter Kit Starts June 14, 2023, members, you know what to do.
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today I welcome Jason Sparks and Jake Snyder from Kentucky Sustainable Living to talk about how their community grew in just three years, what it takes to be a homesteader, and how to get a regional festival up and running.
Featured Event: Kentucky Sustainable Living Festival
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
Kentucky Sustainable Living Festival
Main content of the show
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today we talk about the abuses of the foster system in the US, how men are treated in family court, starting and growing your business and we take listener questions with Jack Spirko and John Willis.
Featured Event: Self Reliance Festival:
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Connect With Us
GoFundMe for Jenni's Cancer
Events Cited in our Discussion
* June 17 Chainsaw Event at SOE
* July 20 15th anniversary event for TSP in Dallas
* June 24 Sixth Annual Poultry Processing in the Holler (1 hour east of Nashville):
* October 14-15: Self Reliance Festival at SOE:
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today, I talk about when to train to your weakness, rather than outsource to it because I just took Fighting Pistol at Tactical Response in Camden, Tn and was blown away with how much I was able to learn in just two days.
We'll dive into the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches, so you can make informed decisions for your personal growth.
Featured Event: Chicken Processing:
Sponsor 1: The Wealthsteading Podcast:
Sponsor 2: Senior Chief Electric:
Fighting Pistol:
Livestream Schedule
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Weekly Shopping Report from Joe 05/28/2023
We only made two stops this weekend, skipping Home Depot. Not to worry, the online price of a 2x4x8 is still $3.35. The tag's been missing anyway the last few weeks so I've had to look it up anyway. While I need to re-organize some tools, I don't need to buy any more!
Dollar Tree was the usual first stop. We almost always find some small useful things there. The food coolers in the back are well-stocked. Some of the selections have changed in the drink coolers, but they're also pretty full now. We were behind someone in line who bought a lot of groceries, so that's certainly still possible. Some things will be cheaper elsewhere, so be careful of that, especially on cans of veggies.
Aldi was our final stop. Eggs have continued to drop, now at $1.62/dozen. Since I have read of impending shortages of coffee, Sonia grabbed an extra jar of both normal and joyless coffee (she'll drink one or the other, depending on time of day; now that the weather is warm, I have not been drinking coffee). We found everything else we wanted, including canned cat food.
A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.999/gallon. The stuff corrupted by ethanol is considerably cheaper.
Frugality Tip from Margo
Here's a little tip on your journey to self reliance. Figure out how to make things that you want. At the LFTN Workshop I saw a really cool leather holder for a multi tool, pen, and flashlight. So he took it off and I traced it on a piece of paper to get a general idea of size. While I don't have a "pattern" done yet, I made one. It's pretty darn cool, if I do say so myself. Also I didn't have large pieces of leather laying around, but I did have an old purse I haven't used in a year or so, so I cut that up and repurposed it. So this cost me a conversation with a man that had something I really liked, and some time. You can do whatever you put your mind to, you just have to try. And sometimes (as in this case) try again. This was my third attempt. So go make something!
Operation Independence
Rejiggering the big picture construction plan for the Holler Homestead to integrate a spa pool long term. Have not figured out how to make it happen but I am working on the plan.
Sheep money paid for flea meds for the LGDs for the year.
Main topic of the Show: Train to Your Weakness
You know how they say hire to your weakness? That is great advice, but it does not cover when you should address a weakness you have through learning to be stronger in that area.
So here are some thoughts on the when and why of training to your weaknesses.
Understanding Your Weaknesses and Strengths
Why Train to Improve Weaknesses
The Art of Outsourcing Weaknesses
Find Balance
Stay tuned for future episodes where we'll continue to explore topics aimed at helping you cultivate a growth mindset and unlock your full potential.
Connect with our networks!
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Join me for an early summer update about what is happening on the Homestead. Chicken processing class is coming soon, more babies than we know what to do with, garden update, dry weather and more.
Featured Event: John Willis’ Chainsaw Event, June 17 in Camden, TN
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2: AgoristTaxAdvice.comm
Harvest Meals
Holler Neighbors/Community
Thoughts on the busy season and keeping sanity.
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today we talk about making money, starting your business, the debt ceiling and more with John Pugliano of the Wealthsteading Podcast and John Willis of Special Operations Equipment.
Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival, October 14-15 in Camden, TN
Today’s Sponsors:
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we talk about how the dual bird incubation project went, our first dry spell of spring, and getting ready for food preservation season at the Holler Homestead.
Featured Event: The LFTN 7th Annual Chicken Processing Class
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:, Coupon code: LFTN
Harvest meals
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today we talk about building from a small side hustle to a full time business with Kerry Brown of Strong Roots Resources and John Willis of Special Operations Equipment.
Featured Event: The SMART Homesteading Webinar, $45
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we have an interview with a former colleague of mine, Mark Johnson. Mark has just purchased land to develop into a retreat for veterans in Sparta, Tennessee. Where there is a will there is a way!
Featured Event:
Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources,
Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
@LibertyOakOasis -- Insta
Main content of the show
Former interwebs political consultant. Photographer. Historian at heart. Nine year Army National Guard Veteran. Former Blog Talk Radio host covering Illinois Politics. Married to Vicki who is a nurse of 33 years. Proud West Highland White Terrier Owner: Named Willow. Relocating to TN to escape Illinois and create a retreat space for Veterans and Ministry leaders struggling with life issues.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today is a homestead happenings show and I have NO IDEA what will happen because the Tactical Redneck is hijacking my show.
Featured Event: Wild Edible Walk with Kerry Brown in Lenoir City, TN
Saturday, May 20th 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, rsvp to
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Make it a Great Week!
Today, Niti Bali and I catch up with a nice, afternoon chat. It has been some months since we last had a conversation and this one was great!
Featured Event: Chicken Processing Workshop at LFTN, June 24, 2023 in Lancaster, TN
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:, Coupon Code: LFTN
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Niti Bali is the Founder and CEO of Farm to Fork Meat Riot, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization serving as a catalyst for reestablishing the regenerative small family farm food system. Her strategically designed CSA program educates eaters to harness the power of life giving force through regenerative foods. Niti’s Farm to Fork Meat Riot CSA simultaneously supports regenerative livestock production based on consumption that results in a zero-waste system.
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
What happens when you get John Willis, Joel Salatin and Nicole Sauce together? We have a conversation about heritage skills, the economic fragility of the US, developing community, knowing your neighbors, and growing clean food.
Featured Event: Mike Shelby’s Surveillance Event in Nashville, TN, June 2-4, 2023, $500
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
Get Tickets for The Self Reliance Festival
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
How has my homegrown cooking world been with an on site freeze dryer? Join me today as I talk about that and all our usual Monday topics!
Featured Event: Exit and Build Land Summit,
Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources,
Sponsor 2:
Harvet Right Affiliate Link:
Livestream Schedule
Join John Willis and I as we talk with Joel Salatin about the state of the world, building resilience into your lives, permaculture and more.
12:30 Central:
Hijacked by a redneck! Tactical Redneck grabs my channel for our weekly Homestead Happenings update at 10:30 Central.
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Weekly Shopping Report, May 13
Dollar Tree was first. They've added a couple of cases of Monster to the rear drink coolers. In addition to my usual caffeine-delivery mechanism, I noted a decent stock of plastics while picking up a few other items. The food aisles seemed a little less haphazard, and there were a couple of people in there stocking shelves. The health aisle had a lot more stuff on it.
Next was Home Depot. There was no tag on the stacks of 2x4x8 studs, so I looked online and found the price still at $3.35.
Last on this trip was Aldi. We found everything we wanted. Eggs are down another dime, to $1.87. Whole milk was $3.50/gallon
I did notice that people were friendly with no one seeming tense or worried. I think I only saw one muzzled sheep, during the second trip. Untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.999/gallon.
Frugality Tip from Margot
Hey all. I'm going to tell you to spend some money. But this is a frugality tip....yes it is. Sometimes you need to spend money to get something of value. We just got back from our first LFTN workshop and the ticket price was well worth the value we received. The price of the ticket can not buy the connections we made. The bonus was all of the things we learned. If you feel like you can't afford a ticket to a workshop, grab a can, and everytime you break, let's say a $20, put the change in a jar. Before you know it you will be able to "afford" things you didn't think you could. I can not stress how important community is, and without going to workshops that follow your interests, you will not find your most important community members. (You have almost a year to save up for the next LFTN)
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: Homegrown Cooking with a Freeze Dryer
Why I got a freeze dryer (originally)
What I learned getting started
Frequency of using the machine year one versus now
Is it worth it?
There is a webinar on getting started in the membership portal for those who decide to get one this year. A word on Harvest Right and customer support. (Keep calling)
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Join me for a discussion of what to do to catch up on your spring gardening, exciting spring forage, update on the incubation project.
Featured Event: June 24 Poultry Processing Workshop at the Holler Homestead
Sponsor number 1: - PTJ, BOGO
Sponsor number 2: EMP Shield, Use coupon code LFTN for 25% off
Harvest meals
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today, we get real about handling existential crisis, homesteading, proofing yeast, and more. Amy Dingmann and Nicole Sauce do not hold back the spice when we get together.
Featured Event:, May 13 in Chattanooga Area
Today’s Sponsor 1:
Today’s Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Mewe Group:
Telegram Group:
Advisory Board
Samantha the Savings Ninja
Today, I share some lessons learned after one week of the #75Hard challenge.
Featured Event: May 27 & 28 Fighting Pistol Class at Tactical Response in Camden, TN
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2: LFTN Chicken Processing Workshop, June 24, 2023
Main topic of the Show:
You have until you go to sleep to complete the day.
If you fail, you MUST start over on Day 1.
Join me? #LFTNChallenge
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we talk about military fitness test degradation, solar and resilience, greenhouse heating ideas, and methane producing digesters Jack Spirko and John Willis.
Featured Event: Paul Wheaton’s Permaculture Technology Jamboree, July 3-14
Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources (
Sponsor 2: Radio Made Easy, Zero to Hero with Ham Radio
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Exit and Build Land Summit
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.