Every Year, we host the LFTN Spring Workshop and folks wonder why should they invest three days of their time in something that souls like one big camping party? And each year, I watch people’s lives change. I watch the lights turn on. The decisions get made. I see super shy people stand up in front of a group and speak into a microphone. And each year, there is a different “spirit” at the event.
Today, we will talk about the cool things that happened at #LFTN23, the breakthroughs and lessons learned and I post a question - What Are You Doing Next.
Featured Event: Exit and Build Land Summit
Content includes, exiting the healthcare system, exiting the cities, how to raise money for land when you think you can’t, seed saving and food preservation, PMAs and more.
Sponsor 1: AgoristTaxAdvice.com/LFTN
Sponsor 2: HollerRoast.com
Livestream Schedule
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Frugality Tip from Janet
Save slivers of soap and make my own hand soap every couple of months. I add the slivers to a grated bar of Dr Bronners.
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: What Are You Doing Next?
The LFTN Spring Workshop always ends with exhaustion of a kind that is difficult to describe because I always feel both empowered, motivated and ready for a long nap. Each year, I am not quite sure what the BIG THING is that came from the workshop and yet, each year something does.
In 2020, we realized that grow is a state of mind, not state of the economy. It is your choice.
In 2021, we realized that our connections are already the foundation for a parallel society - as in we already have one.
In 2022, we realized that we are the people with normal relationships and the unhealthy anchors in the “real world” must be tossed off
So what is next?
The phrase that is beating through my head today as I prepare the show notes is What Are You Doing Next?
It reminds me of the day my roaster caught on fire… <John Willis Story>
How does this relate to #LFTN23
Get off your ass
“I dont want to leave - also I CANT WAIT to get home and start some things.
And the whole time I was kicking around doing 75hard, and talked to a participant about it - turns out she has tried twice,
The shift was to How Can I
It wasnt the fellowship, the hijinks, the rum tasting, the torrential rains help at bay by Tajmaholler.
We didn’t care - we asked what next?
It wasn’t the fabulous food from right here, or the build your niche business presentation, or dog bite demo – we asked what can we do?
It wasn’t the quiet morning coffee because we had late sleeps, or the roasted pig, or the wild edible walk, we asked what do I want to build – then we turned to someone close to us and talked about it.
New connections
Better ideas
A fire lit under our butts
So, in the words of John Willis, I ask: What Are You Doing Next? I am doing 75Hard to increase my mental discipline – and whatever else it brings.
What are you doing today, tomorrow, next week? What thing are you ready to tackle? What do you want to build?
Really, I ask you – What are you doing next?
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today, I share the story of WHY I moved from Oregon to Tennessee and talk about a few other things on this short form variety show.
Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival in Camden, TN - SelfRelianceFestival.comToday’s Sponsor: StrongRootsResources.com
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Join me for a homestead happening episode, including a discussion about how some folks in Chattanooga have set up a PMA to BE THE AGORA! What does that have to do with homesteading? You will find out.
Featured Event: theAgorafest.com
Today’s Sponsor: AgoristTaxAdvice.com
Harvest Eating
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today John Willis and I welcome Porterhouse of Porterhouse and Teal to talk about his struggles with Youtube monetization, forest fires, trolls and homesteading.
Featured Event: Oct 12-13 Zero to Hero Ham Radio Training by Radio Made Easy
Today’s Sponsor: The Homestead Consultant
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
FreeSteading Group: https://freesteading.com/groups/living-free-in-tennessee/
Mewe Group: https://mewe.com/join/lftn
Telegram Group: https://t.me/LFTNGroup
Twitter: @nicolesauce
IG: @nicolesauce
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LivingFreeInTN
Today I am joined by Rebecca and John Bush to talk about their journey from poverty to prosperity and how they have used their experiences to create a vast network of people ready to exit the cities and build homestead communities in the country.
Featured Event: Exit and Build Land Summit, May 18-21 in Bastrop, Texas
Today’s Sponsor: DiscountMylarBags.com
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Rebecca and John Bush built their life from tiny home, city living to a 10 acre homestead in Bastrop Texas with grit, determination, work and love of community. They founded and run the Exit and Build Land Summit in Bastrop, Texas and connect thousands of people with practical skills through The Live Free Academy.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Mewe Group: https://mewe.com/join/lftn
Telegram Group: https://t.me/LFTNGroup
Advisory Board
Samantha the Savings Ninja
Today we have a collection of questions from you, the listeners, mainly on early spring topics and the Holler Roost project completed by Steve Eversole. This is a combination of two questions and answers sessions with Holler Neighbors.Featured Event:
Wild Edible Walk
Lenoir City, TN
Saturday, May 20th
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
RSVP to: strongrootsresources@gmail.com
Today’s Sponsor: FreeSteading.com
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today, I am joined by Thecia Ellis to discuss how persistence has taken her from the brink of bankruptcy to a developing homestead.
Featured Event: The 2023 Health Expo hosted by Barron County Patriots on May 6 in Chetek, WIToday’s Sponsor: The Homestead Consultant
Show Resources
This Grandma's Life Podcast
Farm Animal Life
Etsy Shop
Main content of the show
Thecia Ellis is a grandmother of three that has settled in NE Oklahoma after a lifetime of moving around Oklahoma, Alaska, Texas and Southern California with a very short move to Venezuela as a toddler.
She and her husband own 26 acres of the 40 acre plot of a reclaimed coal pit. After her husband became severely depressed that morphed into bi-polar depression, their lives slid backward for several years nearly losing everything.
Through sheer stubbornness and persistence, Thecia is slowly clawing their way forward again and even has begun to enjoy the journey.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today, I am joined by Ryan Steve of TheHomesteadConsultant.com to discuss how critical thinking is done and why it is important to sharpen this skill.
Featured Event: Paul Wheaton’s PTJ Event in Missoula, MT
Today’s Sponsor: DiscountMylarBags.com
Show Resources
Main content of the show
I grew up in rural Wisconsin with lots of room to roam, experiment and explore. I was home schooled before it was cool. After a departure from the corporate world, I now make my living as a home inspector and homesteading consultant. I love to innovate solutions and I am passionate about building soil, building community and building better, more resilient food systems.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today I talk with Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast about - well - everything!
Featured Event: The Exit and Build Land Summit, May 18-21 in Bastrop, TX
Today’s Sponsor: Agorist Tax Advice: AgoristTaxAdvice.com
Show Resources
Jack Spirko and I hopped on a two hour livestream to field a bunch of questions from gardening, to ammo, to storing fuel. Enjoy
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we talk about spring not coming on the homestead, cats, and life priorities with Amy Dingmann from A Farmish Kind of Life on our monthly Spicy Sisters show.
Talk about the week’s schedule.
Featured Event: The Midwest Preparedness Project, April 26-28
Today’s Sponsor: Strong Roots Resources
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today we talk about the duck egg incubation experiment, another coming frost risk as predicted, pre planning for healthy meals, rabbit procrastination.
Featured Event:
Wild Edible Walk
Lenoir City, TN
Saturday, May 20th
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
RSVP to: strongrootsresources@gmail.com
Today’s Sponsor: TheHomesteadConsultant.com
Show Reosources
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Join me for a discussion with Toby Truman of Discount Mylar Bags about how he grew his business on Amazon, ran into roadblocks, and ultimately shifted focus beyond the Amazon community. Lots of lessons learned in this show today!
Featured Event: The Midwest Preparedness Project, April 26-28
Today's Sponsor: Discount Mylar Bags
We are pleased to welcome a new sponsor today! I thought it would be fitting to announce this sponsor the same day we speak with its founder. Discount Mylar Bags has been providing quality mylar solutions and other packaging for over a decade, as well as linking folks up with food preservation systems such as the Harvest Right Freeze Dryer and more! A family run business, DMB loves its customers and they operate out of Tennessee. in fact, early on in Holler Roast's live, Toby from DMB reached out to me to offer to connect me with coffee packaging at a high volume rate, but without having to store 50,000 bags in the Holler. For five years, we have exclusively sourced the Holler Roast bags from DMB.
It is without hesitation that I welcome Discount Mylar Bags to our sponsorship rolls! Find out more at DiscountMylarBags.com.
Main content:
What makes someone want to sell Mylar bags for a living? What were you doing before that?
What were your goals for the business starting out?
How much did it cost to start your business?
Have you had any other side hustles?
Now that you’re ‘retired’ at 52, what does your life look like?
What do you attribute your success to?
What do you want us to know about your products or company?
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we talk about building your niche business with Joel Ryals and John Willis.
Featured Event: Exit and Build Land Summit, May 18-22, Bastrop Texas (Near Austin)
Today’s Sponsor: AgoristTaxAdvice.com
Agorist Tax Advice. Do you want to give Uncle Sam fewer of your hard-earned dollars? Do you wonder if the time has come to set up your LLC? Are you confused about what kind of business to establish? Are you wanting to pass along wealth you have built to your kids, but not sure the best way to do that?
Matthew Sercely of Agorist Tax Advice can help you make sense of all the options, understand how to stay on top of tracking write-offs, and see new ways of organizing your finances so that you keep more of the money you earn in your pockets.
Matthew has a broad knowledge of business finance, real estate and rentals, end of life planning and more which means that he can help you find legal tax loopholes and understand risks.
Head on over to AgoristTaxAdvice.com/lftn to sign up for a free consultation.
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
We go through winter and it seems to linger on. We start our seedlings inside and they want to be set out, but the nights are oft too cold. Then the switch gets thrown and animals are born, seeds and plants must go in the ground. Somehow at this same time, we discover broken waterers, or spring cleaning needs. And the morels call loudly from the forest hiking trails.
How do you handle the spring rush? I will share some of our strategies.
Featured Event & Today’s Sponsor:
Paul Wheaton’s Permaculture Technology Jambouree, July 3-14 in Boseman, MT
Paul Wheaton is extending a once in a lifetime deal for his Permaculture Technology Jamboree this summer. When you buy your ticket before Tuesday April 18th at 2pm MT, you can get a ticket for your friend absolutely free. Don’t miss out on the Buddy Bonanza, buy your ticket today:
Livestream Schedule
Tuesday Live with Joel Ryals, 12:30 pm
Wednesday Interview Show with Toby Truman of Discount Mylar Bags, 1pm
Friday Homestead Happenings, 10:30 AM
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
1 freezer down, three to go!
Reassembled the prepper pantry post construction
Use it up list!
Workshop Temporary Food Shelving (Why we are trying this)
Easy steaks and chops this week
Started feta cheese
Weekly Shopping Report
Could not find one this week
Frugality Tip: Reusing ribbons from Janet
I save all kinds of ribbons. I have been known to save ribbons from gifts at baby showers I attend because I cannot bear to see them tossed. I also save narrow strips of fabric for tying up tomatoes.
Operation Independence
Spring Garage Sale and Purge on the Homestead! (Check the post on mewe)
The tyre fund
Main topic of the Show: Handling the Spring Frenzy
Story of my first spring as a homesteader, the chickens, the plants, the weather
Spring Frenzy is Upon Us
Fast growing chicks and their unique trait this go around
Food forest maintenance
Baby Bunnies
Pregnant sheep
Aquaponics and hydro systems
New humanure
Organizing the canning and preserving system
Bird in the cabinet I want to get rid of
Firewood needed
Incubating ducklings
New egg business
Strawberries and the need for red rocks
Monthly speaking engagements
Wild edible bonanza season
Upshot: each time something breaks it is a HUGE DEAL that results in a family meeting…
Step 1: Reset
Step 2: Identify the critical bottle necks - tag team their elimination (The dryer story)
Step 3: remember why we do this (sitting in the sun with Cycy)
Step 3: Align on priorities: keep alive, future keeping alive, all the rest – also ALL THE REST
Step 4: Bring in help
Step 5: Prioritize self (Vitamins, walks, rest)
This all requires siloing for me – and I know that in another month and a half it will be over. The tempting thing at that point is to just keep pushing more and more things onto my plate. But this is a trap that leads to a frenetic fall - so remember == all the things you start this spring also have a time when they finish and require processing, preserving, selling, etc. Choose wisely, remember your goal, and take time to enjoy the spring.
How do you handle the Spring Frenzy?
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Mewe Group: https://mewe.com/join/lftn
Telegram Group: https://t.me/LFTNGroup
Advisory Board
Samantha the Savings Ninja
Today we update you on the things going on this spring at the Holler Homestead including new life, loss of life, foraged plants and more.
Featured Event: Saturday, 2pm --- BOGO Deal for the Permaculture Technology Jambouree!! https://wheaton-labs.com/permaculture-tech/?f=496
Paul Wheaton is extending a once in a lifetime deal for his Permaculture Technology Jamboree this summer. When you buy your ticket before Tuesday April 18th at 2pm MT, you can get a ticket for your friend absolutely free. Don’t miss out on the Buddy Bonanza, buy your ticket today: https://wheaton-labs.com/permaculture-tech/?f=496
Today’s sponsor: Strong Roots resources
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Every Friday, we record our Homestead Happenings update, followed by a questions and answers session. Today’s podcast is the questions and answers session from yesterday’s podcast. We cover: rat poison, sheep, \
Today’s Sponsor:
Agorist Tax Advice
Featured Event: April 27-29 Spring Workshop in Lancaster, TN
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Mewe Group: https://mewe.com/join/lftn
Telegram Group: https://t.me/LFTNGroup
Advisory Board
Samantha the Savings Ninja
Today, I share thoughts about how important it is to pivot when things come up.
Featured event: June 24 Chicken Processing Workshop in Lancaster, TN
Today’s Sponsor: The Homestead Consultant, TheHomesteadConsultant.com
LFTN listeners get a special offer of a free 20 minute initial phone consultation. Just send an email with the subject LFTN Consult to TheHomesteadConsultant@gmail.com with a brief description of the homesteading topic you would like to discuss and we will respond to you with available time slots.
Main topic of the Show: A Freestyle Discussion
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Mewe Group: https://mewe.com/join/lftn
Telegram Group: https://t.me/LFTNGroup
Advisory Board
Samantha the Savings Ninja
Join me for an update on how the Word of The Year is going, and what I have learned about the Break in Breakthrough. We will cover all the usual segments for a Monday show as well.
A word on the guest form: https://www.livingfreeintennessee.com/guest-interview-application/
Available through midnight Central today! https://livefree.academy/op/the-great-financial-reset-response-webinar-3/?ref=52
Today’s Sponsor: Paul Wheaton and Permies.com
Kickstarter: Low Tech Laboratory - FOUR MORE DAYS!
Email feedback to nicole@livingfreeintennessee.com
Livestream Schedule
Tuesday, 12:30pm CT - John Willis and I welcome Joel Salatin
Thursday, 1:00pm CT - I am joined by Amy Dingmann for an episode of Spicy Sisters
Friday, 10:30am CT - Homestead Happenings Livestream
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Weekly Shopping Report
There were again two trips this week. We took our first trip on Sunday, which is different than our usual time on Saturday. This could affect stock levels, depending on store schedules, however I saw no large changes that could mean a deeper problem.
Traffic was rather heavy; I'd have thought it would be lighter on Sunday. It did not look like churchgoers, at least not dressed in their "Sunday Best."
Dollar Tree was first. They were looking a little unkempt. Stock levels didn't look too different, but were a little lower in some shelves in the food aisles. Other than some browsing, I think I just grabbed a drink in there.
Home Depot was next. The store was weekend-busy. There was plenty of stock all around. A 2x4x8 remains at $3.35.
Aldi was next. We found everything we wanted, including heavy cream. While I didn't see any new price jumps, the bill was certainly higher than it used to be.
Food City was last. I got one of only three 16 lb. bags of Meow Mix (that our kitties ask for by name), a box of Friskies cans, and a 2-pack of waste-free peanut butter. Just that was $61. Maybe we should get some Vaseline...
Today's trip included Walgreens and Weigels (gas). Walgreens is affiliated with Kroger. Think convenience-store pricing but a larger selection. Two sections of coolers were covered, indicating new products coming soon. I was there for Rx; we don't get food there, but it would be a backup backup source if things got desperate.
A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.999.
Frugality Tip from Janet
Operation Independence
Pretty sure “Tweedle Dum” (T calls her Amy I believe) is going to give birth this week
Main topic of the Show: The Break in Breakthrough
What is the word of the year
Why do I do it
How to Find Your Wod of the Year
What is the TRAP of each word
Why I chose Breakthrough
Q1 Lesson: BREAK - as in shatter all the things
What I am doing about it
The Good: conversations and new expansions (SRF creative arm, Toolman Tim and the radio show, sought after to speak, doing fewer things better and finishing them)
What is next
Can you choose a word of the year in April or do you need to wait until december
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today we talk about more babies on the homestead, a chicken update, the poultry processing class, being behind on the spring garden, and more.
Featured Event: LFTN Poultry Processing Class, June 24
Today’s Sponsor: Agorist Tax Advice
Harvest Cooking - WE ARE BACK!
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today I welcome Reed Richard, a fellow anarchist living the dream on an island off the western shore of Canada. We talk about his journey, the intentional community he has joined, island life, and the reality of living as an anarchist.
Featured Event: Exit and Build Land Summit, May 18-22
Today’s Sponsor: Paul Wheaton and Permies.com
Kickstarter: Low Tech Laboratory
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Reed Richard is a father, permaculture enthusiasts, gardener/conductor, rouge thinker/philosopher, musician/dancer, bitcoin curious, novice builder/plumber/electrician, author, the list goes on...
Living on a semi small island on the Salish Sea on unceded territory, Reed enjoys life with his family of 5, all home births, in a community on 20 acres of land, celebrating the pagan sabbath in attempt to rekindle a connection through the generations. He also tends a 3/4 acre plot of which 4000 square feet is planted in a combination of berries and food forest along with bigger patches of squash and potatoes. 3 greenhouse structures, one of which is currently uncovered, handle tomatoes, cucumber, ganga, and various other edibles and medicinal.
Reed has lived in community for over a decade and spent 4 years studying collective living in North America.
Reed is a trained musician, saxophone being the primary instrument, and has been dancing in the ecstatic dance, dance temple, contact dance worlds for 16 years. Utilizing this sense of listening, Reed has turned his focus to the natural world to listen to the pulses of nature to assist with cocreating a thriving place of being.
Reed enjoys fatherhood, encouraging his 11& 2 year Olds, and 3 month old to live an embodied, hands in the earth, emotionally agile, engaged in discovery life.
His current home has space for chickens, with 60 birds coming in January to augment the 10 hens currently in the coop and run. Thoughts of ducks and pigs, to work the land are actively being spoken of with his other landmates.
Reed is also part of a weekly Manventure group. Engaged in a wide array of activities, the manventure group builds trust and fun into being healthy men and a strong network of doers.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today I am joined by Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast and John Willis of Special Operations Equipment. We talk about the death of the Petrodollar, BRICS GDP surpassing the G7 GDP, and how to build a great small business. Seem unrelated? They are totally related!
Featured Event: June 24 Chicken Processing Workshop
Today’s Sponsor: The Homestead Consultant
LFTN listeners get a special offer of a free 20 minute initial phone consultation. Just send an email with the subject LFTN Consult to TheHomesteadConsultant@gmail.com with a brief description of the homesteading topic you would like to discuss and we will respond to you with available time slots.
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Every time there is an incident that causes death, whether it be a hurricane, earthquake or tornado – or something else, people say things like:
“I could never live there.”
Or they ask: “How can you live in tornado alley?”
Today, we will talk about what it is like to live in a tornado prone area, what we do to prepare for them, and why we stay.
Featured Event: 2023 Permaculture Technology Jambouree in Missoula, MT at Wheaton Labs
July 3-14 - multiple tracks. Tickets range from
$1600 to $2500 depending on the options you choose.
Today’s Sponsor: Strong Roots Resources:
Build Food Freedom outside your front door.
Permaculture assessments and support.
Livestream Schedule
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Weekly Shopping Report from Joe
Saturday's trip included a couple of extra stops as well. Dollar Tree was first. We've been buying single-use applications of superglue there, which has avoided a lot of waste. The coolers were all in good shape; all pretty much full less typical usage. Other shelves were also well-stocked. For those interested, they now have seed packages.
Our second stop was a little ethnic Mexican store we visit from time to time for things Sonia particularly likes, such as plantains and a vanilla flavoring she adds to her coffee. I like their small bags of pasta noodles. Here, we paid the price for a late start to our day, as it was lunchtime and the store was packed. Their shelves are always full.
Next was Hobby Lobby. They were busy as well. Sonia only wanted a couple of mixed media pads, so it was a quick in and out, but I didn't see any empty areas.
Home Depot was next. A 2x4x8 remains at $3.35. They looked busy as well. If I had to guess, people are ramping up their gardening.
Aldi was lastWe found heavy cream this week. I definitely noticed higher prices. The meal replacement shakes I get are at least $2 higher.
I stopped in Food City. There is still very little choice in larger bags of dry cat food; I saw mostly generic that I wouldn't feed a dog. There are a lot of recipes online for mug cakes, but we like the simplest, which is to combine one box of angel-food cake mix plus one box of any other kind; no oil needed. They'd had little angel-food cake on recent trips, but today they had multiple boxes of two different brands.
Untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.999/gallon.
Frugality Tip
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: How Can You Live in Tornado Country
Weather this weekend - What living in tornado land is like
>Situational awareness, getting information
>Jokes vs taking responsibility for your welfare
>Zello, FB, TG Communications Throughout the State
>Weather Radio
Why do we stay?
How about you? Would you stay somewhere where tornadoes happen?
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today, I talk about new chicks on the homestead, THE SNAKE INCIDENT, garden update, sheep matters, rabbits for dogs and more.
Today's Sponsor: AgoristTaxAdvice.com
Reuniting the sheep
Pigs gone
Rabbit escape - babies
2 muscovies setting eggs (6)
Baby chicks
Watertown feed source
Brassicas made it through the deep freeze and there is a lesson there
Some Rosemary is still alive
Strawberry plants are blooming
Onions are up
Pea chutes
Seedlings are doing great
Holler Neighbors/Community
Saturday dinner
Kitchen Surprise
Chicken coop is going in
Rabbit cage temporary solution
13 rabbits = 28 days of food for one dog ($50 in crappy feed savings)
Membership Plug
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Mewe Group: https://mewe.com/join/lftn
Telegram Group: https://t.me/LFTNGroup
Advisory Board
Samantha the Savings Ninja
Pat Watson of Uncensored Tactical and I intended to talk about how he turned a lock picking hobby into a full time income. Instead, we talked about addressing the poverty mindset, how to build your empire, and taking ownership for your future.
Featured Event: The Exit and Build Land Summit
Today’s Sponsor
At The Homestead Consultant, we believe that the solution to bridging these gaps starts in the individual home. By taking practical steps toward food production, land restoration, independent education and rational preparedness we can begin to restore these disconnects. That is where The Homestead Consultant comes in. We will work closely with you to evaluate your property with your unique goals, vision and resources in mind. Using a restorative, permaculture lens we will help you design a holistic and actionable gameplan to help make your homesteading dreams a reality. Our sincere desire is to see all of our clients become more connected and resilient! Find out more about our services by visiting our website at TheHomesteadConsultant.com
LFTN listeners get a special offer of a free 20 minute initial phone consultation. Just send an email with the subject LFTN Consult to TheHomesteadConsultant@gmail.com with a brief description of the homesteading topic you would like to discuss and we will respond to you with available time slots.
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Pat Watson spent over a decade in military operations overseas and federal and local law enforcement including large scale counter narcotics seizures and anti-piracy off the coast of Somalia. Pat left his government careers behind to pursue real Liberty and to bring high quality tactical skill set development training to people regardless of their employment or badges.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today I toss around some ideas for how we could fund medical care in our communities. One of the big fears many have is getting ill and losing everything to the costs associated with medical care. How can we do this better?
Featured Event: The Gorham Homestead Workshops in Dickson, TN
Today’s Sponsor: The Self Reliance Festival Digital Passes
Livestream Schedule this week
(No livestreams after Monday due to the Self Reliance Festival. We will be back next Tuesday)
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Weekly Shopping Report
Frugality Tip: Ross or Homegoods
Do you have a Ross near you? Is there one on your travels? Stop in. Things like sneakers on clearance are great buys, camp chairs are half of Walmart prices, name brand garden tools are crazy cheap. My little secret is to check out the food section where I buy pink Himalayan salt for $4.99 for a 5# bag (they usually have rock and fine ground). You can get some really good buys in the spice section.
Happy hunting y'all, Make it a great week.
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: How can we fund medical care in our communities
The problem and how we got here
Conflating health insurance with healthcare and the resulting limiting beliefs (“I can’t”)
What is healthcare? What is health?
How to foster innovation and bring prices under control
Funding ideas
But wouldn’t rural communities suffer?
How would you fund things if taxes were not an option?
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
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