
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











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Now displaying: 2025
Feb 13, 2025


How does entrepreneurship empower free living - or does it? Today, I am joined by Isaac Morehouse to discuss his journey from founding Praxis, through taking on a project that was NOT his passion (but not NOT his passion) and landing in Florida. He openly shares his struggles and successes.

Featured Event: Cast Iron Webinar, Feb 23 at 6pm

Sponsor 1:

COUPON CODE FOR $50 off: LiveFreeTN

Sponsor 2:

Connect with Isaac Morehouse:




Feb 10, 2025

Join me for a discussion about opting out of fear. You are easier to control when you make your decisions from a fear-based place and that is why it is so profitable too keep our population divided and frantic. But you don’t have to participate. You can mindfully move yourself to a place of awareness without the constant fear and build a better place for yourself and your family - and that it what homesteading is all about! We will also cover our usual Monday Segments.

Featured Event: Cast Iron Webinar, Feb 23 at 6pm

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:, coupon code lftn

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Concrete Pour on Wednesday do clearing the freezers out and needing to turn them off at night when it is cold
  • Holler Stew, Carnivore style - lamb and chicken
  • Idea for using up chicken breasts
  • Excellent roast leg of lamb recipe

Frugality Tip

  • Making left overs sexy - frugality tip - - pair it with eating before you leave and Bone broth packets

Operation Independence

  • New car this weekend

Main topic of the Show: How to Opt Out Of Fear

Watching my more left friends freak out about DT

  • Constant barrage of fear communications
  • Homesteaders should market to leftys
  • Reminds me of when Obama got elected and the response from the right

Making decisions from a fear based place is almost never good for you in the long run - WHY

>>Michelle’s Car Story

Mistake - fast decision under pressure and while still impacted by fear of the accident

This is no different than the fear caused by terminal diagnosis, the news cycle, a tight budget, and more.

So what do you do?

>>Nicole’s Car Story

  1. Slow your roll
  2. Cut off access to you of anything causing fear – people, news, even obsessing about your bank account. Go on a fear diet! 1-5 days, weeks if necessary. 
  3. Focus on success stories from people in a similar situation. 
  4. Collect the facts, not the opinions
    1. Elon Musk has access to your SSN!!!! We are all gonna DIE
    2. The reality of the situation is that you are no more at risk now than you were 2 weeks ago when some unnamed person with very little oversight had access to your information
    3. Look at what has historically happened in a similar fear cycle. Who did well and how/why. Who did poorly and how/why.  
  5. Fitness and Food 
  6. Think LONG TERM SUCCESS not short term fix – unless you need a tourniquet

Back to your bank account fear: Poverty mindset IS making decisions out of fear. But the reality. Long term value over short term happiness is one thing.

>>Selling the tahoe for parts story - its time has passed, time to scrap it for long term payoff of my time

And when the sky is falling in the news? The same approach applies. If you are a more right leaning person, you are probably noting that articles are better reported all of the sudden by major news organizations. Or are they?

What if you are just an anxious person? (Get help)

Opting out of the fear cycle means going on a fear diet – AND a fake news diet – so that you can develop perspective for what truly matters and can make the best decisions for you in the long run rather than constantly control for the next thing.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Feb 9, 2025

Today we give you an update on the homestead after we have spring into FIRST SPRING in Tennessee, operation eyesore, keeping up with meals on the homestead, egg issues and more.

Featured Event: Rabbits and Roses, Huntsville, AB, 

>>This may change your perspective on your rabbit meatery 😀

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Vevor Raised Bed Link: 

Transitioning to Feeding twice a day in the pasture

Duck Egg Response to Different Feed - the lights

Radish germination and second round of seeding this weekend

How do you track your seedings, seedlings and progress?

Rolling Leftovers: Roundroast and Lamb goulash

Not Dry Round Roast

Prepper Pantry Update - Getting Excited for the finish!

Water descaler and Culligan water softener for sale: $300

Move the Ram

Housekeeping Test

Deadnettle, chickweed, wild garlic

First Spring - and First Tornado

Operation Eyesore

Truck Repairs

Duplex Fix

More raised beds incoming

Tomato wall completion

Holler Neighbors/Community

Finances Idea - ways to grow a homestead into your primary income


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!



Advisory Board



Feb 6, 2025


Join me for a group discussion with John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast.

Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival,


Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee 

Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Feb 3, 2025

Today, I will share what a day looked like for me at the beginning of this podcast compared with a day now, after just about 1000 episodes. We will also cover all our usual segments.

LFTN Spring Workshop Tickets:

Featured Event: Seed Exchange and Potluck at the Holler Homestead, Feb 15 at 12pm-3pm

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:, Coupon Code: LFTN

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Holler Neighbor Potroast
  • Pantry Challenge Update
  • Seed Sorting Project
  • Working 1 hour at a time for the win

Weekly Shopping Report: None today

Frugality Tip: None today

Operation Independence

  • Relationships are important and not in order to get what you want. 
  • Basecamp is rented because of relationships
  • Pasture adjustments and new bnbs coming to the Holler

Main topic of the Show: 

May 20, 2016, Living Free in Tennessee had its first episode -

…what started as a desperate need to release creative energy because my job was suffocating has become a community of doers, my source of inspiration, and something that is achieving what I tried for 14 years to do in the free market public policy realm.

And it all started with that one, poorly executed episode. A single decision. A ton of feedback from yall. And encouragement when things got tennous.

Episode 1000 is tomorrow and I am excited to share it with Jack Spirko fo the Survival Podcast and John Willis of Special Operations Equipment.

But today, I’d like to share with you what my life was like in May of 2016.

  • I was founder and president of a half million to  million dollar nonprofit with a mission to equip free market economists in the public policy world with better story telling skills and marketing departments (TALK ABOUT NICHE)
  • I had been homesteading for 9 years and was selling my extra vegetables and craft roasted coffee at the farmers market on saturdays
  • I flew for work so much that I had earned a companion pass on Southwest - look that up
  • I had 1 rental property in Nashville
  • I was deeply unhappy, finding myself in a role where my time was not my own, my primary job was to raise money so that I could pay people to train other people who were not as good of trainers as I was. I was also HR manager, and operations vp, and cfo in function which meant …. Paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork.
  • After a trip, you could not get me out of the soil if you tried
  • I drank too much

A typical day on the homestead started early with some work outside and a cup of coffee. I would then transition into computer work and meetings, frantically tossing in a load of laundry or pulling something out of the freezer for dinner as I went. If there was a crisis, I was able to flew, but then would be looking at a late night of catch up for work. There were no days off. Not ever. The role I was in required that I be constantly available to respond to emails and text messages. It was so bad then when I started turning off my phone from 7-9pm on Mondays, one of the people who interacted with me actually had the gall to explain that because she was on the west coast and her day was not yet done, it was unreasonable for me to not be available from 7-9pm. And she was supported in this from the people who were responsible for about half to ¾ of my budget.

The segment operation independence? That stemmed from this situation. Because my area of Focus from my personal life strategic plan was to “Have enough local, ongoing revenue to support my life.” It has been adjusted to regenerative ongoing revenue nine years later, but you get the point. I was solving for being too dependent on one source of income so that I could NOT say no even though I was running my own organization.

I became soured on the whole nonprofit world as well as the public policy one because I saw the inherent flaw in trying to fix the system from within the system and over the next few years became convinced that the only way for freedom to grow was through individual action. Starting with myself.

In 2017 - I broke out of the system. A typical day was to work for the nonprofit, unpaid so that the people there could use me for creating value so that they could continue it on. They failed at that. A sign the nonprofit should never have existed really.

The day:
1) Work frenetically on the Center Hill Sun

2) Sell a few coffee orders

3) Weekly podcast

4) More time for homesteading

5) Contract work for corporate facilitations

>>>>Tell the rest of the story

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jan 31, 2025

Today, we update you on the new lambs on the Holler Homestead, the new feed source we found, importance of community and more!


Featured event: 9 am. Tomorrow (Saturday). Workshop Tickets go on sale!

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:


Celebrate! Got first round of seedlings ready (Yesterday’s episode)

Bottle Lamb Updates

Awesome Kitchen Vent Hood

Pasture Brat Pack

Normalized Paddock Rotation again

Operation Eyesore

New Feed Source for TN

Processor connections

Update on managing while Nicole was away

Forage: Time to be on the lookout for wild garlic and early spring greens

Concrete project sound fun this weekend?

Invoicing the lambs we sold this weekend - and why I waited so long.


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!



Advisory Board



Jan 30, 2025

Join me for a discussion on starting your seeds and out usual “Monday Segments.”

Spring Workshop, April 24-26:P

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:, Coupon code LFTN

LFTN Spring Workshop Tickets go on Sale Saturday at 9am Central. 

  • Alan Booker, 2 deep sessions on permaculture topics
  • Jack Spirko, Building Bioreactor Compost and Biochar
  • Nicole Sauce, Lessons Learned from 3 Years Raising Regenerative Sheep
  • Emily Skyles Zanotti: Urban Homesteading
  • Dawn Gorham, Building A Homestead Business 
  • Tactical Redneck - A tour of erosion remediation projects at the Holler Homestead. 
  • Joel Ryals, Problem Solving and Planning for Success
  • Roundtable Discussion. Function stacking: Holler Homestead Greenhouse Design with Nicole Sauce
  • Harry Albright - Hands on - Building Cages
  • Knitting - Lani Johnson
  • Jenni Hill - Somatic Movement and Breath Work
  • Barter Blanket
  • John Pugliano - Permaculture Your Wealth
  • Kerry Brown- Planning Your Off Grid Home
  • Patrick Roehrman - Accomplishing Anything How I transformed raw land into a family HQ

Updated Links for Equipment:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Double and triple cooking paid off for Mom’s knee replacement
  • Looking to skim coat the concrete this weekend or next week so that we can move utilities and do the final sweep in there
  • Refining what I store to LESS

Frugality Tip - send one in

Operation Independence

Picked up the processed lambs today, Lambs for sale!

Main Topic: Seed Starting

4 Keys to Successful Seedlings

  1. Light, Light, Light
    • A window isn’t going to cut it—this is the #1 reason for failure.
    • Use proper, full-spectrum grow lights (like Burrina lights) positioned uncomfortably close to seedlings.
    • Keep lights on 12-16 hours per day for strong, stocky plants.
    • If you don’t have grow lights, be prepared for leggy seedlings.
  2. Soil Temperature Matters
    • Too cold? Bad germination and weak seedlings.
    • Ideal temp: 65-85 for many plants
    • Use a seed heat mat (updated links below) or place trays in a warm spot like on top of the fridge.
  3. Consistent Moisture—Not Overwatering
    • Keep soil evenly moist, not soggy.
    • Bottom watering is best—use trays with no holes to create a DIY water table.
    • Overwatering leads to weak roots and damping off. Underwatering even once can stunt growth for the life of the plant
  4. Potting Mix & Soil Biology
    • If you’re new, just buy a good quality seed-starting mix. Look for fine-textured, bark-free soil.
    • Pro tip: Add a quart of soil from a well-run local garden to introduce beneficial microbes and integrate local soil biology.
    • Advanced growers: Make your own with compost, biochar, worm castings, and indigenous microorganisms (IMO).
    • Compost tea made from local soil is a fantastic boost.

Soil Mix

  • Don’t mix your own unless you know what you’re doing (WRONG ADVICE)
    • Experiment while setting yourself up for success—but start with a 50/50 blend before committing fully.
    • Learn from my mistakes

Trays & Containers

  • Deep pots (3-4 inches) = Stronger roots
  • Plastic trays with no drainage holes work great for bottom watering.
  • Solo cups are cheap and effective (poke a few drainage holes).
  • Peat pucks: Can work, but I don’t use them.
  • Peat pots: Just don’t.

Choosing Seeds: Heirloom vs. Hybrid

  • It’s all okay! Pick what works for your system.
  • Good seedling choices: Tomatoes, peppers, kale, chard, broccoli, lettuce, loofahs.
  • Less ideal: Squash, cucumbers (direct sow if possible).
  • Don’t start indoors: Peas, beans, carrots, and most root crops.

First Year: Choose 1-2 things, experiment, and don’t stress if you buy starts. Keep going!

Troubleshooting Germination: The Paper Towel Trick

  • Use damp paper towels in a plastic bag to check seed viability before planting.

Keeping Costs Down (While Buying Quality Equipment)

  • Source second-hand greenhouse supplies from local growers.
  • Attend local seed swaps (like the one here in February) for high-quality, adapted seeds.
  • Consider bulk seed buys as a community.


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 





Jan 28, 2025


Today I am joined by the Tactical Redneck and perhaps Knighthawk for the latest news from the Holler Homestead. Babies, extreme cold, planning the gardens and more


Featured event: LFTN Spring Workshop


Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:, Coupon Code LFTN


Email feedback to



  • Wheat is ready to harvest
  • Iding herbals/wilds that we do not want the sheep to eat
  • Day Lillies are blooming 
  • Garden: Cover crop sautees
  • Inside cherry tomatoes



  • Rabbit ear mites
  • No ducklings yet
  • Eating things faster than we thought so we are moving them each day until cleared (overseeding pasture mix)
  • Muscovies incoming tomorrow thanks to Kerrry and Lisa
  • 4 eggs a day - summer slump
  • Sheep story




Holler Neighbors/Community






Membership Plug


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!



Advisory Board


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!



Advisory Board



Jan 25, 2025

Join me for a group discussion with members of our community and beyond about building the life you choose, current events, building a durable life, community development, business, getting started, health and more. 

Each Tuesday, we welcome a different guest to tell their story, as well as take your questions live. 

Featured Event: LFTN Spring Workshop,


Show Resources

Living Free in Tennessee 

Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jan 20, 2025

Today, we talk about how to plan your kitchen garden, especially from the perspective of replacing dependence on the grocery store. I also cover our usual segments: Tales from the Prepper Pantry, Frugality Tip, Operation Independence and more.

Featured Event: LFTN Spring Workshop

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:


Mad River Seeds on Etsy:

Baker Creek: 

Seed Savers Exchange: 

Homegrown Cooking: 


Listener feedback - I want to move to TN, where do I go?

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Big thanks to Ryan Steva on the prepper pantry before this deep freeze
  • Homegrown Cooking: Beef Heart - Next month is steak and kidney stew from Dawn and meatballs from me
  • Travelling with a cooler
  • Freezers are reorganized and ready for incoming lambs

Weekly Shopping Report

Based on some videos from a few prepping channels (eg. Poplar Report, Pinball Preparedness), I’m trying to be more attentive to shortages, but fortunately haven’t seen anything remarkable other than the limit of 2 on Aldi eggs.

Dollar Tree was first.  Stock is always changing there, but there were no vacant areas and I did not see duplication being used to hide low stock.  The drink selection remains good.  The food coolers are mostly full.

We did not go in to Home Depot, but the online price of a 2x4x8 remains at $3.85.

Aldi was last.  We found what we wanted.  Staple prices were: bread (20 oz. white): $1.39; eggs: $4.17 (+, limit 2); whole milk: $2.87 (-); heavy cream: $5.39; OJ: $3.69; butter: $3.79 (-); bacon: $3.99; potatoes: no tag; sugar: $2.99 (+); flour: $2.35 (+); and 80% lean ground beef: $3.79. 

Untainted regular unleaded at Weigels was still $3.59 per gallon, but the 87 octane (regular) corrupted with ethanol is only $2.79.

Frugality Tip from Margo

Today is a short and sweet simple tip. Whenever we are out shopping or whatnot I pack a small cooler with drinks and a reusable ice block. I also keep an extra insulated tumbler full of water in the car at all times. Stopping to grab a drink adds up quickly, especially with someone that drinks soda. So stop yourself from grabbing that convenience store overpriced drink and just pack a small cooler. Happy saving y'all.


Operation Independence

Value of four rams on homestead income: $1200

Main Topic of today’s Show: Planning Your Kitchen Garden

Two ways to plan: Replacing fresh veg in season then buying shipped in “fresh” veg the rest of the year VSr eating seasonally.

  • What is your goal? (Replace most food by growing your own VS supplementing and sourcing locally or regenerative options)
    • I dont care what you say - Unless you are wiling to dramatically adjust what you eat, your goal is to supplement
      • Grain example - it’s both regional and dependent on how much land you have in production: Wheat, oats, corn, beans
      • That mid-winter banana, apples, fresh summer squash, etc
      • Sugar
    • Seasonal eating method
      • Use what is here and ripe first (Bone broth story)
      • Preserve what makes sense
      • Then tap stored items when fresh is not available
    • Develop/track a cycle of preservation 
      • power pantry method of storing what you use and using what you store.
      • (Pay attention to what you really use each year and do tap into waves of abundance - cornmageddon) 
  • Assessing Needs: Calculate the amount of food needed per person and how to align this dietary preferences.
    • Typical example - 2 heads of lettuce a week, means succession planting 2 heads a week, 5 lbs of tomatoes a week, means succession planting tomatoes. Also, there is an AI problem
      • The reality of vegetable seasonality - 
        • Tomatoes ripen in waves
        • Lettuce will stop producing in very hot weather
        • Location appropriate alternatives
        • Preserving surplus for “off season” use (Carrots and other “Roots”
        • Integration into the local community and compost 
    • Meals replaced method: in season and out of season - this is how to estimate % food coming from land and local sources
      • Green bean example - 65 jars - 65 meals covered, most of which will happen
      • Fresh chard, squash, etc
      • 99% meat is from here at this point
    • Choosing plants - Dont plant what you dont eat
      • Radishes story
      • Yield per plant BS on seed packets
    • Proioritize 3 things - Green beans, chard, tomatoes at the HH

Garden Layout: Talk about zoning, herbs, and succession planting.

  • How much space do you have - will you have and how close is it to your house?
  • What takes the most interaction? Put high maintenance stuff closer (Tomato wall)


  • Soil Health: Your are first growing soil -
  • Interplanting, guilds, etc
  • Succession planting and seed roulette
  • Rotation - needed or not?
  • Cover crops - again -
  • Sourcing seeds: Ask locally what people have success with - see if they have saved and will sell you some, participate in seed exchanges even if you have no seeds.
  • I like Baker Creek, Mad River Seeds

Have fun with this! Especially if it is your first year. The first rule of homesteading is BE FEARLESS

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jan 19, 2025

Today, we talk about more lambing fun, dog kefir, cold swimming and more.

Resources: Solar Webinar:

Homegrown Cooking with Dawn Gorham: 

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2: The

Lamb Deposits for October:

Telegram Group:



Email feedback to


Failed chicken dinner

Prepper Pantry Progress

Avoiding pasture damage when ice turns to mud

Loading rams for the processor

Fun at the processors

Hairy balls

Dog kefir

How are we going to split the flock?

Cold swimming - polar plunge light

You finally finished the stew

Bone broth on cold days

Seed order is in for the gardens (The challenge)

REALLY MUST process rabbits

Basecamp showing to a community member today


Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!



Advisory Board



Jan 16, 2025

Break Out of the Systems, Choose Freedom and Build a Better World Together

Once a month on our Tuesday Coffee With Nicole show, we go unplugged and today is that day. Join me for a conversation about the US Healthcare system and its impact on freedom

Featured Event: Save the Date for The Self Reliance Festival:


Show Resources

Living Free in Tennessee 

Main content of the show

What are my options for health insurance?

This is the question I got most often when people are looking to transition out of a live on the job conveyer belt to working for themselves.

Indeed, one of the biggest reasons give to me by a more left leaning friend of mine for WHY we needed Obamacare was health insurance. Note that I do not refer to this as healthcare and that is with reason. He pointed out that, as an aspiring entrepreneur you already are facing a hard road ahead, but if you get sick you could lose everything and health insurance is so expensive.

I remember ending that conversation pointing out that he and I wanted the same thing, affordable health care so that sick people can get what they need to get better. We just wanted it in a different way.

Then another friend told me about her experience being in a car crash in great Britain which has a more socialized healthcare system than in the US. At the hostpital, they had no idea how to get paid for helping her so there was a fight for every step in her care until she finally figured out how to charter a flight out of that country and back home for care. She wanted to just pay since she did not qualify for care there (and must not have had travel insurance) but they had no way to do that.

In the early aughts, I was workign for myself and carried one of those plans where you hold a high deductible and put up to something like 75% of you annual deductible into an HSA for when you need it. This meant I needed to pay case for care up to about $1000 a year (That was a high deductible 20 years ago yo) and I would talk with the office manager before getting seen to negotiate my fees for 25-40% less if I paid cash up front. Because they spent WAY less in resources getting paid when they did not need to bill insurance.

Then I needed a specialist - and that specialist did a bunch of tests without my permission, did not tell me what they were looking for and biopsied me in a way that has left a long-term disfiguration that was unnecessary. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune skin condition called lichen sclerosis in my 20s and they had no idea how to treat it. When I went to negotiate the bill, the office manager had no idea what to charge me at time of service because their billing system was so complicated. She kept asking me to apply for government assistance so that they could bill me at those rates and when I tried to pay with cash, she had no idea what to do. Months later, there was a bill, I made a call and offered 60% of it cash, and they accepted that offer.

The struggle is real yall.

Problems with the US Healthcare System

  • Being sick and dying sucks and sometimes they have no idea what to do
  • Chronic illness is on the rise alongside obesity and there are more people needing more help
  • We already had a doctor to patient problem coming with the boomer retirement wave and we made it worse with all the drama of the pandemic
  • We have been programmed to equate health insurance with healthcare
  • Incentives in the system are toward increased beauracracy
  • Codes and billing have made it worse over time and this starts in medicaid
  • Health insurance as a tax deduction was incentivised in the 40s and messed with in the 50s leading to the transition from cash for care to the broken system we have now - and back then, being sick and dying still sucked
  • Culture shift: Health  care and medical support became an elite system that cut out alternative healing, health coaching, and prevention and focused on first cures, then management

One thing that has made US progress happen faster than other places: Rich Sick People

What does this mean for freedom? Like everything else your health and health care is your responsibilty. Are the insurance companies to blame? Yes but so are the nonprofit hospitals, the doctors who allowed biling to be taken from them, managed health care systems, the IRS, etc. It is not a single villian and that makes it hard to beat.

Erosion of dental

Erosion of veterinary


Cash Clinics

Concierge Care

Growing body of knowledge on nutrition, lifestyle choices and in the impact of big food on our bodies

Functional medicine

Integrated Manual Therapy


Drs and Nurses doing their best from inside the system to help people get care

But this impacts your freedom in a big way doesnt it?

The only way to fix this one is to invest your time, money and energy in an alternative and become the solution – and yet if there is a fencepost through your leg, you are going to end up in THE SYSTEM right now so you want to be ready for that.

Health Shares

Relationships and Kindness

Obamacare plans and employer insurance

Private Insurance

But we need to keep our eye on the long term and, help build it, and be ready to jump when the jumpin is good.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jan 13, 2025

Today, I share my thoughts on slowing down so that you can speed up, go over the update from the prepper pantry, share a frugality tip and more.


Featured Event: Solar Webinar with Shawn Mills, January 19, 3pm

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Transition to carnivore for the challenge is complete

  • Sunday “pile of meat”

  • Homegrown Cooking episode with Dawn this friday: Probably cooking a cow’s heart but who knows?

  • January Pantry Challenge

Weekly Shopping Report

None this week - we had snow

Frugality Tip From Margo

Some people have memberships that give them rewards. I tend to save them until we need them. I save points and redeem for gift cards for birthday and Christmas gifts. 

 We have a car rental membership that is a work perk so we do not have to pay for it. After so many days you get free rentals. We had a situation come up over the Christmas break that required a pick up truck. We used a free days rental and didn't have to pay a crazy Holiday price for a rental truck. So by saving those free days, we saved even more money on that much needed truck rental. So sometimes those pay for memberships are very worth their annual fees and this frugal lady has a few.

Happy savings y'all

Operation Independence

To Speed Up, First You Must Slow Down

Last year was the year of hone and life really tossed some tests my direction in that regard. Many tests were new opportunities which is so tempting to take on when they come. But saying yes to everything is a bad habit to have and a great one to decide to get rid of sooner rather than later. By April, I had started saying no to almost everything, especially things that involved travel off the homestead. I had realized that things on my homestead do not flourish as well when I am not here. 


Not being present - and multiple ways that is a truth


Now is the year of enrich - meaning beyond the pocket book. I am asking myself, how am I enriching the world around me?

>Roadblock Busting

*The car

*Operation eyesore

*The paperwork monster

Show notes at 12pm today and the Monday mail has not gone out, the solar webinar is not launched, and that is ok. Previously I would have all these things not half-assed well in advance. But does that enrich the world around me?

To speed up, first you must slow down

Slow down and remove barriers

Slow down and assess priorities - like your true priorities of project, living, relationships, health

Slow down and test assumptions

Slow down and develop systems that work

Slow down and prioritize yourself

Why? If you don’t you will lose the things you do not build into your life.

When you half -ass things they begin to crack around the edged


1. Always be defining complete as a little bit more

2. It’s ok to stop mid way and never come back, just take out the trash when you do

3. Communication is even more importantBe ready to go very fast once you get things dialed in - and then your preparations will be your strength!

So sometimes you need to take that half day to learn an AI tool, dial in the website, or defrag a paperwork monster instead of continually racing forward and building things anew.

Because building the life you choose, means you need to choose. And choosing one thing  can mean walking away from not as good.


Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jan 10, 2025

I am joined by The Tactical Redneck, Tracy and Knighthawk to talk about the latest on the homestead: New births (oops), the snowmageddon that didn't, actual snow and more.

This show is brought to you by:

Lambs born
Lamb died
The parts car sale and roadblocks
4 wheeler rebuild
Watercress is under water for the winter
Processing Rabbits this weekend
The Pantry Challenge
Planning what to grow
Rabbit Water cant go empty on any of them because of the cold
Finishing our raised beds - smaller gardens in 2025 to facilitate the move
Ducks are not laying eggs
Time to start chard and brassicas
Screening ashes
Thinking about compost
The pool house green house idea
Basecamp will be available to rent mid-February
Rams headed to the processor next week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



Jan 7, 2025

Join me for a group discussion with John Willis of Special Operations Equipment and Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast.

Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival,


Show Resources

Special Operations Equipment

Living Free in Tennessee 

Main content of the show

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 




Jan 6, 2025

Join me for a chat with Andy McCann of Crossfit Garage about his journey into carnivore and how community has been the key to success in taking control of his health. We will also cover SOME but not ALL of our usual Monday Segments.

Join the LFTN Community on Telegram:

This show is brought to you by: (Coupon Code LFTN) 

Join the Carnivore Challenge (Yes this costs money):

Connect with Andy:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Beef Breakfast Sausage Recipe: 5 tsp salt, 7.5 tsp sage (homegrown and dried and ground in the vitamix), 1.5 tsp nutmeg fresh ground, 2 tsp black pepper, 2 tsp garlic powder store bought, 1 tsp peppers or paprika of your choice

Operation Independence

The world is changing…(AI)

Here are responses to each of the questions to help guide your interview:

  1. **What is 60 Easy and why not just do 75 Hard?**
  2. **What are the Five Pillars of Health and Longevity, and why are they essential for building resilience in life?*
  3. **What inspired you to adopt the carnivore diet, and how has it impacted your health and fitness journey?**
  4. How are you Using AI?

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

