Today by listener request, I explain how the Holler Neighborhood works as a community, as well as cover some of the history of how we ended up here.
Icemegeddon Update
Webinar coming up March 6, 2pm CT - Pantry Management Practices with Nicole Sauce
Monday, June 14, chicken processing workshop, 9am
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: How the Holler Neighborhood Works
People often ask me about how to build community because they see what a great network we have in LFTN and the hear the stories of the Holler Neighbors and wish they had something like that near them. Sometimes it is hard to really say what each needs to do.
This podcast has doubled in size since last year and it is on track to double again this year. That means there are a bunch of you who were not around for the dawning of the Holler neighbors.
Lessons learned
How the neighbors work now
So far we have been successful as a community but that does not mean there has not been frustration, struggles with mental health, financial durres, and arguments. The deal is that we have agreed to open lines of communication, discussion of healthy boundaries, and putting hurt feelings aside to find solutions together as a family. It also really helps that everyone is king of their own castle. I cannot imagine how it would be to have someone telling me what color I can paint my home, etc.
The Holler Neighbors work because of shared values, love and good will and the most important shared value is that we buy into individual liberty and the non aggression principle -- this means that what you do, so long as it does not harm others, is none of my business. As a friend, I will tell you if I see it harming you, but at the end of the day, you can do what you want and I don’t get to stop you. You do you. That is what works -- we do not have a bunch of rules. Just mutual respect and supportive friendship. And this community has been empowering to all of us in many different ways.
Make it a great week!
Song: Thanks Dave
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
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