It is amazing to me how adding music to a great poem can bring more life to it. This is the final in a series of four versions of the Night Before Christmas with a special song, performed live on Dec 3, 2017 in Cookeville, TN, by the Cookeville Mastersingers and the music wsa arranged by Simone.
Merry Christmas all!
Today may be the night before the night before Christmas for us here in the US, but our friends in Australia are already there. For them, it IS the night before Christmas. A friend from down under recorded this version of the poem for us with a few adjustments made for her local environment. Thank you AussieRo.
Join us for the second in a series for 2017 of poems read from throughout the world. This version of The Night Before Christmas comes from me, recording from Tennessee. It is followed by a performance of Jingle Bells, recorded live on December 3, 2017 in the Wanntenbarger Auditorium by the Cookeville Mastersingers and arranged by Don Large.
Join us in the series in the first in a series for 2017 of poems read from throughout the world. This version of The Night Before Christmas comes from our friend "Jaggy Little Thistle" who listens from Scotland. Thanks for the recording Jaggy!
Today’s show is the last one until next year! In this episode, we will take a look at 2017. The good, the bad, the sad. We will also cover holidays, navigating them, being with your family who you may love, may find frustrating, or may even find abusive. I’ll share what this time means to all of us here in the Holler Homestead. Share some recipes we will try this year. Marvel at the bounty that surrounds us, talk about bitcoin and two-factor authentication, share some cool thoughts from listeners. Today, the show is about you, about us, and about the learning from the past, letting it go, and making our future.
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What mother nature is providing
Tales from the prepper pantry
Operation Independence
Frugal Feasting - the turkey tale:
Ok, time to talk about 2017. Remember what I was talking about this time last year?
How much change a year makes!
Steps along the way:
Holiday Recipes
IF YOU HAVE COINBASE - turn on two factor authentication
Looking forward to 2018
Thought for 2018 from a fried:
I'm walking into 2018 with a clear heart and mind...If you owe me, don't worry about it - you're welcome...If you wronged me, it's all good - lesson learned...If you're angry with me, you've won...If we aren't speaking, its cool (I love you and I wish you well)...If you feel I wronged you, I apologize...Life is too short for all the penned up anger, holding grudges and extra pain!...Here's to 2018!!!...Spread the positive forgiveness! Love to all.
Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Make it a great week!
Song: Grandpas Song, Sauce
Today, we have a special episode with Kurt Dugger to discuss bitcoin and crypto currency basics. In Simple terms. This is a beginner's intro to bitcoin starting with "What it bitcoin anyway?"
Make it a great week!
Song: Learning What Leaving Is by Sauce
Today, we have a fun one cued up. We will review the pig processing workshop over at Cider Hollow Farm and I will describe for you some of the things that David Oswalt built that made the whole day go a bit easier, we will dive a bit further in the the independence fund assessment for the year and what that has meant for all of us here at the Holler Homestead, and I will walk give you a much-needed goat update!
What mother nature is providing
Tales from the prepper pantry
Operation Independence
YTD Independence fund update:
Pig Processing Workshop Walkthrough
Infrastructure that David installed over at Cider Hollow Farm
Upshot: Hope the charcuterie workshop is scheduled soon. Goat Update
Find coffee at Make it a great week! Song: Burned by Sauce
Today, I want to go back to our core mission with this podcast and talk about building independence into your life. It all started with an article I read aimed at this new tax bill that congress is considering. It left me wondering when we all became so spineless and unable to take care of ourselves, quite frankly! We will examine the totally missed point of the author of the article, and learn from that for use in our own lives. Also today, I am bringing back an old segment while we can: What mother nature is providing for us.
What mother nature is providing
Tales from the prepper pantry
Operation Independence
$100,000 income stories by NPR
Two consistent things I saw that the author did not:
Took time to look at my 2017 and how much I actually earned. And the number is a little sad.
So why do I go on about this? Because the NPR article made it seem like it was not in the control of the people who earn 100k to change their lives - that it was something that needed to be fixed from outside. To which I call bullshit. Bull. Shit. Yes. Sometimes you are in a position where you need to earn more. And you need to find ways to do it. And yes, earning more helps you become more financially independent. But that can be done at 40k, 50k and 60k if you look for opportunities, keep control of your wild spending - and realize that you ARE in control.
So do me a favor? If you haven’t looked in a long time, take a little extra time this month to write it all out. Track where your money goes. Look at your tax burden, your cost of living where you are. And take control. Shed the things that are less important to your lifestyle. Do you really need that new car each year? Can you push down on the cell bill a bit? Is there a better health coverage plan for you? Did you ask the doctor to go down in price. Can you make room for a side hustle without spending more on the side hustle than you earn back from it? Look at your life and ask: How can I take control?
And if the answer is that you need a new job, well, go get it! If it is that you need to get the hell out of Seattle - figure out a way to do it with a soft landing. If you just need to stop the instant gratification for a bit - go for it - start practicing now. In December. When other people spend beyond their means to keep up with the joneses. Because when you find the end of your life, will you really care what kind of car you have?
With that my friends, I want to remind you that you can support the show while enjoying a luxurious, but not too pricey, cup of coffee. Just go to and click on “Coffee.”
Make it a great week!
Song: Anonymous by Sauce