
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











All Episodes
Now displaying: September, 2021
Sep 29, 2021

Today, I will provide a bit of an update on the Holler Neighbors and talk about how our little community works -- and sometimes doesn’t work -- as an semi-intentional community.

Self Reliance Day

Call for Episode 500 submissions - deadline October 15


Stump the Sauce

  • Serious September Update

Main topic of the Show:   It Takes A Holler

What is Holler Neighbors?

Why Have the Livestreams Stopped?

It Takes A Holler

  • How Things Work
  • Homesteading Alone
  • Knighthawk’s Business Trip
  • Shared Undertakings
  • Jenni’s Kids

Handling Problems

Other Challenges

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Sep 27, 2021

Today I share with you some things that change you after you have lived the homesteading lifestyle for awhile. Four big things in fact.


New Events Page:

A word on Turkey Day

Email feedback to

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Operation Independence

  • Roaster Upgrade
  • Signed up for Roadie

Main topic of the Show: Four Perspective Changes From a Decade of Homesteading

>>Lifestyle homesteading versus yuppy homesteading versus new homesteaders

  1. On bugs, critters, snakes and Mother Nature
  2. Daily news cycle, covid, shortages and the like
  3. On solitude and hustle and bustle
  4. The Common Cold and other tales

Membership Plug

MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!

Song: Suicide by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Sep 24, 2021

Today is a thought of the walk episode - a collection of short thoughts shared on a variety of topics. These thoughts are shared on Odysee every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, then produced as an audio podcast every other Friday.

Today’s Thoughts Include:

  • Where the damage lies
  • The Important Seal, Extra Trays and Gloves for your Harvest Right Journey
  • Winter is Coming
  • Leg Of Lamb
  • Don't Fight With People on the Internet

To view the videos for Thought of the Walk Episode, go here: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

They are also produced on Youtube as a playlist.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Sep 22, 2021

Today, we share some ideas on how to work through an abundance of apples for the home canner, home dryer and really anyone who stumbles on apples at this time of year in volume.

Turkey Day Announcement

Stump the Sauce

  • From Frank: What do I do with all these black walnuts?

Main topic of the Show:  Processing an Abundance of Apples

Apples and apple season

  • Getting cheap apples
  • Storage
  • Canning
  • Cider
  • Apple Sauce
  • Apple Butter (pectin)
  • Drying
  • Apple Molasses:
  • Apple Pie Filling
  • Freezing

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Sep 20, 2021

Today I will share four things about marketing that are important for success, and that are boring to do. We will also cover the Green Chili event, talk about a coming trip and review habits that bring us more stability.

Self Reliance Festival, 1st Round of Demos are Set!

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • What happens to the pantry for an event: Usage, Tracking, Storage
  • GC Rain
  • Making GC Powder this week and just 12 jars of salsa
  • Get your goldenrod tootsweet!
  • Apple season

Operation Independence

  • Listing my Nissan XTerra for sale
  • Headed to Kansas later this week to get the upgraded roaster
  • Live with Sue Zoldak! This Wednesday - Homeschool Transition

Main topic of the Show:  4 Boring But Important Things About Marketing

What is marketing and why is it important?

  1. Brute Force Foreshadowing Is Your Friend (TV show Story)
  2. Repetition Works 
  3. Clever is Not Always Better
  4. Data is King (Clean Data)

Make it a great week!

Song: 9-1-1 by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Sep 17, 2021

Today we have a live Q and A discussion on Hatch Green Chilies.

What are Hatch Green Chilies

Why do you have green chili weekend every year

What has been the biggest challenge this year in getting set for the event

What are your favorite recipes

How do you preserve them?

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!



Advisory Board


Sep 15, 2021

Today, I will talk about a few interesting things: Lessons learned from working with an overseas assistant; and some thoughts on developing personal self-reliance when life feels too busy to get anything done.

Stump the Sauce

From Jenni: How do I deal with self-reliance overwhelm?

How do you deal with self-reliance overwhelm? 

I'm making a list of skills I want to learn, but I get overwhelmed every time I visit it. What's the most important? What's something I actually want to learn? How much should I invest when I don't know if it suits my long term goals? 

The evaluation process just leaves me with more questions, but the biggest is in becoming self reliant on my own... How do I find the time to do it all by myself?  

I understand time management and prioritizing but I'm also a single parent with other responsibilities and challenges. 

Thanks for any input


  • Self Reliant
  • Self Sufficient
  • Thoughts on Resilient Lifestyle Design


Main topic of the Show:  4 Things I Have Learned in Working With an Overseas Assistant

The background: Why I chose an overseas assistant

The Four Things:

  1. Choose the right one (You may go through several) - my shortcut
  2. Most challenges are my fault (culture, poor planning, time management)
  3. Improve Email Skills (All the things in one email)
  4. Upfront Time Investment in Process Yields Long-Term Time Savings

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Sep 13, 2021

Today we talk about what to do in circular discussions.

Episode 500 Submissions

GC Announcement

Self-Reliance Festival Tickets - Get them while you can

Save the date: November 20 - process (or buy) your own Thanksgiving Turkey at the Holler Homestead

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Last round: Salsa and sauce
  • The Fall Regeneration Period and a tomato experiment
  • Starting Fall Ferments (Why Now)
  • Rabbit Recipe
  • Herbal Tea Collecting: Goldenrod, mints, lemon balm, sumac berries, mullein flower and leaves
  • Creeping Charlie or Gotu Kola? Need to consult an expert
  • Getting set for animal processing season

Operation Independence

  • Green Chili Event Set Up

Main topic of the Show: Opt Out of Nonsensical Discussions

Nonsense. It is all nonsense all the time. 

The most obvious nonsense is around covid.

We look at the mandate proclamation that has no teeth and freak out. 

We hear that non vaxed are the ones spreading the disease. Then we hear the vaccine does not stop the spread of the disease and that is why you need to be vaxed. I literally heard someone say in the same diatribe that everything with covid is the fault of the unvaxed and then go on to explain that vaccines are not intended to stop the spread, but rather to protect the person who gets the disease from getting a harder case. But then say that vaccinated are not contributing to the pressure being put on the virus to make it mutate.

Wait what? The words coming out of your mouth do not make any sense.

If nothing else has become clear it is this: we have not found a cure for the common cold. There is a reason we haven’t. 

But I do not want today to be about the illness. We talk waaaay too much about this.

Today, I want to explore the increase in nonsensical discussions that are polluting reasoned discourse in our society. You see, as we have become more prosperous, it has become acceptable to spew bullshit. Black is white, up is down and so forth.

We have become so comfortable that rocking the boat is scary. What if someone pushes back? What if I look stupid? Maybe they know more than I do.



Just stop.

Your bullshit meter is working just fine. The things people tell you that make no sense and seem to illustrate the opposite of the original assertion are, in fact, circular logic. You are being gaslighted. 

Ever hear the theory that people need to hear something 8 times to accept it as fact? This is a, oft cited marketing foundation. It is why marketing gets a bad name. The number 8 can be changed to 15, or 6, but the foundational idea is if you are exposed to a lie long enough, you begin to accept it.

And we have been using this to great advantage. Maxwell house is better than folgers. Colombian beans are the best in the world. Masks work, or they don't work (depending on what you are exposed to). States with low vac rates are having larger outbreaks than, say, Oregon. Home ownership is the best way to handle your housing because renting is just throwing your money away. The Afghanistan withdrawal was a success. Also it was Trump’s fault. But it is a success. But anyone who got hurt is Trump’s fault. 

Fake mandates!

<No longer hearing about Afghanistan are we?>

We are in a constantly rolling set of angenda -based crisis and the fearmomenter has been turned up again, as it always is, when they have something to hide. The think to ask yourself as you become terrified of losing your job, of angry hoardes attacking peaceful people in reaction to mandates, is this: What are they hiding with their manipulative spin?

Who are they dividing? 

How can I opt out?

The sad thing about this cycle is that it has set into motion the habit to buy into taglines and spin so heavily that people use it in discussions with one another. And when you point out the illogic, personal attacks follow because, anymore, the goal of discourse is to win, not to learn.

And THAT brings us to the point. What should we, as critical thinkers do when we come into nonsensical discussions with circular logic? Do we stay and fight? Do we leave with a “whatever dude?” Or do we do something else.

In the big picture, a nonsensical discussion is not really worth my time and if I have it,  especially on the internet, all I do is feed the nonsense that I am trying to counter. 

Dont believe me?

Go find one and look at the back and forth. People get increasingly divided and angry. They end having not changed. The “lgoical” arguer often comes across looking like a dick. Mean people are not appreciated. Therefore the wrong narrative often “wins” in the eyes of an outsider.

So what can we do?

  • Turn off the news
  • Acknowledge your own circular or faith-based biases
  • In a discussion establish a big picture goal: Are we talking to “win” or to learn? What are we discussing? (Ivermective example) Are both sides willig to be wrong? <The emotional release thing> Who is your target for discussion?
  • Find ways to find good information (read studies, confirm things with sources)
  • Keep the long term, big picture in mind

It can be hard when faced with a circular argument to not engage to correct the problem. We see it all the time on a personal level when our friends get into an “i can’t” mindset and will not see the opportunities for fear of the things they see as barriers. You know who I mean right? That friend who is stuck at a dead end job but can’t find another one because they have kids and need to pay the bills.

Wait what? 


You and I just want to slap them when they go there because having bills is the environment they are in, not a hurdle. That means it is either best to safe like mad so that you can transition to a lower paying income opportunity, reduce expenses, or look for a job like it is your only hobby that will be a better fit and pay what you need for expenses.

But telling someone that when they are in the “I can’t” mindset never works. They just see you as an opposing force and try to WIN the argument. This then solidifies the barrier in their mind.

SO in this case, if the goal is to help them past that barrier, a better way is to say something like “Well I believe you can make it past that barrier if you put your mind to it. Let me know if you ever want to brainstorm ideas.” 

And then shut up about it.

They may do another cycle of I can’t but stop engaging.

This one is no different than how we need to talk to folks drinking the kool aid of corporate media messaging. My goal is not to win the argument but to plant the seed. People need to see the spin for themselves to start freeing their mind up for critical thinking and going head to head in your face with them rarely works. Better is to ask a question that may take them a few days to answer. And hope they are open enough to get there.

And if they are not, you will know because they will inevitably come back and call you a poopy head who does not care about people.

So what does this mean for us in today’s accelerating propogadized world? Be the gardener, plant the seeds of critical thinking, culture that garden both in yourself and those around you. And know that while you cannot change everything at once, seeds grow, plants spread, and the more we can push back on the bullshit, the less of it we will have to shovel when this all comes to a head.


Membership Plug

MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!

Song: Special, by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Sep 10, 2021

Today is a thought of the walk episode - a collection of short thoughts shared on a variety of topics. These thoughts are shared on Odysee every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, then produced as an audio podcast every other Friday.

Today’s Thoughts Include:

  • Refugees, Meleagris gallopavo domesticus, have arrived
  • TN GSD Crew
  • No One Actually Cares Why
  • The cheapest life skill to learn
  • Take the Long Term View
  • Homestead Habits

To view the videos for Thought of the Walk Episode, go here: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

They are also produced on Youtube as a playlist.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Sep 8, 2021

Ever think about going back to the land? Well today, I am joined by Matt Hundley, musician, youtuber, and founder of the Back to the Land Festival happening right here in Tennessee in October!

Upcoming Events:
Sept 18 Green Chili Day
Oct 14-16 Back to the Land Festival

But first: From a Covid Nurse

This is reality for me, I’m not debating vaccination vs non vaccination here at all so just don’t . I see both vaccinated and unvaccinated on the vents and dying so the whole you think your safe just because your vaccinated is a farce. It may help keep you in the lower severity category but once on the vent it all ends pretty much the same.  I wish I had answers to make this horrific nightmare stop. Eventually this will be endemic and not a pandemic , eventually we will be back in the drivers seat and not at the mercy of a .3% mortality rate virus. We still have 400,000 to die in this country before we have met our .3% . I think Delta is going to get us to that number a little faster. There isn’t room for anything else in the hospital it’s pretty much all covid , or clot and strokes due to covid and vaccinated patients . It’s getting everyone folks this causes blood clots so act accordingly. We are back to cancelling elective surgeries . We need our health care providers elsewhere right now. I won’t go into how tired we are and how much demand is being placed on us to fill gaps. I harp on that enough.  When people call about their loved ones on the phone they don’t get it , they don’t understand why their wife isn’t answering her phone anymore. Or their college aged son isn’t texting his best friend anymore. They can’t . They are sedated , paralyzed and intubated . That means they can’t talk, they can’t move on their own , they can’t do anything without our assistance and they hopefully feel no pain and aren’t aware of what’s going on around them too much because it’s quiet. No real human interaction , we don’t know what they hear so we talk to them when we give them a bath and turn them. I play music for them. I wish families were allowed to see them and sit with them . My humanity side says maybe more would make it if they weren’t alone in isolation.  Maybe it would help them cope seeing the progression instead of the phone call from a doc saying it’s time to make a decision right now. Most families think they have time while they are on the vent  , you don’t . They are so fragile a good turn and fluid shift could change everything going well to tanking in a New York minute. Then when they need ECMO sorry only taking patients under 40 yrs old and there is a waiting list. Most by this time can not wait so they die. They in some cases will not put a vent on anyone over 80 , bad outcomes and young people need that vent so they are HAVING to prioritize care on those that have the most ability to survive. My god. I never thought this could happen here . It tears the docs up because they have to call or tell the family we have no vent for grandma. Chronic conditions are prioritized to down the list . It’s all about survivability and who is in front of you. Don’t get sick , it’s a terrible time to be sick , get your check ups , get your labs done , talk to your GP like you should and eat well. Drink water , start an exercise regimen , stop smoking or drinking alcohol. Do this now. That way if you get a sniffle you can self treat before you need an ER for sepsis or pneumonia. Help us help you please ! There is no more room .

Show Resources

Main content of the show

Matt Hundley is a permaculture farmer, homestead designer, and musician in Middle Tennessee. He is launching the Back To The Land Festival with Gabby Reed and a host of homesteading, foraging, farming, and teaching experts to create a unique gathering space to connect like-minded homesteaders regionally who are ready to build self-sufficient, independent, and regenerative homesteads and communities.


Membership and Coffee Pitch

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Sep 3, 2021

Today I am joined by Jim Gale of Food Forest Abundance to discuss self-reliance, spiritual and physical independence, and the lofty goal of getting a food forest into every suburban yard.

Green Chili Day - Join us for canning demos, tours, food and fun on Sept 18. $25 for a day pass, $50 for overnight. Food and non-alcoholic beverages provided. BYO (alcoholic) B.

Show Resources
Food Forest Abundance:

Main content of the show

Jim Gale is a regenerative entrepreneur and father of 4 daughters who has proven - "If you can conceive it and believe, then you can achieve it". For the past 16 years Jim has been obsessed with finding the answer to the question "What is the IDEA whose time has come" that Victor Huge wrote about? What is the "Embarrassingly simple" solution that Bill Mollison was speaking about? He found it, he and millions more demonstrate it and his mission in life is to share it.

What about vibrations and energy in developing self reliance?

Why food forests and permaculture?

Why is this so important?

What can someone do to get started?

What is the Government's role in the solution?

Is it hard?

How can I participate?

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Harvest Right Freeze Dryers (Affiliate Link)

Sep 1, 2021

Today is the third in the series on how to start a small coffee roasting enterprise - either home scale or micro roasting business. We will discuss how to find the people to buy your coffee, as well as how to persuade them to do so.

Episode 500 Celebration - send me an email to read or email me your audio clip! 

Tomorrow is Mozarella Day!

Green Chilies shipped yesterday for Green Chili Day!

Stump the Sauce

  • Hey Nicole,  My wife and I are nearing retirement age, and are in the process of planning for it.  I was wondering  what your retirement plan is to run your homestead when you are older? - and maybe not so physically able to keep up with all the daily chores that you accomplish now?
  • P.S. love to listen to you talk about stuff… Thanks!

Episode 471: Finding People to Buy Your Coffee, Home Roasting Business Part 3

Your coffee business will never make it off the ground if you do not have this one piece in place: People who want to buy your coffee.

Establishing Customer Base - Most important use of your time.

  • Brand Promise 
  • Brand Story (Frame in terms of why the people who buy your coffee want it -- not why you think they should buy it) Example: Tastes Great vs how the beans are lovingly roasted by your 6 year old daughter, Farm stories of your source beans vs what green coffee beans are or “fair trade” etc certifications
  • Local versus beyond local sales
    • Local: farmers markets, outreach to businesses, local radio shows, column in the local newspaper, cafe or food cart, presence in craft fairs, stores, coffee for events, schools, etc.
    • Beyond local (First few fit for local too): Social media development, network care and feeding, demonstrations and value add for other people, podcasts and radio/tv with expanded reach, the website question, personality marketing, audience will be in a niche that is not bound by geography.

Food Law Choice (cottage vs renting production space vs just do it) 

Marketing budget, putting things on sale, tracking results

Customer referrals

The most important piece of the puzzle: Customer service, ongoing care of relationships, constant attention to expand if that is your goal, new ways to fill the funnel.

What questions do you have?

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board
