
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











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Now displaying: September, 2020
Sep 25, 2020

We are getting a cold snap about four weeks early next week and so I thought today would be the perfect time to invite Knighthawk on to talk about heating with fire. 

A word on next week’s schedule and why I cancelled the livestream.

Show Resources

Sir Handy Website

Main content of the show

Knighthawk has a background in fire alarm maintenance and HVAC automation for commercial buildings. He is also one of the main handyman resources in the Tennessee LFTN Network. In February, he launched his handyman business, Sir Handy. He joins is today to talk about one of his favorite topics: Fire!


Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Sep 23, 2020

Today is the third in a four part series on using garbage on the homestead. We will talk about all the stuff that things ship in that end up on your land and taking up space.

Holler Neighbor Livestream, Thursday 7pm:

#HollerHatWednesday: Why does she have her thinking cap on?

What’s Up in the Garden

Main topic of the Show: Shipping Garbage on the Homestead

Set: Living on a homestead is so much easier with Amazon and other mail order arrangements - but it comes with a waste stream challenge.

  1. Cardboard and Paper
  2. Crates and Pallets
  3. Internal Packing Materials (Peanuts and plastic)
  4. Packaging

A word on choices (for shipping and packaging)

Landing: Dealing with waste takes clarity of purpose before you set a plan and one of our long term goals is to reduce waste. This is why I use a sodastream for carbonated beverages rather that drink perrier or la Crioux. 

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.

Advisory Board



Sep 18, 2020

Today is a Friday so we have an interview show today and I managed to track down Sal the Agorist, one of the cohosts over at Unloose the Goose to talk me through some basics that I need to know about 3d printing. 

  • Green chili day is almost here!
  • Thanks to the fella who donated his chicken ticket - we found the perfect person to give it too and she is very thankful
  • KickStartHollerRoast is just about 500 shy of our second stretch goal -- thank you!

Show Resources

Sal The Agorist

3D Printer go BRRR

Main content of the show

I met Sal through Unloose the Goose and discovered a smart guy who has thought of some great ways to work around the system. His Podcast - the Agora takes a look at ways to voluntarily exchange outside of “THE SYSTEM and he understands the importance of self reliance as part of your strategy toward choosing freedom.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Sep 16, 2020

Food waste is a major issue in many households and just because you live on a homestead does not mean you magically end up in a place where food waste is no longer a problem. So today in my second in the series of handling waste on the homestead, we will discuss food waste strategies.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

No podcast Monday due to the processing workshop.

Stump the Sauce

  • Dori - What about dessicants?

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Fall flowers are in -- time to add fall bulbs
  • Unearthing the sweet potatoes and cushaw needs to happen
  • Ive dropped the ball on lettuce already - may buy plants

Episode 347 - Handling Food Waste on the Homestead

  1. Use It All (Covid shutdowns, Holler Stew, Processing and Preservation)
  2. Compost (Meat and bones too)
  3. Chickens & Ducks
  4. The PIG
  5. Wild Animals

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Sep 14, 2020

A few people have reached out to ask for help on crowdfunding projects and so I thought today would be a great time to talk about why Kickstart Holler Roast has not so well, so quickly. Some of the things that came into place for this project look intention and were not and I think we can all learn from this about not only crowdfunding things, but marketing ourselves and our businesses.

Reach out if you want one of the 2 open chicken seats.

Green Chili Weekend Registration

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Very tardy on the fall stock up order
  • Mama Sauce has helped process so many veggies that we may make this an annual event
  • Working through freezer meat at a much faster clip of late
  • Still in a “put it up” phase but about to enter into a “use it up” phase
  • Holler Stew this week

Featured Forage: Rosemary -

Herbal Uses: 

Tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, stimulant. Oil of Rosemary has the carminative properties of other volatile oils and is an excellent stomachic and nervine, curing many cases of headache.

Historical uses

  • Hairwash
  • Reverse nerve damage and regain feeling in limbs. It was prepared by putting 1 1/2 lb. of fresh Rosemary tops in full flower into 1 gallon of spirits of wine, this was allowed to stand for four days and then distilled. Hungary water
  • Headache, colds, colic, tummy complaints

It is antibacterial

Culinary: Tastes good in almost anything, really. Rosemary cheesecake? Yes please. Rosemary, garlic and lamb? Yum, Mixed with sage in a chestnut dressing, absolutely. Its strong flavor will replace the more subtle ones so if you have rosemary, lemon cod, you are tasting more the spices than the fish.

Rosemary ice cream is very tasty. Garlic rosemary bread.

Growing it: recommended to grow it along a wall in a sheltered spot -- and I have killed about 1900 of these plants since living in TN

Operation Independence

  • Today's show is all about this

Main topic of the Show: Episode 346 - Why My Crowdfunding Project Is Working

Some folks have reached out not only to congratulate me on the successful crowdfunding campaign, but to ask which plugin we used, and how they could set a foundation for similar success.

Lessons Learned


  • You Own Your Message
  • Anticipation
  • Provide Value
  • Don’t Be Afraid To Ask (The Pep Talk)
  • Beta Launch
  • Communicate
  • Dig Your Well Before You Are Thirsty
  • TEAM - (brainstorm, graphical design, web development, additional gifts)


  • Have Stretch Goals that fit with the project.

In the end, if you have a great idea and the right message and a solid offering for a crowdfunding project, you have a good foundation. But as with all our small business efforts, if you have not developed your strategy for marketing and communicating about the project, it is a much tougher, uphill row to hoe.

So I guess it boil down to network, communication, and value in the end.

Make it a great week!

Song: Burned by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board




Sep 11, 2020

It was supposed to be a thought of the walk episode, but I am too stunned to thing straight. So today, we talk through why! is now live if you are interested in supporting the crowdfunding campaign.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!

Advisory Board


Sep 9, 2020

Today, begins a series of talks about how to handle waste on the homestead, starting with the easiest waste to work with: Livestock waste.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

Holler Neighbor Livestream, 7pm Tomorrow:

Unloose the Goose: 7:30pm today:

Stump the Sauce

  • None

Tales from the Booze Whisperette

  • Whisky Ginger Drinks for the Non-Whisky Lovers

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Resetting everything
  • Preparing Garlic Bed
  • Preparing Spring Planting Beds
  • Hail Mary Seeds

Handling Waste on the Homestead

Homesteading gives you the opportunity to greatly reduce the waste impact off your property for a number of reason:

  • Land absorbs and processes waste naturally - when you are not crammed in densely, you can build waste systems that not only help process waste, but use it in a way that becomes a natural cycle rather than a smelly landfill
  • The more you produce onsite, then less waste is created through packaging, etc
  • Genuine Environmentalism vs Political Action Environmentalism

Concept 1: Animal Waste

  • Humanur vs septic vs catholes
  • Poultry Waste
  • Rabbit Waste
  • Goat Waste
  • Pig Waste
  • A word on Density

Waste is a part of living and something that becomes politically charged when it need not be. Most sane people would prefer to live in a word that functions with natural cycles and how we handle our waste is part of that. Packaging can easily be used in a way that reduces environmental impact, so we need not go on a big packaging crusade, but rather can look around at what we and our families do for waste and be our best stewards. That is how you get lasting change. Person by person and voluntarily.

As I think through this series, I get excited. There are so many examples of people turning what was once garbage into both a new resource AND a wealthy lifestyle. I look forward to sharing these with you.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board


Sep 4, 2020

Today we have an interview show with a very sassy homesteader who also knows a thing or two about homesteading with both her boys taking college courses this year. None other than Amy Dingmann. We will talk about homeschool from a getting started perspective today.

  1. Kickstart update
  2. The Isaac Morehouse Podcast:

Show Resources

Main content of the show

Who is Amy Dingmann?

You might know Amy Dingmann from her Farmish Kind of Life podcast (and website of the same name) but she’s also a mom of two sons that she homeschooled until college. She runs the website The Hmmmschooling Mom, and has recently started a homeschool life coaching business where she helps potential, new, and experienced homeschool parents through the ups and downs of the homeschooling journey.

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Sep 2, 2020

Today is usually a how-to day, but I got up to lots of reactions to censorship this morning and wanted to have a fireside chat with yall about censorship. Personality after personality is being deplatformed and we need to talk about that. 

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and what is she getting ready for??

Stump the Sauce

What’s Up in the Garden

  • The squash, beans and cucumbers are dying out and the reseeding I did in mid August is a total wash. Pulling a hail mary September planting
  • So many cushaw squash
  • Prepping the ap for fall lettuces and greens
  • Kratky pepper transplants and tomato wall shut down

Censorship - it is enough to get your eyre up when someone censors you isn’t it? We have been debating for years if it is OK for the behemoth social platforms like Facebook and Youtube have the right to set standard of what is and is not ok to talk about. And we’ve seen some people deplatformed - usually someone with an extreme position. And we have mostly looked the other way, because it did not impact us.

But with the advent of covid, and the rioting and a scary political agenda rising up behind those crisis, censorship has moved past the so-called crazies and into a propaganda moving machine. Anyone who challenges the expected narrative is shut down and shut down fast. Ok. Not anyone, but a surprising number of people.

Dare to suggest that we go to a free speech platform and people get mad about it.

Dare to question the settled science of covid (how can it even be settled when the disease has only been known for maybe a year), and you get the squeltch. Tha dfamous facebook warning that your statement that vitamin d is a supplement you should add to improve your chances of fighting off covid gets marked as fake news. 

Yes. this happened to me.

Then 2 months later a new research paper came out confirming that d deficiencies may be a big factor in how sever you get covid.


You see it is science and there has not been enough time to confirm the hypothesis, but people are working on it.That post did not get shut down btw.

But back to censorship.

Why do we continue to give our dollars to the corporations that want to silence all but a very narrow narrative?

And if you think I mean a left one you are wrong. Sure, more righties are being banned right not, but that will change and blowback on moderate left opinions as soon as they know they can get away with it.
Sound paranoid?

Maybe I am a little - maybe that is my confirmation bias.

But when JB Spears does a spoof comedy video on covid and gets a video booted from youtube for making a covid joke, then when he works with his rep to address it is told that it is what it is, and the next one may see his entire channel pulled down, you know that all common sense has left the building on this issue.

And we are talking about private companies.

Some really misguided people are calling for government intervention on this matter.

Why? How will that improve the situation? 

These large corporations are entrenched in  the government - there is not much of a separation between them. They are both furthering agendas. This is how government works -- it is subject to special interest pressure. We sometimes fool ourselves into thinking that a grassroots uprising on an issue will force the government to change things - but until it is linked with lobbying, it is really hard to get any change at all.

And this is the crux of calling on the very machine that is part of the problem to fix the problem. Why would they bother?

I am sorry that I am going to hark back to Nazi Germany for my next thought. We are not currently exterminating people in concentration camps and that is not my point with this. But much of my understanding of how controlling a population through propaganda works is from looking to that time, so bear with me here. Not calling the Zuck Hitler here...He is an engineer and this is probably at the core of the problem in his choice to push censorship.

Back to nazi Germany. The price you would pay for providing a counter narrative during this time was much higher than the price we are paying now. You could be imprisoned, or executed.

But that was not the nest way for them to further the narrative they wanted was it? No. Using propaganda to show most of the population the story they wanted them to see was how they controlled the population. Establishing a foundation of tattling and enforcement and bullying was how they controlled the population. And these methods of control were much less expensive to implement that cracking down violently on the the people. Not that violence did not happen. It did. And it happened in some cases neighbor to neighbor ir child to parent. Think about that.

When people online virtually pile on someone for having a dissenting opinion, when they publish their home address, pictures of their kids, when they call their boss and demand they be fired, is this any different than a child reporting her parents for speaking against the Nazi regime and opening them up to consequesces? Yes, They had a different opinion of what is right, but should your opinion be the foundation for imprisonment?

Our founders did not seem to think so and neither I even if your opinion is that I am a poopy headed jerk, even if your opinion is that race does equal the merit of a person, even if your opinion is that communism is a viable economic system, even if your opinion is that hydrochloroquin paired with zink does work to reduce the severity of covid.

You should be able to talk about your perspective without being bullied, imprisoned, beaten up or deplatformed. Bit these companies do own their platform and can do what they want right?

Sure they can.

So why not put your effort, your advertising dollars, and your time into something better? Something that values free speech and open discussion, something that may jjust help us get to the core of what is really going on here?

Because continuing to let the propaganda narrative move forward as is, and to react to it is merely making you a pawn in the game rather than the creator of a better one.

Just a thought.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board
