
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











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Now displaying: 2018
Dec 24, 2018

Closing out the series, we bring you two versions of The Night Before Christmas. One from an intellectual fellow and one set to music. Enjoy!

Dec 24, 2018

Rest, regeneration, rejuvenation and reflection are the topic of today’s show. The season has changed, we are officially in winter - and have been weather-wise for a bit. And the hardest days are likely ahead. But right now, in this moment, if we are following the natural flow of seasons. We finally have time to get some rest. Today, I also wanted to discuss the spirit of the season - no matter your religious leaning, and to think through ways to make the most of the season of regeneration.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Zello Meetup Drunk Snacks
  • Ham ideas: Ham sauerkraut stew, red eye gravy, pasta with cream sauce and broccoli, ham salad sandwiches (or hors d'oeuvres)
  • Spring is coming: Seed catalogs and seedling growing station

Stump the Sauce

  • Making Mayo: The process and how to not get it to taste like olive oil
  • Canning Lid fail

Operation Independence

  • 2018 Finance Review is Done and we kept the house! (New tracking spreadsheet for 2019)

Main topic of the show: Season of Regeneration

Merry Christmas everyone -  and make it a great week.


Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer

The Tactical Redneck

Chef Brett

Samantha the Savings Ninja


Dec 23, 2018

This year on the podcast, we started hearing more often from a certain redneck. Sometimes as a segment, sometimes on an interview and a time or two on Youtube. So when he offered (ok was voluntold) to read a redneck version of The Night Before Christmas, how could we say no. Don't worry though, there are no bad words if your kids want to listen. :D

Dec 22, 2018

A friend from down under recorded this version of the poem for us with a few adjustments made for her local environment. Thank you AussieRo.

Dec 21, 2018


Join us in the series in the first in a series for 2018 of poems read from throughout the world. This version of The Night Before Christmas comes from our friend “Jaggy Little Thistle” who listens from Scotland. Thanks for the recording Jaggy!

Dec 19, 2018

Today, I want to take on another country kitchen topic but from a bit of a different angle over last week: Modern Cooking in the country kitchen with a sous vide machine. Yup, this year, I got my hands on a sous vide machine and started experimenting with it. At first I was a bit skeptical about if it would really make a difference, but I also knew of other uses for it outside of cooking and thought it would be handy to have around. Then I got the thing and ended up LOVING it - like as in loving it more than my crockpot. So today, we will talk about what sous vide is, why I have started using it here at the Holler Homestead and even talk through some recipes.

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First Aid Episode Feedback

Announce Holler Hat Wednesday

Modern Cooking with Sous Vide

Nicole’s Lessons Learned on Soux vide

  1. It really shines with meat 
  2. Large numbers of eggs work well
  3. Pre-spice your meats then freeze….
  4. Defrost with it, or go from frozen to cooked without the defrost phase
  5. Awesome when you need to time things just right


  • Sometimes you just want a slow cooked stew
  • Haven’t found many vegetable sides I like cooked this way
  • It is one more kitchen gadget


  • Does it make tough meat more tender?
  • What if you do not have a vacuum sealer?
  • How do you boil eggs with it?
  • What if you cook something too long?

Finally, the add-on use: Hand and dish washing stations: heat the water and hold it there

Story: Pig processing at 17 degrees on an off grid farm

Booze Whisperer: Gin and Juice

Make it a great week.

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer

The Tactical Redneck

Chef Brett

Samantha the Savings Ninja



Dec 17, 2018

Today, we talk about five areas of first aid that you should think about both on your homestead and, well, pretty much anywhere.

Spring Workshop Session: Developing Your Positive Community in the Modern World, from the Tactical Redneck

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Turkey for the weekend reception
Smoked Leg of Marty
Cushaw Squash, roasted, in soup, with feta as a salad
Retort Pouch Canning: Video

Stump the Sauce
Preparing Eggplant from the Store

Operation Independence
Really Cool Thank You Gifts for our Premium Supporters

Main topic of the show: Learning First Aid for the Homestead

Teresa - managed to do a move with a sprained ankle - go girl!

A note on #my3things for the week:
Update from last week: the surprise is ready to ship
Domestic decluttering
Prepare week 1 jan 2019

Advisory Board


Dec 12, 2018

I haven’t talked much about homesteading or domestic arts lately. We’ve focused more on building the life you want to live. So today, I thought, why not surprise them with something that goes back to our roots of homesteading?

Cooking has changed

  • Eating out culture
  • Processed/prepared foods
  • Dietary changes and fancified meals
  • Plated and other mail order meal services

But the country kitchen goes through cycles. One thing feeds another - or gets in the way. So today, I thought I would run you through a not so atypical morning here at the Holler Homestead….

It all starts with coffee and 30 minutes of peaceful reflection…….Then we dive in.

There is something quite satisfying about the levels of production that you can attain if you let one thing feed the next in your kitchen. Next thing you know you have homemade broth in the pantry, lard going in the crockpot, home smoked meat, and easy plan for dinner, and a load of laundry hung out by the fire.

So why not learn a new "old" skill this winter and begin developing your own cycles in the kitchen?

Make it a great week!

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer

The Tactical Redneck

Chef Brett

Samantha the Savings Ninja


Dec 10, 2018

Living on a homestead is like having a variety show in your life: Something unexpected happens almost every day. Just today, I walked out to the roasting camper and saw 2 goats in my yard. If you look at the show’s photo today, you will understand why I was baffled by this. They should have been shut in the barn. And sometimes we get so mad when things go off plan, but when has anything ever really stayed on plan? Today, I will walk through several topics that impact homesteaders and those of you who are starting or have started your own business. From honey bees to healthcare, today is like a fireside chat.

Spring Workshop Session: Chef Brett Corrieri - Charcuterie. 

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • A cow and 2 pigs fit in the freezer and the process dictated our menu this week: Pork chops, ribs, chicken dumpling soup, and I am making lard.
  • Winter budget tightening means a focus on living off the pantry stores: Borscht - beets, broth and a blender and spices. Served with Sour Cream.
  • Wish I could solve the dairy problem

Stump the Sauce

  • Faith and Sarah: Broth, Bone Broth, Stock

Operation Independence

  • Roasted all the coffee. ALL OF IT. (And I love this)

Main topic of the show: Take Each Day as it is on the Homestead

Make it a great week!

Song: Cilly Song by Sauce


Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer

The Tactical Redneck

Chef Brett

Samantha the Savings Ninja



Dec 3, 2018

Easy ways to find ideas for homemade gifts and firing the toxic people in your life, today on LFTN!

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Early cold has = better cold storage
  • Drying Mushrooms for vitamin D
  • Harvesting and using or drying root things like Sassafras (which I have not done)
  • Canning all the stock

Stump the Sauce

  • Q1: Why does my gravy taste like flour?
  • Q2: What should I stuff in my bird (first time roasting)?
  • Q3: What should I roast a turkey IN?
  • Q4: What if I forgot to defrost the turkey?
  • No fat for the gravy, now what?
  • Q5: What if I left the turkey out overnight on accident?
  • Q6: What is Your pumpkin pie recipe? (2.25 c pumpkin pulp, 1 8 oz can condensed sweetened milk, 2 eggs, 1 tsp salt, ginger, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, 1 tbsp brown sugar. 425 for 25, reduce to 350 until done.

Operation Independence

  • THE GREAT FINANCE REVIEW OF 2018...not yet finished but it is unearthing some waste and some good stuff too
  • We ate ALL our thanksgiving leftovers. ALL OF THEM.

Main Topic of the Day: Handmade Homey Gifts and Firing Toxic People

Song: Burned by Sauce

Advisory Board


Nov 26, 2018

Today, I have two topics for you. The first is a simple walk through our simple weekend of doing odd, quaint things. Someone pointed out to me that what I think of as a stress free Thanksgiving is filled with tons of basic homemaking skills that no one does anymore….and we will talk about a deeper idea: Mourning loss as an adult and also mourning loss for the first time, and ways to navigate sadness when you lose someone close to you. I know, I know. This may seem like a depressing topic, but it won’t be, I promise.

Workshop Session Highlight: Dori Mulder - Side Hustle Mentality: Gleaning Value From What You Have.

Get Founders Tickets here.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Catfood Incident
Early Cold has been good on the root vegetables
Freezer filled with Pork, sorting last year’s beef (and selling some) in preparation for the next cow (Cow story)
A word on stability and cashflow.

What Mother Nature is providing
Oysters have appeared, finally (Turkey mushroom gravy)
Lemon balm is still giving us leaves
Same as last week: things below the ground are ready. Like Sassafrass root and jerusalem artichoke.

Stump the Sauce
Last minute buttercream frosting in an urgent situation

Operation Independence
Lardo for the charcuterie session
Duplex is the prime focus until it is done

Main topic: What is Normal Has Become Odd

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer

The Tactical Redneck

Chef Brett

Samantha the Savings Ninja



Nov 19, 2018

Today, we will talk about a basic homesteading activity: Processing Pigs for winter -- and a deeper topic: Processing Life. The last 10 days, many people I know and ones I just recently got to know in the LFTN community have been facing hard life lessons. So we will look at lessons learned from processing pigs next to lessons learned from life. And they are not all that different.

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Reviewing the root vegetables (Cat got into the pantry)
  • Care of cheese
  • Thanksgiving from stored foods

What Mother Nature is providing

  • Down to nuts and mushrooms
  • Jerusalem artichokes are ready to dig

Stump the Sauce

  • Salad Dressing

Operation Independence

  • Porchetta for the workshop
  • New coffee launching this week - should be a good one!

Processing pigs - processing life.


  • Highlight: Cindy and her 54 birds - many hand make light work

Make it a great week!

Song: Every Way by Sauce

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer

The Tactical Redneck

Chef Brett

Samantha the Savings Ninja


Nov 13, 2018

Today, I run through three key lessons from the #TSP18 workshop that happened over the weekend at Jack Spirko's place in Texas. There were many more than three lessons to learn, but when it comes to living your life rather than have someone else live it for you, this event was a great motivator.

Oct 29, 2018

Today, we talk about what steps I will take to prepare the aquaponics system for winter, as well as go over what you can do now to get your garden beds ready for a great spring!

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Phase 1 has been completed 
  • Final canning events of the year (after Jack’s)
  • Drying Mushrooms
  • November: Meat rotation in the freezer
  • Time to extract honey, or package it in tinfoil to avoid freezer burn
  • Gluehwein season is here

What Mother Nature is providing

  • Ap: Swiss chard and not much else at the moment
  • Time to winterize. More on that later
  • Winterize the bees
  • Mushrooms are exploding
  • Firewood

Stump the Sauce

Operation Independence

  • Tile, Tile, Tile, Tile on the rental that has taken forever. Tiling on a wavy wall (operation independence)
  • One annoying thing season

Main topic of the show: Winterizing the Aquaponics System and garden beds

Four things to to to the ap:

  • Stock tank heater
  • Bed hoops
  • Insulation on the feeder hoses
  • Bring in the frost sensitive plants

How to prepare your beds for winter

  • Clean them out
  • Layers: manure, compost, forest dirt, leaves, straw or wood chips or another mulch. (My thoughts on local wood chips)
  • What to do if you interplant like I do

A Final Winter checklist

  • Waters ready to be ice-free?
  • Bees?
  • Animal bedding sufficient?
  • Goat hay needed
  • Pump house filters changed
  • Bring in the banana trees
  • Try to overwinter a rosemary plant and the tabasco peppers

Make it a great week.

Song: Strange Child by Sauce

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer

The Tactical Redneck

Chef Brett

Samantha the Savings Ninja



Oct 23, 2018

Today is that moment you have all been waiting for: A debrief of our visit to see Dori at her place, 40 Acres and a Cave. We will have a short debrief of what happened for the visit and a run down of some things we can all learn from what she is doing out there with that fantastic property.

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Harvested my sweet potatoes and got about ¾ of a bushel for the prepper pantry.
  • Curing Sweet potato
  • Last green bean harvest of the season
  • Blueberry oatmeal
  • Still have not done the big move-in for Winter 2018
  • The great lasagna and the mandolin zucchini noodles

What Mother Nature is providing

  • Ap: Swiss chard is coming on
  • First Oyster mushrooms - planning to put up a ton
  • Last of the sage
  • Lemon balm - last call
  • Almost time for horseradish
  • Parsley

Stump the Sauce

  • Oxtail: Paired with jerk or curry -
  • What Sauce would do: sear then do a roemertopf with smoked paprika, rosemary, garlic, salt, peppers, carrots, onion, salt - served over sauteed mushroom or rice with a broth made from the rendered juices of the roemertopf and a bit of stock - because there is always stock.

Operation Independence

  • The great plumbing repair: $150
  • Taxes really did get sent - next up: more taxes
  • The gas dryer story
  • Coffee of the month is starting to sell

A debrief of 40 Acres and a Cave

Make it a great week!

Song: Anonymous by Sauce

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer
The Tactical Redneck
Chef Brett
Samantha the Savings Ninja


Oct 15, 2018

So, this episode will focus on a man I have long admired in our area: Billy Kaufman of Short Mountain Distillery. Billy moved to Tennessee with a vision. What he started doing morphed into where he is today and we had a great talk about his distillery, the Haunted Woods event, and his journey from arrival to where he is today. There is so much to learn from how he has flexed and adjusted as he develops his farm into something beautiful. And while the what of he is doing has changed, his vision remains largely unchanged. It is a great example of how sticking to a vision over a tactic can help you launch the lifestyle you want.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • The weather went from the low 90s to 60s in 24 hours and it is time
  • Hen of the woods while at Dori’s place
  • Tomatoes are finally on the agenda
  • Getting Ready to extract honey

What Mother Nature is providing

  • Ap: Green beans, greens
  • Harvesting a round of spices to dry for winter use
  • Mushrooms
  • Watercress 
  • Chestnuts 

Operation Independence

  • Did a property walk and homestead plan with 40 Acres and a Cave which is giving me the data I need to offer more of these in the coming year - and it was so much fun I am dying to tell you about it.
  • Paid off a card in the game of finance with a check that was very very very late in arriving.
  • Launched Coffee of the Month

Main topic of the show: Haunted Woods, Moonshine, and the Power of Vision with Billy Kaufmann

Question: How are you surrounding yourself with doers or takers?

Make it a great week!

Song: Learning What Leaving Is, by Sauce

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer
The Tactical Redneck
Chef Brett
Samantha the Savings Ninja


Oct 9, 2018

Today, we will talk about something a bit different: why we end each episode with make it a great week. We will also take a look at what that means for so many, and tell some stories along the way.

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • It’s been a light week in the pantry with all the other projects underway
  • Incoming visit from the Knifemaker (Get Patrick to check in). He showed me how to sharpen my awesome chef’s knife
  • Hot as blazes so boxes are STILL in my office

What Mother Nature is providing

  • Green Beans
  • Time to harvest sweet potatoes
  • Chestnuts

Stump the Sauce

  • Meatloaf experiment and leftover scramble

Tales from the Booze Whisperer

  • A missive from over the pond

Operation Independence

  • Coffee of the month beans arrive TOMORROW!!
    • Soft Launch is Wednesday
  • Headed to 40 acres and a farm

Main Topic: New tagline - Helping you to live the life you choose on your terms

Song: Suicide by Sauce

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer
The Tactical Redneck
Chef Brett
Samantha the Savings Ninja


Oct 1, 2018

Today, I want to talk about progress and the fall. Winter is coming, but right now, we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor. More about that in the main show topic.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Reorganization Needed
  • Did the last round of root cellar orders: 2 bags of onions, 2 boxes of potatoes, 1 sweet potato, 2 cushaw squash, a pumpkin for fun. Total cost: $80
  • Pantry coaching is a thing - it’s not frantic prepping, it is just smart.
    • Document what you eat
    • Try some seasonal bulk purchases - maybe just 1 thing
    • See if you use it up
    • USE IT UP

What Mother Nature is providing

  • Harvested and set out to dry Goldenrod
  • Chestnuts
  • Turkey and Deer season is upon us 

Stump the Sauce

  • Using an abundance of peppers
  • Getting home from vacation when the store is not a viable option

Tales from the Booze Whisperer

  • How to use Holler Roast Coffee Bitters

Operation Independence

  • Holler Roast Coffee of the Month Update
  • Budget Discipline

Main topic of the show: Progress.

Go out, and make it a great week!

Song: Wolf by Sauce (Also referred to as Desire)

Advisory Board

The Booze Whisperer
The Tactical Redneck
Chef Brett
Samantha the Savings Ninja


Sep 24, 2018

Today, we talk through a roundup of questions I have gotten over the past two weeks related to fall homesteading activities. From canning to heating, y’all have been busy trying to figure stuff out. Of course, some of these questions have been addressed over on the LFTN Coffee Break group on Facebook, but I just figured if one of you has a question, many of you have the same question.

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Still need to do the consult
  • Pantry yielded many benefits this week
  • More in the full content of today’s show

What Mother Nature is providing

  • Goldrod’s last week
  • Fall plants are coming up well in other people’s gardens - but not mine.

Stump the Sauce

  • What to do when you can't make your food hot enough.

Operation Independence
Food for friends: Ad trade, canned foods from the pantry = low expense to be a helpful member of the community.

Main topic of the show: A Fall Roundup on Homesteading

Q1: How do I figure out how many pounds of tomatoes to use to yield a certain number of jars?

Q2: Tattler lids - can you reuse the rubber gasket?

Q3: What is it like to heat with a wood stove only?

Q4: How do you integrate a new rooster to your flock?

Q5: I just got a ton of persimmons that are not completely ripe, what do I do with them? I hate to throw them away…

Q6: What kind of garlic grows well in Tennessee?

Q7: Is it ok to raid my bees for honey now?

Q8: Should I store my canned goods with the ring on or the ring off the jar?

Q9: How do I store my potatoes and squash?

Q10: How much firewood is enough?

Q11: What about garden bed preparation?

Q12: What should I plant now for spring?

Q:13: What else can you do to prepare your home for winter?


Advisory Board

Sep 19, 2018

Today, we explore how following the basic concepts put forth through developing your life strategic plan, continually moving your big picture goals forward, and remembering that we are here to live our lives, not have them lived for us. Or something like that...

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Raiding the prepper pantry under times of durres
  • Wonderful pork roast with green chilies

Stump the Sauce

What Mother Nature is Providing

  • Basic veggies for the daily sautee
  • The dog egg story
  • Late season mint, jewel weed
  • Paw Paw update

Independence Fund Update

  • Boat repair
  • Goat repair
  • Deck repair
  • Keep Nicole Sane Repair



Sep 10, 2018

Today, we have a special guest in the house: Shawn Mills. Remember way back when almost a year and a half ago when I had someone come look at my home to help me understand better what it might take to go off grid? Well, that was Shawn. Today we are going to talk about his off-grid lifestyle, as well as focus on things all of us can do to move that direction without committing to a 10k solar panel installation.

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • I did not can tomato sauce because of a HUGE web project I am focused on. (The sauce trick)
  • That venison loin we cooked

What Mother Nature is providing

  • Persimmons
  • Paw paws are about done
  • Watercress
  • Still have late summer medicinals: jewelweed, goldenrod, etc…

Stump the Sauce

  • Lemongrass

Operation Independence

  • Traded for a kayak - stoked about it!
  • Put in 6 hours on taxes. Still. not. Done.
  • Landed a new deal for digital coaching that should be great for our ongoing stability and can be done from here.

Main topic of the show: Off-Grid Mentality Can Improve Your Homestead with Shawn Mills

Make it a great week!

Song: The Flood by Sauce



Sep 4, 2018

Today, we will take a walk through the benefits of simply living. Simply living - as in simply living your life, not letting others live it for you. Why Simply living and not simple living? You gotta listen to find out!

Tales from the Prepper Pantry
38 jars of salsa are canned
Putting up tomato sauce this week
Need to do an shelving overhaul in there
The mud room is mostly full of jars, but some will go to our chili loving friends who put in on the chillies this year

What Mother Nature is providing
Beans beans beans and funny beans
Damn the electrical company for spraying on my land

Stump the Sauce
Rattle Snake Recipe

Operation Independence
Put up 39 pints of salsa for winter
August was a record month for the airbnb
Sticking to my guns on the weekly finance review
Need to get taxes done

The Bounty of Simply Living .... not having your life lived for you.

Song: Strange Child, by Sauce



Aug 27, 2018

Today we talk about preparing for winter, Christmas gift ideas, decision making with emotions, green chilipalooza and more!

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Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Tomato canning
  • Drying red runners
  • Green chili weekend is this weekend: Salsa, canning chilies, roasting chilies, eating chilies

What Mother Nature is providing

  • A word on the fall garden
  • Okra okra okra
  • Jerusalem Artichokes are blooming -
  • Lotsa tomatoes
  • A final mullein, mint, lemon balm and comfrey sweep
  • Jewelweed

Stump the Sauce

  • Coffee in soup

Tales from the Booze Whisperer

  • Using all the tomato water when canning

Operation Independence

  • Put up 26.5 quarts of tomatoes - $2 a quart including propane and lids (but not my time).
  • Fridge win for the duplex

Christmas is coming - gift ideas

    1. Custom bitters
    2. Coffee air freshener
    3. Jams and jellies
    4. Rustic Walking stick
    5. Elderberry Syrup kit: dried elderberries, cinnamon, ginger, cayenne pepper, honey 

The newly adopted family that visited and an update on Airbnb

Making decisions by emotion

Fall on the homestead = prepare for winter

Song: Feed My Hunger by Sauce



Aug 20, 2018

And today, I have a fun interview to share with you. I talked to a friend, John Moody who boasts a background at the Farm to Table legal defense fund, has built a high tunnel on his land, and approaches homesteading with the simple idea that: don’t make it harder than it has to be. He is about to release his book, the frugal homestead, and is an all-around fun guy to talk with!

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What Mother Nature is providing

  • Watercress is starting to come back
  • Creek Mint
  • Lots of veggies
  • Fall Garden Time is Now

What we are preserving this week

  • Beans and corn.
  • Lesson learned from canning sauerkraut

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Scored another bushel of corn and canned it
  • Need to insulate the exterior wall in the prepper pantry to see if temperature regulates better

Ideas from the Booze Whisperer

  • Hickory Smoked Bourbon and Lavender Simple Syrup

Operation Independence

  • We relaxed with friends this weekend and what started as a quiet visit expanded into a fun gathering
  • What do do when you have people to feed and not enough eggs (Crepes)
  • Conquered paper mountain!!! (Taxes are almost done because of this)

Interview with John Moody, Author of Frugal Homesteading 

Song: Learning What Leaving Is, Sauce


Aug 14, 2018

Today, we will take a look at what it means to change your narrative into something that helps move you where you want to go.


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What Mother Nature is providing

Hot weather AND rain - perfect for fall garden if you can keep things going
Tomatoes, beans and okra
Swiss chard is ramping up
Dill weed and other herbs
More elderberries - still seeking 1 gallon
Early season apples

What we are preserving this week

Canning tomatoes
Sauerkraut canning

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

Canned jars are stacking up
Garlic is ready to be stored - so it is inside
It’s hot in there - still haven’t defrosted the freezer

Tales from the booze whisperer

What to do with canned peaches

Operation Independence

Change Your Narrative, Change Your Life

  1. Learn about frame or perspective: This is what those annoying people who love lemonade do.
  2. Define what is really important to your success and frame your personal narrative toward that.
  3. Learn how your behavior impacts those around you - and use that.

Make it a great week.

Song: Feed My Hunger, by Nicole Sauce

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