
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











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Now displaying: August, 2021
Aug 30, 2021

Today we will talk about focusing on doing what you can as the world falls apart around you and why that is more important now, in times of duress, than it ever was before. We will also talk about what the CAC team is up to this week with Hurricane Ida’s arrival in Louisiana, and we will talk a little about why real community happens.


CAC Activation -

  • Volunteers get pre-approved or update your information
  • Seeking donations

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Beets and Tomatoes
  • Green Chilies Incoming
  • Venison Stew
  • Freeze Dryer is back in business with the cooling weather: Eggs, milk, watermelon
  • New Recipe: Cube steak. S & P, 3 mins per side, Worcestershire sauce. Reduce the resulting sauce as gravy

Operation Independence

  • Selling everything we can to offset the replacement car (Xtera straight piped, tractor, electric range, collectible ww2 air tanks, and various small stuff) -- added benefit is simplicity. (Sometimes independence means making choices)
  • Putting finishing touches on an event at SOE in mid October and a workshop with Niti the first Saturday of October -- more on this soon
  • GSD Update

Main topic of the Show: Building While The World Falls Apart

In the last 2 weeks, no fewer than 20 people have reached out to me with questions about relocating to Tennessee. Many of them are facing job loss due to vaccination requirements, financial problems from draconian shut downs, and the emotional wounds from having marriages, friendships and family relationships torn apart in light of what some like to just refer to as “All this bullshit.”

They are scared to stay where they are. They are scared to move somewhere new. It is hard to feel secure with capital gains tax laws being retroactively changed under the guise of taxing the rich -- you know who I mean -- the rich people who will never pay more tax, and landing on the shoulders of small business owners and grandma’s retirement rental.

Every time a new story comes out about the virus you fall over from being dizzy from the spin put out by “both” sides of the discussion. Ivermectin is cow medicine and has no valid human use (except it does). Unvaccinated are spreading the virus (except vaccinated are too and they are less likely to know they are infected). Meat is killing you and low fat is the only way to go, except the part where sugar is definitely linked to diabetes, which is also killing us.

Then there are the calls for mandates, the framing of people who are conservative as less than human. The violence increasing all over the country but in particular in the cities. There is the economic damage of the last few years, made worse by decades of shitty public policy, made worse by the political power mongers using this current state of discomfort to take more control, dictate how poor people will live from now on under the guise of saving the planet from climate change.

What I see among those who have awoken to the current evil that has been building for a long time is that they discuss it unendingly. Pundits have this topic covered.

We need to be better than that. We need to give our energy to creating, not tearing down. To forward momentum not backward thinking policies in fancy new marketing packaging. That is why we talk about building here rather than obsess on the shit going on.

It doesn’t mean we ignore the shit though. I mean if a wrecking ball is coming your way, you definitely want to see it and to move.

I moved from public policy to podcasting and building our LFTN community because I realized that trying to change the system that is failing everyone from inside the system is a fool’s errand. I mean, God bless those who are willing to stay and try. But the system itself has core design flaws. It is designed into the system to create dependence. We don’t need dependence. WE NEED INDEPENDENCE in order to create and thrive.

Is this time different for you or the same. Are you looking at those gas cans you have that are empty, or are they full? Did you start a pantry rotation, or are you thinking about what you ought to stock up on now that prices are climbing? Is your side hustle generating some income, or are you stuck deciding between your long term health and keeping a job that is requiring you to do things you disagree with?

So you can either be part of the problem by playing the game, or you can be part of the solution by building now, when the time is ripe to build but the will to build it weak.

Make it a great week!

Song: Burned, performed by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Aug 27, 2021

Today is a thought of the walk episode - a collection of short thoughts shared on a variety of topics. These thoughts are shared on Odysee every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, then produced as an audio podcast every other Friday.

Today’s Thoughts Include:

  • Hidden Treasure
  • Taking Risks
  • Inside Plumbing of the Solar Water Heater
  • I CAN'T SLEEP! Thought of the Walk
  • News Propoganda

To view the videos for Thought of the Walk Episode, go here: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

They are also produced on Youtube as a playlist.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



Aug 25, 2021

Today, I have a great interview with Mike the Polymath, a guy who is really good at lots of things. A guy who started a neat concept for providing a service lots of people would want. A guy who cares about freedom, food freedom and empowering the individual.

Waverly Flood Assistance

Anyone wanting to volunteer to help with cleanup and recovery can call 931-888-8011 or 931-888-8012.  You can report after 8am to the volunteer staging area in the Dollar Tree Parking Lot at 515 West Main St.  Our volunteers at those numbers will match your skills with those who have needs.  Thank you for your help!

Cheese Webinar Delayed One Week!

Show Resources

Main content of the show

Michael is the founder of EasyPeasy Garden Solutions LLC, in Indianapolis, Indiana. His business is geared towards designing, building and maintaining backyard vegetable gardens on a subscription basis.

Michael studied Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Human Ecology and has a professional background in environmental education, tourism, organic farming and the nursery trade.

After an eccentric series of jobs and internships, Michael integrated various different knowledge bases and skill sets to start EasyPeasy Garden Solutions in 2018.

  1. How did you find your way to gardening/sustainability?
  2. What is EasyPeasy Garden Solutions?
  3.  How did the idea for EasyPeasy occur to you? What is the mission?
  4. How, specifically does a person start their own personal gardening business? Does it require any certain education, personality-type, background, or skill-set? What kind of investment is required?
  5. What are the pros/cons of being a "one-man business"
  6. What would you say to someone who has an entrepreneurial dream they have not yet attempted?
  7. What are some other ways we could "uber-ize" the food system
  8. What is in the future for you and for EasyPeasy?

Membership and Coffee Pitch


Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Aug 23, 2021

Today we talk more about Holler Dollars, the Flood,  and where to move in Tennessee if you are immigrating from another state. These are all questions and comments from listeners.

Mozzarella Webinar THIS THURSDAY

Oct 15-17 - Back to the Land Festival:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Tomato Sauce
  • Round of animal feed
  • Venison Shoulder Roast to soup
  • Working on ordering in Green Chilies for Green Chili Day (There will be Green Chili Ice cream!) (Sign up link)

Operation Independence

  • Hip Camp
  • Car Fund

Main topic of the Show: Listener Feedback Show

Holler Dollars

From Sue:

I had two questions from an academic point of view. 1) in your example about Jenni and the garlic. That is technical not a barter situation. What you described is essentially creating another currency based in garlic. Because you've set a value for garlic that you'll honor no mater what, even if you have elastic demand for garlic. For instance, say she plants an entire lawn of garlic and brings it to the pantry for 10,000 credits. Under the system you described, her garlic is as good as currency even if you can't use her garlic.

My second question is more of a philosophical one. If the framework of the holler is not paying the labor the equivalent of at least minimum wage in the Tennessee economy, then is it really independence? Why do you need to come up with a food value for the labor that is nor based on the real market value of the labor absent the neighbors? I guess what I am asking is, how much would it cost to run the holler if your neighbors did not exist. Isn't that the value exactly? My worry is that there are legal cases where work contracts made in sub economies where labor is valued at less than minimum wage can be considered servitude under the law and litigious.

I'm not saying either of the above will happen of course. Just playing out your scenarios from a purely argumentative point of view absent the fact that these are your friends and neighbors

Leos: Incorporated Approach

Where to Move in Tennessee?

I found you via Jack Spirko. My family and I are soon to be refugees from California. We are in pursuit of a new location to settle and build community. Tennessee is on our list to explore suitability for us. Can you recommend any areas in Tennessee worth looking into? Thanks so much,


What Coffee Maker Should I Buy?

From Gary Hey, Nicole! I hear you on multiple shows: Unloose, LFTN, TSP. I can't recall which show it was on (probably not Unloose), but you offered advice on coffee makers I'm having trouble finding that episode, and I'm in hopes you can point me in the right direction (or just send me the makes and models :-).

Love listening to you in all those places. Keep up the great work!

Link to TSP Episode on coffee makers

Make it a great week!

Song: The Flood by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Aug 20, 2021

Today, we go waaaay back to August 2019 and revisit the basics: How to take control of your overwhelming world by using the #my3Things. If you have ever wandererd how I get so much done - this is how.

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Aug 18, 2021

Today, we talk about what to do with your pantry at the end of August, whether you are on a homestead or living in the city.

Webinar on Making Mozarella

Green Chili Day Registration is Live

Stump the Sauce

You seem like a really cool lady with a good heart and I like your goals for independance and living free and wish you well on your quest. I do have a question regarding trading and bartering within a small neighborhood of "like-minded people". My father was born in 1937 and pines away at how everyone worked together for a common goal, say threshing wheat/oats and how people used to work together. I ask what happened? Because my point of view is I don't even know these people he would talk about so fondly from childhood memory. He retorts "We all became independent and stopped having to get along, so we don't". So, it seems these barter systems are transient and dependent on most within the group being of either similar socioeconomic status or as the time ethnic decent, and Dad always seems to talk about the riff that severed relationship X or Y . Just thoughts. Love your show.

Main topic of the Show:  End of Summer Pantry Management

This morning, the weather had turned “morning cool” once again and you know what that means, right? Winter is coming and along with it the need to be fully stocked up, have firewood, and have the animals taken care of.

One of the reasons that store shortages are not very concerning to us here in the Holler is that we have been maintaining a good pantry for many years. But that doesnt mean we will not have to go without if things do not come back in stock. 

This week, we have had a cool reprieve amid the hottest days of the year. We have stowed and stashed jars of winter storage. We have “used up” commercial products as part of a busy week of travel. 

This month, we have dug a giant ditch behind the house, completely taken out everything in the prepper pantry to rerun gas, electrical, and water. Things are a bit stirred up and it is time to do the late summer pantry project.

If you are new to pantry management, or an old hand at it, this time of year tends to lead to the same place: it is time to audit, reorganize, and plan the next steps in advance of winter. If you are lucky enough to have AC, this is also an excuse to stay cool during the hottest part of the day while making forward progress.

Failure to take this time now leads to that one can of sauerkraut that stays in the back corner of your pantry, getting moved each time you do, until it is so old that you don’t even want to feed it to your pigs. 

How do I know? I moved that can of sauerkraut 8 times before I realized I was never going to eat it. That can of sauerkraut was the first step toward proper pantry management - as in store what you actually eat -- and it started me on a very different path in food management long before I discovered my love of preserving and storing food in abundance.

So what does the Summer Project Look like?

  1. Review long term and short term storage
  2. Make 2 piles for each place: Use up, store it
  3. Put everything away with the use up items in front on shelves and the store it items harder to get to (pull things from long term storage that really need to be worked into your meal plans)
  4. Freezers if you have them
  5. Make a list of what is missing for the winter: flour, sugar, hot coco, paper towels, fire starters, first aid and toiletries, meats, veggies, etc
  6. Set a schedule to restock - there is still farm abundance to preserve and things often have early fall sales. Advanced: buying for next summer at the end of this one!
  7. Do this same process for livestock and pets

The first time I did this: 2 weeks - now it is a 1 day thing. (explain why)

Next 2 weeks meal plan

Landing: High times and spare - you will be as supply secure as you can be without wasting time and money on things you will never use.

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.


Advisory Board



Aug 16, 2021

Today, I will run you through a typical Saturday on a homestead in the heat of summer as everything needs life support to survive and is getting ripe and ready to eat and process.

Reminder: Mozzarella Making Webinar

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • 34 quarts of green beans
  • 60 lbs of tomatoes
  • Golden rod, mullein, mint

Operation Independence

  • Building the podcast and HRC at Rogue Food Conference in Virginia

Main topic of the Show: A Homestead In Summer

The why

The backdrop (Leaving a homestead, summer abundance season, dog days)

Preparing for the knows, animals, coffee customers, winter is coming

Homestead grown vs locally sources food approach - beans, tomatoes

Friday: 60 lbs tomatoes, 2 bushels stringless beans

My hopes: Salsa, dilly beans, canned beans

Getting real: dilly beans are nice to have not need to have

The agenda for Saturday: (Friday night background)

  • Skipped market (picked up produce from the farmers on Friday afternoon)
  • 6am: up, coffee, walk dogs (short walk), assemble laundry
  • 6:30: Start water for green beans to boiling, start laundry, second cup coffee, begin processing tomatoes
  • 6:45: 1st batch beans in the canner
  • 7am: Tomatoes in the freezer, pigs fed scraps
  • 7:15: begin snapping beans, change laundry
  • 7:45: 1st batch beans done
  • Pattern until 1pm: Snap beans, prepare jars for canner, process beans, rotate laundry, check water for plants, make/eat breakfast
  • Meanwhile: T is on animal care and fencing
  • 1-1:30 lunch break
  • 1:30-3pm: “The bean cycle”
  • 3pm: start the cheese, snap beans on “breaks” - come to the realization that I am not going to actually pack anything tonight
  • 5pm: bean only cycle (I am snapping as fast as I can put them in jars)
  • 7pm: T arrives, there is no plan for dinner, animals and plants are cared for, still snapping and canning beans. Initiate the frozen cauliflower pizza crust with fresh made tomato sauce, sausage and cheese
  • 8pm: dinner, tv show, still snapping beans and canning them
  • 9pm: the last of the beans are snapped, too tired to go on, house looks like a bean food fight has happened, (Beanmageddon), jars are cooling on every surface I can find,  there are 4 jars left to do.


Sunday am

6am: up and start water for the last bean jars, short dog walk, beans in the canner

Prepare/eat breakfast, shower, feed dogs, head out the door by 7 with beans finishing up in the canner.

Landing: Even when there is an impossible schedule, you will be successful if you stick to the top priority.

Make it a great week!

Song: Anonymous by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Aug 13, 2021

Today is a thought of the walk episode - a collection of short thoughts shared on a variety of topics. These thoughts are shared on Odysee every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, then produced as an audio podcast every other Friday.

Today’s Thoughts Include:

  • Lessons from the Garden
  • Something Has Changed
  • What I Learned After Walking Each Morning for One Month
  • Five Ways to Prepare Green Beans
  • Decide and be Honest with Yourself

To view the videos for Thought of the Walk Episode, go here: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

They are also produced on Youtube as a playlist.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board



Aug 10, 2021

Today, I share thoughts about getting your mindset right after a day of training at Tactical Response (

Main topic of the Show: Mindset

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce


  • Mewe Group:
  • Telegram Group:
  • Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

Advisory Board


Aug 6, 2021

Today, I talk with Matthew Sercely to discuss using the tax code to your advantage and his new company, Agorist Tax Advice.

Show Resources

Main Content of the Show:

Matthew Sercely has been an attorney for over 11 years in the Dallas, Texas area. Last year he decided to go out on his own and help libertarians, anarchists, and agorists to deal with taxes.


  • Why are you the “agorist tax advisor?”
  • What is a “Tax Advisor”? How is it different than a tax attorney or an accountant?
  • Are there any advantages to having a tax advisor who is an attorney instead of an accountant? Any advantages to having an accountant instead?
  • What are the different types of Taxation for companies? What is the best one for a business?
  • What sorts of mistakes to you see people making on their taxes?
  • You’ve done multiple seminars in the past year, including the Survivial Podcast and Living Free in Tennesse. Why do you like doing seminars so much?

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.


Advisory Board


Aug 4, 2021

Today is the second in a  series about how to build and launch your home or craft coffee roasting business. We will cover branding and packaging

Sign up for the Mozzarella making webinar, August 26
Next Week’s Schedule
Episode 500 Reminder

Listener Feedback

  • Nick

Main topic of the Show:  Branding and Packaging Your Coffee, Home Roasting Business Part 2

What to know about Branding

  • Member Webinar in the Portal, Personal and Business Branding with Sue Zoldak, May 2021
  • Know your target
  • Visual and “personality” representation of the core essence of your business. Must be: Emotional (Buyer), Differentiated (Competition), Credible (You and the Buyer)
  • Packaged for: Web, print, social. Black and white and color. Visible from afar and look good up close.
  • Industry colors: browns, green, blues (Think about what that means for you and your brand)

Developing your brand story

  • Coffee is about people from farm to cup
  • Why it matters to the buyer
  • What made YOU love coffee (that matters to the buyer)? How did you get to where you are today?
  • Sketch it out and practice with friends, have them tell your story back. Learn from that


  • Label must haves
  • Plastic vs paper
  • Co2 filter
  • Packaging sizes (12 oz vs 16, shape, etc)
  • Label design vs printed bags
  • Color choices
  • Where are you selling your coffee?
  • Does your packaging sell your coffee (farmer’s market story)

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Aug 2, 2021

Today, I will talk through how to save seeds from XX kinds of summer plants and why you should do it.

Was interviewed on Deborah Gets Red Pilled:
Mozzarella Making Webinar, Thursday August 26, 2021 at 6pm Central - sign up here.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Took the weekend off from canning but it is tomato and green bean canning season
  • Redoing shelves and freezers in the Prepper Pantry
  • Cost comparing homemade dog food vs commercial
  • Groceries are sales tax free so I have some soul searching to do since I have enough for the year, minus cheese.

Operation Independence

  • Meat Canning Webinar will be on the Portal Tuesday for those who missed it

Main topic of the Show: Episode 459: Saving Seeds in Summer

Why save seeds

Some seed saving tips: fermenting, stratification, storage, hybrids


  • The plastic bag method (Lettuces, broccoli, beets)
  • The let it reseed itself method (Cilantro, parsley, lettuce, radishes, etc)
  • The fermentation method (tomatoes)
  • The just save them method (Peppers)
  • The Lazy Man Method (Squash example)

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board
