Today we talk about making money, starting your business, the debt ceiling and more with John Pugliano of the Wealthsteading Podcast and John Willis of Special Operations Equipment.
Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival, October 14-15 in Camden, TN
Today’s Sponsors:
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Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we talk about how the dual bird incubation project went, our first dry spell of spring, and getting ready for food preservation season at the Holler Homestead.
Featured Event: The LFTN 7th Annual Chicken Processing Class
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:, Coupon code: LFTN
Harvest meals
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today we talk about building from a small side hustle to a full time business with Kerry Brown of Strong Roots Resources and John Willis of Special Operations Equipment.
Featured Event: The SMART Homesteading Webinar, $45
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we have an interview with a former colleague of mine, Mark Johnson. Mark has just purchased land to develop into a retreat for veterans in Sparta, Tennessee. Where there is a will there is a way!
Featured Event:
Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources,
Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
@LibertyOakOasis -- Insta
Main content of the show
Former interwebs political consultant. Photographer. Historian at heart. Nine year Army National Guard Veteran. Former Blog Talk Radio host covering Illinois Politics. Married to Vicki who is a nurse of 33 years. Proud West Highland White Terrier Owner: Named Willow. Relocating to TN to escape Illinois and create a retreat space for Veterans and Ministry leaders struggling with life issues.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today is a homestead happenings show and I have NO IDEA what will happen because the Tactical Redneck is hijacking my show.
Featured Event: Wild Edible Walk with Kerry Brown in Lenoir City, TN
Saturday, May 20th 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, rsvp to
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Make it a Great Week!
Today, Niti Bali and I catch up with a nice, afternoon chat. It has been some months since we last had a conversation and this one was great!
Featured Event: Chicken Processing Workshop at LFTN, June 24, 2023 in Lancaster, TN
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:, Coupon Code: LFTN
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Niti Bali is the Founder and CEO of Farm to Fork Meat Riot, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization serving as a catalyst for reestablishing the regenerative small family farm food system. Her strategically designed CSA program educates eaters to harness the power of life giving force through regenerative foods. Niti’s Farm to Fork Meat Riot CSA simultaneously supports regenerative livestock production based on consumption that results in a zero-waste system.
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
What happens when you get John Willis, Joel Salatin and Nicole Sauce together? We have a conversation about heritage skills, the economic fragility of the US, developing community, knowing your neighbors, and growing clean food.
Featured Event: Mike Shelby’s Surveillance Event in Nashville, TN, June 2-4, 2023, $500
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
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Get Tickets for The Self Reliance Festival
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
How has my homegrown cooking world been with an on site freeze dryer? Join me today as I talk about that and all our usual Monday topics!
Featured Event: Exit and Build Land Summit,
Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources,
Sponsor 2:
Harvet Right Affiliate Link:
Livestream Schedule
Join John Willis and I as we talk with Joel Salatin about the state of the world, building resilience into your lives, permaculture and more.
12:30 Central:
Hijacked by a redneck! Tactical Redneck grabs my channel for our weekly Homestead Happenings update at 10:30 Central.
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Weekly Shopping Report, May 13
Dollar Tree was first. They've added a couple of cases of Monster to the rear drink coolers. In addition to my usual caffeine-delivery mechanism, I noted a decent stock of plastics while picking up a few other items. The food aisles seemed a little less haphazard, and there were a couple of people in there stocking shelves. The health aisle had a lot more stuff on it.
Next was Home Depot. There was no tag on the stacks of 2x4x8 studs, so I looked online and found the price still at $3.35.
Last on this trip was Aldi. We found everything we wanted. Eggs are down another dime, to $1.87. Whole milk was $3.50/gallon
I did notice that people were friendly with no one seeming tense or worried. I think I only saw one muzzled sheep, during the second trip. Untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.999/gallon.
Frugality Tip from Margot
Hey all. I'm going to tell you to spend some money. But this is a frugality tip....yes it is. Sometimes you need to spend money to get something of value. We just got back from our first LFTN workshop and the ticket price was well worth the value we received. The price of the ticket can not buy the connections we made. The bonus was all of the things we learned. If you feel like you can't afford a ticket to a workshop, grab a can, and everytime you break, let's say a $20, put the change in a jar. Before you know it you will be able to "afford" things you didn't think you could. I can not stress how important community is, and without going to workshops that follow your interests, you will not find your most important community members. (You have almost a year to save up for the next LFTN)
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: Homegrown Cooking with a Freeze Dryer
Why I got a freeze dryer (originally)
What I learned getting started
Frequency of using the machine year one versus now
Is it worth it?
There is a webinar on getting started in the membership portal for those who decide to get one this year. A word on Harvest Right and customer support. (Keep calling)
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Join me for a discussion of what to do to catch up on your spring gardening, exciting spring forage, update on the incubation project.
Featured Event: June 24 Poultry Processing Workshop at the Holler Homestead
Sponsor number 1: - PTJ, BOGO
Sponsor number 2: EMP Shield, Use coupon code LFTN for 25% off
Harvest meals
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today, we get real about handling existential crisis, homesteading, proofing yeast, and more. Amy Dingmann and Nicole Sauce do not hold back the spice when we get together.
Featured Event:, May 13 in Chattanooga Area
Today’s Sponsor 1:
Today’s Sponsor 2:
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Mewe Group:
Telegram Group:
Advisory Board
Samantha the Savings Ninja
Today, I share some lessons learned after one week of the #75Hard challenge.
Featured Event: May 27 & 28 Fighting Pistol Class at Tactical Response in Camden, TN
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2: LFTN Chicken Processing Workshop, June 24, 2023
Main topic of the Show:
You have until you go to sleep to complete the day.
If you fail, you MUST start over on Day 1.
Join me? #LFTNChallenge
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Today we talk about military fitness test degradation, solar and resilience, greenhouse heating ideas, and methane producing digesters Jack Spirko and John Willis.
Featured Event: Paul Wheaton’s Permaculture Technology Jamboree, July 3-14
Sponsor 1: Strong Roots Resources (
Sponsor 2: Radio Made Easy, Zero to Hero with Ham Radio
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Exit and Build Land Summit
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Every Year, we host the LFTN Spring Workshop and folks wonder why should they invest three days of their time in something that souls like one big camping party? And each year, I watch people’s lives change. I watch the lights turn on. The decisions get made. I see super shy people stand up in front of a group and speak into a microphone. And each year, there is a different “spirit” at the event.
Today, we will talk about the cool things that happened at #LFTN23, the breakthroughs and lessons learned and I post a question - What Are You Doing Next.
Featured Event: Exit and Build Land Summit
Content includes, exiting the healthcare system, exiting the cities, how to raise money for land when you think you can’t, seed saving and food preservation, PMAs and more.
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2:
Livestream Schedule
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Frugality Tip from Janet
Save slivers of soap and make my own hand soap every couple of months. I add the slivers to a grated bar of Dr Bronners.
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: What Are You Doing Next?
The LFTN Spring Workshop always ends with exhaustion of a kind that is difficult to describe because I always feel both empowered, motivated and ready for a long nap. Each year, I am not quite sure what the BIG THING is that came from the workshop and yet, each year something does.
In 2020, we realized that grow is a state of mind, not state of the economy. It is your choice.
In 2021, we realized that our connections are already the foundation for a parallel society - as in we already have one.
In 2022, we realized that we are the people with normal relationships and the unhealthy anchors in the “real world” must be tossed off
So what is next?
The phrase that is beating through my head today as I prepare the show notes is What Are You Doing Next?
It reminds me of the day my roaster caught on fire… <John Willis Story>
How does this relate to #LFTN23
Get off your ass
“I dont want to leave - also I CANT WAIT to get home and start some things.
And the whole time I was kicking around doing 75hard, and talked to a participant about it - turns out she has tried twice,
The shift was to How Can I
It wasnt the fellowship, the hijinks, the rum tasting, the torrential rains help at bay by Tajmaholler.
We didn’t care - we asked what next?
It wasn’t the fabulous food from right here, or the build your niche business presentation, or dog bite demo – we asked what can we do?
It wasn’t the quiet morning coffee because we had late sleeps, or the roasted pig, or the wild edible walk, we asked what do I want to build – then we turned to someone close to us and talked about it.
New connections
Better ideas
A fire lit under our butts
So, in the words of John Willis, I ask: What Are You Doing Next? I am doing 75Hard to increase my mental discipline – and whatever else it brings.
What are you doing today, tomorrow, next week? What thing are you ready to tackle? What do you want to build?
Really, I ask you – What are you doing next?
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Today, I share the story of WHY I moved from Oregon to Tennessee and talk about a few other things on this short form variety show.
Featured Event: The Self Reliance Festival in Camden, TN - SelfRelianceFestival.comToday’s Sponsor:
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Advisory Board
Join me for a homestead happening episode, including a discussion about how some folks in Chattanooga have set up a PMA to BE THE AGORA! What does that have to do with homesteading? You will find out.
Featured Event:
Today’s Sponsor:
Harvest Eating
Holler Neighbors/Community
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
Advisory Board
Today John Willis and I welcome Porterhouse of Porterhouse and Teal to talk about his struggles with Youtube monetization, forest fires, trolls and homesteading.
Featured Event: Oct 12-13 Zero to Hero Ham Radio Training by Radio Made Easy
Today’s Sponsor: The Homestead Consultant
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
FreeSteading Group:
Mewe Group:
Telegram Group:
Twitter: @nicolesauce
IG: @nicolesauce
Today I am joined by Rebecca and John Bush to talk about their journey from poverty to prosperity and how they have used their experiences to create a vast network of people ready to exit the cities and build homestead communities in the country.
Featured Event: Exit and Build Land Summit, May 18-21 in Bastrop, Texas
Today’s Sponsor:
Show Resources
Main content of the show
Rebecca and John Bush built their life from tiny home, city living to a 10 acre homestead in Bastrop Texas with grit, determination, work and love of community. They founded and run the Exit and Build Land Summit in Bastrop, Texas and connect thousands of people with practical skills through The Live Free Academy.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
Mewe Group:
Telegram Group:
Advisory Board
Samantha the Savings Ninja