
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











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Now displaying: February, 2020
Feb 28, 2020

Today is a Thought of the Walk (TOTW) day and I had a good one ready on champagne and hookers, but with so many folks panicking about the coronavirus, I decided to do a show on how to prepare for the coronavirus in 7 days if you are not already prepared.

This comes from the point of view that panic is not needed and I hope that some of the tangible things I suggest with help people be in a better place should this event impact you, while not spending a bunch of money on things that you will never use.

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Thank you to Patrick Riley for composing and recording the new show introduction. What to you all think?

Main Topic of Today's Show: Prepare for the Coronavirus in Seven Days

Handle the "Big Three" first:

  1. Food
    • Document what you have eaten or plan to eat this week - expand that to a month and make a list of needed ingredients
    • Audit what you already have
    • Buy enough of those items for a month, minus perishables that will not last a month
    • If the perishables that will not last a month are required for balanced nutrition, replace the perishable version with non-perishable (canned, frozen, something else that does the same thing and will last)
    • If you cannot afford a month of groceries at one time, fall back on staples - rice and beans - Mormon Pantries are a great place to get these. If you do this, make sure you include purchase of salt and spices if you can afford it!
    • ensure you have enough pet food
    • Note: Paper products like tampons, TP and other needed items are included in this planning process.
  2. Water
  3. Sanitation
    • The n95 Mask is not a silver bullet - resist the temptation to overspend on one while people are panicking about this single item
    • Some construction respirations can help reduce exposer to airborne illness
    • Know how to set up a quarantine room in your home (This is a best practice for many illnesses)
    • Know what to sterilize beyond the obvious to combat the spread of germs (doorjambs, keyboards, remote, etc)
    • Stock rubber gloves, sanitizer, bleach, etc. (Boiling kills things if you do not have this stuff and a gallon of bleach goes a very, very long way - no need to buy a case of it!)
    • A word on handling human waste should your sewage fail

After you have addressed the above (in 7 days I hope), address the next layer over time:

  1. Medical
    • Symptom - friendly meds: fever, congestion, couching, sore throat, diarrhea
    • Herbal support (Learn 2-3 basics): Mullein for congestion and cough is usually easy to find, stock herbals teas and honey for comfort
    • Prescriptions for humans
    • Prescriptions for animals
    • Ensure that you're as healthy as possible through proper nutrition, hydration, getting enough sleep
  2. Shelter & Travel
    • In some disasters such as flooding and tornadoes, you end up needing backup plans for shelter. In this case if you are quarantined you get to stay in your home!
    • Business travelers: add a few extras to your luggage and be ready to stay with a friend if you are worried about getting stuck
  3. Financial
    • Are you ready to pay your bills for a few months without income? If not, start saving now!
    • If not be ready to (ONLY in the event of not having the income due to quarantine): contact your mortgage company for extensions, seek a small loan from a personal contact, bank or credit union)
    • Only if there are no other options: cover a real need, like your mortgage, with a credit card --- hopefully no one ever needs to do this
    • Consider talking with your boss about if you can work from home and continue to earn in the event of disruption
    • Do you have time to build a side income in the interim
    • If you get quarantined and need to take any of the above loans: use the time with your family at home to come up with a new financial plan that eliminates debt and increases savings

The purpose of this episode is the help folks who are not ready for an even like the coronavirus to be as ready as they can be should it have an impact on day-to-day life in the short term Once you have the peace of mind that you have done what you can, I encourage you to learn a bit about Modern Prepping - a term coined by Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast. Rather than preparing for "The Zombie Apocalypse," he encourages people to be ready for life's likely events: Job loss, family illness, external event such as a hurricane, forest fire or minor civil unrest. Because being ready for things likely to happen throughout your life puts you in a position to handle the more extreme things IF they come up without wasting time and money on things you will never use.

If you find this information helpful, please share it with folks who may also benefit. 

Make it a great week!


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board


Feb 26, 2020

Today, we are joined by the Tactical Redneck and Sir Handy to discuss something nearer and dearer to my heart  - 5 things everyone should know about plumbing even if you never ever ever ever plan to do any plumbing whatsoever.

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#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

Mewe Reminder: 730-8 (I will be driving and not on)

Chef Brett is opening a restaurant - apply here:

Show Resources: 

Stump the Sauce

  • What to do with too many Jalapenos

What’s Up in the Garden

  • 1st seedlings are started - round two this weekend
  • Same as last week - the early spring things
  • REALLY need to plant carrot seeds
  • Time to fill in the wicking beds and prep more in ground planting
  • Sweet potato slip update

Main topic of the Show: Five Things Everyone Should Know About Plumbing

Introduce Sir Handy and Tactical Redneck

  1. Know the difference between feed lines and drain lines (get an idea of where they are)
  2. Know what kind of plumbing you have: Pex, PVC, Galvanized, Copper
  3. Know how to shut off the water
  4. The real number four: Turn off power or gas to the water heater if it is drained (Intentionally or not intentionally)
  5. Learn a Little Maintenance

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Feb 24, 2020

I wanted to take on an issue we have sort of glossed over lately: Debt payoff. When I was talking with Beau a few weeks ago, I realized that as much as I say you need to be debt free to truly be free to live the life you want, we haven’t discussed the how of this. Then I was chatting with a friend who is paying off debt and she started asking me really pointed questions about my decision to pay off a second mortgage instead of the rest of my consumer debt.

Webinar update: Email with questions coming soon, as well as a calendar invitation.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Sam’s Club Story
  • Working through the green beans - not sure what to do with the corn as I go low carb :D
  • Indoor lettuce growing operation is morphing and I hope to increase volume of production
  • Loving the pictures of how people store their stuff

What’s in Season

  • Flowers blooming
  • Cilantro, greens, baby dill from the inside grow area
  • Watercress, dead nettle

Operation Independence

  • My health journey begins today at 201lbs
  • The Neighboring Rednecks have started in on the little bathroom repairs

Main topic of the Show: Debt Payoff Ideas

Note: Not a financial advisor - I am merely sharing my debt payoff story

##Why I started paying down debt: Calculated monthly interest payments and realized $450 ish was going to service debt which meant that this amount of monthly earnings was simply time wasted for instant gratification.

What I tried: 

What did not go well

Beginning Level: Stop the bleeding - used Dave Ramsey - ish method


A word on unhappiness and spending.

Adjustments to the process -- 

Thoughts to share on getting out of debt:

Make it a great week!

Song: Cilly Song by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Feb 21, 2020

Today is a Friday so we have an interview show today and we are joined by our own BBQ Homesteader, also known as Daniel Jarvis, to talk about starting your business and more importantly how to get over analysis paralysis if you tend to overthink things. We also dive into establishing work family balance and much more - I am sure you will love this interview.

  1. Zoldak Webinar on how to choose which social media to use to promote your business. 
  2. LFTN Premium Member Quarterly Call is tomorrow at 11am - reach out if you did not get the email invitation!

Show Resources

Main content of the show

Daniel grew up in southeast Texas and was home-educated his entire life. He went to the University of Houston and got a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management. He has run several different kitchens and restaurants. At this point though he is a project manager for an Outdoor Living company and is working on growing his business Off Kilter Brownies on the side. 

He has always been in an entrepreneurial environment as his father ran his own company and also had a previous iteration of Off Kilter Brownies, plus various other projects along the way. 

He has been eating gluten-free for about 12 years, which is what started him on the path of providing great food for those with food allergies and making sure no one is left out. He is also an incessant question-asker and loves encouraging others to let go of perfection and just take the next step.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Feb 19, 2020

The pantry here has been working well and getting a pantry to work for you rather than become a stuff collecting problem, you may need to do a purge and organize. So today we talk about how to take this on.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

Mewe Reminder

What’s Up in the Garden

Main topic of the Show: How To Purge and Organize Your Pantry

What a well-managed pantry means to you

What I mean by pantry: Consumables that you work through in your household

Signs it is time to purge and reorganize

The Process

  1. Schedule several days for this process:
  2. Invite a friend who knows you well to help
  3. Set foundational principles/think things through
  4. Sectional approach to purge and reorganize
  5. Establish a personal accountability check in schedule - 

LFTN Workshop - 3 tickets left!

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Advisory Board




Feb 17, 2020

Springtime is threatening to be here and that means that things are on fast forward at the Holler Homestead so we will talk through a round robin of projects and events that have happened here in the last few weeks - along with related lessons learned. Because there is always something interesting on a homestead.

Listener feedback

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Meal cooking rotation and supplies
  • Root Cellar Makeover in progress
  • Pulled the bad sweet potatoes
  • Lots of butternut squash to use up

What’s in Season

  • Watercress is nearing the bloom phase
  • Dead nettle
  • Plantain is starting to grow
  • Wild Garlic

Operation Independence

  • Tighter reins on purchases through planning and tracking system

Main topic of the Show: Tales From The Holler Homestead

  • Duck relocation story
  • Knighthawk Makes Biscuits
  • Goat Foot Story
  • Slow Cars Story
  • Tactical Mcrib Story
  • Pump House Story:
  • Slow Cars Story
  • Tactical Mcrib Story

If you want to meet some of the crazy folks in these tales - LFTN Workshop

Make it a great week!

Song: Anonymous by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Feb 14, 2020

Today, I talk to Tom Cunningham, a fellow with a new platform that will link consumers directly to farmers for purchasing food. Think AirBnB of meat - a platform called Grazr. He is planning to launch right here in Middle Tennessee, but this interview covers food freedom, a bit about rolling out software based business, and more.

  1. LFTN Premium Member Call scheduled for: Sat Feb 29. 11:30am CT

Show Resources

Bio: Tom Cunninham, Grazr

Tom Cunningham was born in Rockford, Ill. His mother stayed at home to raise him and younger sisters Anna and Clare. A week after his 10th birthday, the family moved to California for Mr. Cunningham’s career with FedEx. Mrs. Cunningham taught at UC Davis. At 12 years old, Tom earned his keep as a paper boy. His always supportive parents taught him to be daring.

Inspired by musician Ben Harper, Tom jammed out during high school. His father’s friend liked his music enough to produce it through his new record company, Emerald City Entertainment, after his Dotcom busted. He rocked out on tour through his early 20s with various jobs and cities along the way. He worked on farms, fishing boats, in construction and wineries in between gigs.

Life was exciting, but not what Tom wanted it to be. He wound up back in Woodland, Calif where he met a girl he knew from high school. The two dated and soon married. Tom found love, but not yet his ideal career.

Wendy spurred him to pursue a longtime desire to be a fireman. He became EMT certified and joined the Air Force Reserves as a firefighter. After leaving active duty orders with the Reserves, he was hired by the City of South Lake Tahoe Fire Department while living in Carson City, Nev. He enjoyed the busy mountain towns all risk responses from backcountry rescues to ski slope responses to responding to emergencies on beautiful Lake Tahoe. The family grew to five with daughter, ​Cadence​,​ ​and sons, ​Merit and ​Gage​.

Both Tom and Wendy desired more time together as a family and to raise their children in intimate relationship with the land. He wanted to free his children from rigid school years and the rat race; he wanted to become a farmer and teach his children a different way of life. Wendy’s success as an independent consultant with Arbonne International meant change. Tom was able to retire from the fire service at 30 years old to partner with Wendy in her Arbonne business and stay at home as a present father. They began seeking land.

The couple searched far and wide before settling on Middle Tennessee. They chose Summertown, Tenn. to homestead for its beauty and reasonable proximity to the burgeoning market of Nashville. Wendy instructs the children with homeschool curriculum. Tom teaches them about the great outdoors. ​The good life ​was far from simple, but it was meaningful.

Tom learned the struggles of being a farmer raising poultry, hogs, and cattle and saw the obstacles to getting meat to consumers. He wondered how to streamline the process. There had to be a way to “close the loop on the local food chain” and keep the money in the local economy.

Tom floated the idea for months. One day in ​April ​2019, as he conversed with his farming partner and neighbor, Corey​, he began to realize this was his calling not merely an idea. Tom met with his men's group friend, Anthony Laney​, to sow a plan: the two founded Grazr. Tom as CEO, Anthony as ​CTO​.

Tom spearheads the architecture and inner workings of a complex solution by weaving farmers, processors and discerning consumers stakeholders together into a streamlined system that serves each stakeholder. Every hurdle overcome and each conversation with an interested stakeholder builds his confidence in the viability and necessity for Grazr.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.

Advisory Board



Feb 12, 2020

Today we talk with Mama Sauce about how to get started with knitting. Knitting is something I tried to be interested in when I was younger but I never caught the bug. Now that I am older and less interested in watching movies, it might be time to give it another go.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

FEB 26, 7PM ET: Webinar Number 2 from Sue Zoldak – How Do I know Which Digital Platforms Are Best to Market My Business?

Stump the Sauce

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Preparing for a cold night
  • Strawberries are not yet planted
  • Getting seedlings going today-Friday. It has been a slog

Main topic of the Show: Getting Started with Knitting


Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board




Feb 10, 2020

Today we talk about the importance of evaluating how long things truly take - both large projects and small tasks - because understanding this can set you free of being owned by your to do list. And life is way better if you own yourself and your time, not the other way around.

Direct Download

FEB 26, 7PM ET: Webinar Number 2 from Sue Zoldak - How Do I know Which Digital Platforms Are Best to Market My Business?

Mastersingers Concert in Cookeville:

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Galentines and charcuterie - pickled bean story
  • Getting set to harvest and dry spring herbs: stinging nettle, raspberry and blackberry leaves
  • Used the last left over from LFTN 19 
  • Sunday dinner conversation with Mama Sauce

What’s in Season

  • Dead nettle
  • Cilantro
  • Chard and lettuce
  • Watercress

Operation Independence

  • Finance Friday Checklist
    • Bills/mail
    • Pay Vendor Invoices
    • Invoicing
    • Mileage Tracking
    • Expense Tracking
    • Take on 1 irritating thing 

Main topic of the Show: Learn How Long Things Take

Make it a great week!

Song: Every Way by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!

Advisory Board


Feb 7, 2020

Today we have an interview about the move from urban living onto a small shed-to-house structure in a very rural setting with Beau Brotherton, founder of the popular Youtube Channel, Better Together Life.

Beau Brotherton Bio

Beau and his wife Kelly are the kind of people who see what could be and don’t hesitate to make it happen. With their four kids, they sold their 2000 sq ft suburban home to do this crazy thing of converting a 16x48 shed into a full time home. A year into this adventure, they are in the process of restoring the land and building a permaculture homestead.

Beau is the creator of the Better Together Life Youtube channel and Podcast, Shed to House Facebook group, and is the author of the "Get Off Your Tail and Homestead" book.

1. Moving from urban to rural and simple
2. Getting out of debt

3. Building a content business

4. Building a shed to house

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board


Feb 5, 2020

Today is Wednesday so we have a homesteading topic and since I harvested my first round of lettuce grown inside in mason jars yesterday, I thought I would share with you five things I learned about the process along the way.

#HollerHatWednesday: Where is she and who is she with?

Stump the Sauce

  • What to do with organ meat Kidney Update

What’s Up in the Garden

  • Cilantro has germinated outside and is about 4 inches tall
  • Egyptian walking onions are doing well
  • It is time to get ready to transplant lettuce. 
  • Hillside garden area is mostly ready for planting: goal=no weed problem this year Main topic of the Show: 5 lessons learned from growing lettuce inside

Main Topic of the Show: Five Lessons Learned From Growing Lettuce Inside

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board



Feb 3, 2020

Today was a beautiful day and I must admit that I traded some inside computer time for outside gardening time. So today, I want to talk to you about how to flex our time responsibly so that you can get important things done, while also taking advantage of weather opportunities - or other opportunities.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Freezer redo complete and found some bones to make stock with from the winter venisons
  • Early spring greens are coming on so we are having lots of salad
  • Feedback on first sous vide chicken
  • This week’s holler stew: chicken broth, beef stew meat, canned corn, potato, sweet potato, onion, carrot, celery, fresh parsley from the ap, dried oregano and sage
  • Time to reorganize the prepper pantry itself in advance of the solar hot water heater build

What’s in Season

  • Deadnettle
  • Mullein - round 2
  • Missed a dryads saddle mushroom - rats
  • Noplantain yet
  • Update on the rose I started

Operation Independence

  • Indoor lettuce
  • Seed grown plants
  • 6 seats left for the LFTN workshop

Main topic of the Show: Flex Time and Productivity

7 Steps for Doing Flex Time Effectively

  1. Start with the big picture in mind - both your work and home
  2. Make a list of minimums - actual must delivers - for the day/week/month
  3. Evaluate the consequences of not getting some of the intended work done when you intended to do it
  4. Seek ways to reduce time needed for the same outcome (eg the workout, crockpot dinner, move a deliverable to a later day, etc)
  5. Get real with yourself and others about it
  6. Communicate if you need to (Leos’ coffee order)
  7. Flex responsibly/abort the idea if you are leading yourself to doom and destruction

Make it a great week!

Song: Mr. Clammy by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 

Advisory Board
