
Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Homesteading, food, freedom and fun!
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Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce











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Now displaying: October, 2021
Oct 29, 2021

Y’all have heard so much about my keto journey and Opportunity October has been good to me along this path. Today, I am honored to welcome Dr. Ken Berry to the show to field questions from y’all. We cover what the proper human diet is, as well as discuss health benefits beyond weight loss.

Bunny Update

LFTN Spring Workshop Presale Monday at 7pm

Show Resources

Dr. Berry’s Website

Lies My Doctor Told Me (Book)

Main content of the show

Meaningful Research + Paleoanthropological Ancestry + Common-Sense…

Unlike most doctors, I love questions and ideas from you…

I used to be a fat, miserable, ignorant doctor, until I slowly discovered the power of removing the slow-poisons of the standard diet, and replacing them with the nourishment of a proper human diet…

I am a Board Certified Family Physician and Fellow in The American Academy of Family Physicians. I have been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over a decade, and have seen over 20,000 patients in my career so far.

No big medical words here, just plain talk you can use to stay healthy and happy. If you like it limp-wristed and sugar-coated then you should probably look somewhere else.

I’ll explain how you can use your diet and your lifestyle to get the health you want. Videos about the low-carb/ketogenic/carnivore diets, intermittent fasting, thyroid health, hormone optimization and much more. I’ve declared all-out war on the epidemics of hyperinsulinemia, diabetes and obesity currently hurting our world, and hurting your health.

Learn how to lose weight, lower your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure, optimize your hormones and more…


Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Oct 27, 2021

Here is the deal, I am an evil Landlord. I rent to people. I evict them when they don’t pay. I have been doing this since I bought my first home and I grew up fixing my father’s rentals. There has been so much poo hurled at evil landlords of late that I thought I would share my perspective with yall today.

LFTN Workshop Presale Launches Nov 1 at 7pm = only 10 tickets available

Email feedback to

Stump the Sauce

From Chris: A question about the keto journey

Perspective of an evil landlord

How I got into this

Why I got into this

Reality versus the dream

My Rant

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Oct 25, 2021

Today we had a question on our telegram group about turkey shelter. I laughed to myself because we never planned to have turkeys this year, but ended up with 26 to help a friend who had life events come up and get in the way of being able to keep up on food and water! So today, Tactical and I will share what we have learned about turkeys having adopted 26 with no infrastructure in place beforehand!

Turkey Processing (or Purchasing) Day: 7 left! Register or buy

LFTN Spring Workshop Announcement - Nov 1 we will have 10 tickets on sale here.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Buying a butt for travel food
  • Winter transitions
  • Integrating bits and pieces into a saute
  • Root Cellar Set Up

Operation Independence

  • SOE Event Update


Main topic of the Show: Episode 493: Turkey Shelter Lessons Learned with The Tactical Redneck

Introduce Tactical Redneck


Lessons learned:

  • Assess: Shelter, Food Water, Containment
  • Teaching turkeys to eat odd things (Pepper story)
  • Turkeys and Rain
  • Shocking Experience
  • Turkeys and grass (Enthusiasm and impact)
  • Different Feeders
  • How Much Tactical Loves Electro Netting
  • How Turkeys Differ From Chickens


Membership Plug

MeWe reminder

Make it a great week!

Song: Calling Your Name by Sauce


GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Advisory Board



Oct 22, 2021

Today is a thought of the walk episode - a collection of short thoughts shared on a variety of topics. These thoughts are shared on Odysee every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, then produced as an audio podcast every other Friday.

Today’s Thoughts Include:

  • Seasons Change
  • My Keto Update
  • Competitors as Allies
  • Winter is Coming

To view the videos for Thought of the Walk Episode, go here: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

They are also produced on Youtube as a playlist.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Oct 20, 2021

Today the chill in the air became more serious and it got me to thinking about last minute winter preparation. So we will talk about preparing for winter on a homestead today.

Stump the Sauce

From Jesse: How to get started with my homesteading content business?

Main topic of the Show:  Winter is Coming 2021 Edition

No Kill List

  • Animals (Water, bedding, shelter, feed)
  • Fish (Freezing)
  • Plants (Freezing, Transplanting, Mulching)
  • Humans (Water, heat, clothing, shelter, food, chimneys)

No Break List

  • Pumps
  • Pipes
  • Roofing

Comfort List

  • Fuel storage
  • Backup electricity
  • Luxuries
  • Learning and entertainment

Membership Plug

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Oct 18, 2021

Today, I share some thoughts about what life would be like if I lived completely off my homestead and network relationships - and why it is a good idea to think about that.

Nashville Activation Tour - the day after Self Reliance Festival in Franklin, TN Veterans Park (611 W. Main St), 12pm-2pm Miriam Gomez, Ramiro Romani, Ryan Cristián, Derrick Broze 

Tuesday: 10am - Live with Dr. Ken Berry

Dr. Ken Berry just agreed to speak at the Self Reliance Festival! Get Early Bird Pricing Through Wednesday this week! Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Freeze drying the last of this year’s milk
  • Added lamb to the freezer
  • Last round of salsa may get processed this week - or maybe next week
  • Drying the late fall herbs and teas
  • 1st Woodfire!

Operation Independence

  • Considering adding sheep to the Holler Homestead - will keep everyone updated.

Main topic of the Show: Living Off Your Homestead Last night I was up most of the night because Coyotes were too close for comfort. Every time they caught something in the woods, they would put up a cheer. My dogs would lose their minds barking in response. Why was I disturbed by this?  Well, we have a bunch of turkeys outside that we are raising for a friend and that are sleeping out in the open and they electro netting stopped working. It would take nothing for a Coyote to just push through that and eat all the turkey they want. I have already sold most of these turkeys and would have to refund the money, and would then lose that because it is already spent on turkey feed and infrastructure.  That got me to thinking - we always talk about being prepared for the things most likely to happen such as:

  • Short term supply shortages
  • Tornado related problems
  • Ice storms
  • Loss of income
  • Illness

But what would happen if any of these things went on longer. Throughout the history of the US, at least every 100 years, we have ad something last longer than a season and cause difficulties in resupply. Civil war - turkeys example What would it look like if I ended up living off this homestead and existing relationships for five years?

  • Animal Feed And Animal Care
  • Imports: Distilled liquor, medicine, Asian and European imports, Seasonal eating, clothing and so forth, cleaning supplies, salt
  • Entertainment
  • Trade and Community (B 2 L update)
  • Repurposing
  • Keeping the land, energy, resupplying clothing and other odd items

Why would I even think this way? Make it a great week! Song: Wolf By Sauce GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.  Community

Advisory Board



Oct 15, 2021

Today is a Friday so we have an interview show and I am pleased to welcome John Bush to talk about his coming conference, Exit and Build.

  1. Episode 500 Reminder - Submission due SUNDAY
  2. Back to the land Festival
  3. 9 Turkeys left!
  4. Self Reliance Festival - Final schedule to be released Sunday evening

Show Resources

Exit and Build Conference

Freedom Cells

Brave Botanicals


Main content of the show

John Bush is a radical activist, entrepreneur, and father of two based in Austin, TX. Since 2002 he has worked tirelessly to create a more free and peaceful world through political activism and the promotion of alternative institutions. He is a proponent of health freedom and operates Brave Botanicals which offers kratom and CBD. In 2015 he laid out his vision for Freedom Cells, small mutual aid groups networked with other cells to achieve common goals and secure the sovereignty of group members. The Freedom Cell Network has since grown to over 2,200 people globally and hopes to one day replace the state as a means of social organization.


Membership and Coffee Pitch

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 



Advisory Board


Oct 13, 2021

Today is an ask me anything day and I will be recording this live, taking questions from folks who are tuned in, as well as answering questions you have emailed me. How do you get your question in for a show like this? Email me.


Main topic of the Show:  Q and A

  • From Margo: Solar advice and a coffee question
  • From Rebecca: Where to start when you are starting out 
  • From Patricia on RV Life
  • From Victor: How to I sioux Vide Eggs?
  • Frpm Sam - How do I deal with a Small Kitchen?
  • And who knows how many questions we take live??

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board


Oct 11, 2021

Today, I will run through some things I never knew about fencing that I learned this weekend as friends Autofab and the Tactical Redneck were stretching fence for Jenni.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • The Green Chili Story
  • Last Round of Root Cellar Items
  • Root Cellar Feedback from Keith
  • Harvesting and drying mints this week
  • Farmers Market Season has Ended, transition from fill up to use up

Operation Independence

  • Expanding Listenership - An event every weekend through Thanksgiving
  • Episode 500 Deadline

Main topic of the Show: New Lessons Learned From Fencing

BG of fencing over the past year or so


  • It is a better two person project, (Turkey netting story)
  • Logging = “Stretching fence” (BC Story) - related, proper stretching tools are helpful
  • Electric fence is great, until it isn’t (The water story)
  • Ongoing maintenance never ends unless you find an animal to do it for you (Pig story)
  • Fencing will be tested most if you do not manage your rotation well enough (Animals, hills, etc)

All in all, it has been pretty eventful here with the fencing, the animals and the transition to increased food production off my small, 3 acre plot of hilly land with just the right amount of southern exposure.

Make it a great week!

Song: Calling Your Name - by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Oct 8, 2021

Today is a thought of the walk episode - a collection of short thoughts shared on a variety of topics. These thoughts are shared on Odysee every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, then produced as an audio podcast every other Friday.

Today’s Thoughts Include:

  • Build a Better Life 
  • Roll with it
  • A Travel Coffee Maker
  • Natural vs Time Routines
  • Turkey on Pasture

To view the videos for Thought of the Walk Episode, go here: Odysee:$/invite/@livingfree:b

They are also produced on Youtube as a playlist.

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!


Advisory Board


Oct 6, 2021

Today, I share four normal things on the homestead that some outsiders view as oddball actions.

Freedomcell Activation tour is coming to Kentucky Oct 14. 

Turkey Processing Day Update

Stump the Sauce

From Joshua of Ganderflight: How do I prep if I am living in a 28 foot RV and moving around the country with my family?

Main topic of the Show:  Four Normal Things on the Homestead that Seem Odd

  1. We try to use up everything - Introducing the BONE BAG
  2. We discuss slaughter over dinner
  3. Rolling leftovers are not only a thing - it is with pride that we find many ways to “roll” (homemade is usually preferred over restaurant foods)
  4. Baby livestock ends up inside - this could mean pigs, chicks, rabbits, goats -- just about anything

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Oct 4, 2021

Today I go on a tear about sticking to principles when the sticking gets tough.

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Found about 10 more steaks!
  • Ready to consolidate freezers down to two
  • Fridge for sale
  • Freeze Drying Basil and other herbs

Operation Independence

  • Lodge Warehouse Sale
  • The Bathtub

Main topic of the Show: Principles

Today started with a video of a OBGYN from a year ago about an anti abortion bill that would charge Dr.’s with murder who do not attempt to re-implant ectopic pregnancies. This is a pregnancy where the egg does not make it to the uterus. And this got me to thinking about big picture principles and how we tend to take discourse from principles to extreme examples in an effort to “win” the argument on issues.

She basically landed on the message, “Get politics out of medicine.”

Yesterday on a long drive, I heard Nurse Amy from defend he choice to get vaccinated - a decision she has grown to regret. Her credibility was attacked from someone who is against the vax. She landed on Get the Politics Out of Medicine.

Then I remembered a discussion with a doctor I had who wanted to prescribe Ivermectin, a known antiviral used on humans to help early onset Covid because the research indicated it may help and the risk level of negative impacts from the medicine are unlikely. Pharmacists are refusing to fill it because it is not approved for use in treating covid -- an off-label use. This doctor just wants to see the politics taken out of medicine.

Then it struck me. The last 2 years have done something I had not realized. It is not about whether or not politics are in medicine. It is what people are willing to accept from their medical care. A decade ago, it would have been impossible to implement socialized medicine in this country (referred to under new marketing as “single payer”). Want to know why? Nobody would have accepted so much meddling in their treatments, in who does and does not deserve medical help, in long delays for important screenings and procedures, and in off label use for medications. In other countries where medicine is socialized, people are willing to wait months for that cancer screening without raising a fuss. They are willing to accept that elderly do not get the same access to something like heart surgery or limb replacement as a younger person. They buy into rationing of care by a politically appointed governing body, and are resigned to how that works. In fact, they are thankful that their care is “free,” and mystified about how our “free-market” system (That is neither free nor market based by a long shot) can be accepted by people. All this while citizens of their locations travel here to get those delayed screenings faster by paying up front for them.

<TC Story>

By enacting draconian shut down, implementing control over what can and cannot be used to treat covid, firing healthcare staff who choose not to accept an emerging vaccination, rationing monoclonal antibody supplies for political reasons, and everything else that has happened -- expectations of those who use healthcare have changed their expectations. They are now OK with letting their loved ones go into the system without an advocate under the guise of “protections.” They will wait weeks or months for screenings because of “staffing shortages.” They buy into government bodies who know nothing about practicing medicine making decisions about what can be used to treat an emerging virus, thus stifling progress and innovation in favor of trumping up their corporate sponsors.

And these same people screech when something is put forth to change the when and how that a woman can receive treatment for pregnancy-related issues like not allowing treatment of an ectopic pregnancy.

Freedom for me but not for thee. 

We need to step above this. To embrace something better. The ends CANNOT justify the means even if it is in service of something good lest they be aimed for evil by another.

When we empower force of government to relieve people of their property, their freedom, their bodily autonomy in favor of achieving goals we think are important like:

  • Curing addiction (drug war)
  • Paying for the community (Involuntary taxation)
  • Dictating what medications may be used for what (Medical socialization)

When we choose our pet project, like ending poverty then outsource the implementation to a committee of special interests, we simply make things worse for everyone.

And the last two years have reframed what people are willing to accept. Shortages of supplies? Sure. Forced shots to be able to travel? Bring it. Bullying toward people who do not adhere to the current-day’s accepted social protocols? RIGHT ON!

When you support any of these things, you support all of them, so be careful.

Next up will be this: Climate change is a danger and overpopulation adds to the problem. Women must now take birth control or be sterilized to address this issue. Wait. no. If we do that society will not continue -- only the women with undesirable genetics, who maybe do not have a decent profession or who are too lazy to stay thin. Those women need to be sterilized or take the pill lest they spread undesirable genetics.


The same instinct that makes people want to control what others do because it is better for that person and better for society as a whole, even though that person does not want it, that instinct? That instinct lays the foundation for philosophies that are evil, like eugenics. 


That is why it is so important now more than ever to stand on your principles even when it is hard. Things like freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of bodily autonomy, freedom to own property, freedom of commerce, freedom to travel -- all of these things are important and all of them, when taken to one extreme, could have a bad outcome when allowed.

Like I may have to support someone’s freedom to discuss why eugenics is good if I am to remain true to my principles because they are free to have an opinion with which I disagree. But therein lies the beauty of freedom. If we remain true to the principles, then that person will need to get people to voluntarily work as a community to make reproductive choices based on genetics -- and we see how well that went for European royalty, do we not? Eventually the problem solves itself.

But if we force a solution by stifling the discussion of a bad idea, then we set the foundation for more abuses of the individual, of needle rape, and all the other things that can be done to people who if we would just let them live their path have a better chance off success than when we try to force them to do the “right” thing.


So tomorrow, when your inclination is “there ought to be a law”, look instead to a different track: what laws could be removed to improve this situation.

Make it a great week!

Song: Belly Dancing Vamp Tune by Sauce

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board



Oct 1, 2021

Today I am joined by someone we have heard several times on the podcast, Sue Zoldak. Usually she comes on to talk with us about entrepreneurship or marketing. But today, Sue joins us to share something a bit more personal - her leap into homeschooling for her high school-aged daughter. 

Show Resources

Sue’s Business:

Coming soon! The Zoldak Academy,

Main content of the show

Sue Zoldak is a brilliant marketing and public relations talent with a foundation in digital methods. Her whole life has given her experiences in entrepreneurship, communications, art and creativity, and even math and economics. This combination is particularly well-suited to take on homeschooling her daughter.


Membership and Coffee Pitch

Make it a great week

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 


Advisory Board
