Today, we talk through a roundup of questions I have gotten over the past two weeks related to fall homesteading activities. From canning to heating, y’all have been busy trying to figure stuff out. Of course, some of these questions have been addressed over on the LFTN Coffee Break group on Facebook, but I just figured if one of you has a question, many of you have the same question.
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Tales from the Prepper Pantry
What Mother Nature is providing
Stump the Sauce
Operation Independence
Food for friends: Ad trade, canned foods from the pantry = low expense to be a helpful member of the community.
Main topic of the show: A Fall Roundup on Homesteading
Q1: How do I figure out how many pounds of tomatoes to use to yield a certain number of jars?
Q2: Tattler lids - can you reuse the rubber gasket?
Q3: What is it like to heat with a wood stove only?
Q4: How do you integrate a new rooster to your flock?
Q5: I just got a ton of persimmons that are not completely ripe, what do I do with them? I hate to throw them away…
Q6: What kind of garlic grows well in Tennessee?
Q7: Is it ok to raid my bees for honey now?
Q8: Should I store my canned goods with the ring on or the ring off the jar?
Q9: How do I store my potatoes and squash?
Q10: How much firewood is enough?
Q11: What about garden bed preparation?
Q12: What should I plant now for spring?
Q:13: What else can you do to prepare your home for winter?
Advisory Board
Today, we explore how following the basic concepts put forth through developing your life strategic plan, continually moving your big picture goals forward, and remembering that we are here to live our lives, not have them lived for us. Or something like that...
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Stump the Sauce
What Mother Nature is Providing
Independence Fund Update
Today, we have a special guest in the house: Shawn Mills. Remember way back when almost a year and a half ago when I had someone come look at my home to help me understand better what it might take to go off grid? Well, that was Shawn. Today we are going to talk about his off-grid lifestyle, as well as focus on things all of us can do to move that direction without committing to a 10k solar panel installation.
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Tales from the Prepper Pantry
What Mother Nature is providing
Stump the Sauce
Operation Independence
Main topic of the show: Off-Grid Mentality Can Improve Your Homestead with Shawn Mills
Make it a great week!
Song: The Flood by Sauce
Today, we will take a walk through the benefits of simply living. Simply living - as in simply living your life, not letting others live it for you. Why Simply living and not simple living? You gotta listen to find out!
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
38 jars of salsa are canned
Putting up tomato sauce this week
Need to do an shelving overhaul in there
The mud room is mostly full of jars, but some will go to our chili loving friends who put in on the chillies this year
What Mother Nature is providing
Beans beans beans and funny beans
Damn the electrical company for spraying on my land
Stump the Sauce
Rattle Snake Recipe
Operation Independence
Put up 39 pints of salsa for winter
August was a record month for the airbnb
Sticking to my guns on the weekly finance review
Need to get taxes done
The Bounty of Simply Living .... not having your life lived for you.
Song: Strange Child, by Sauce