John Moody, author of the weed book (Winning the War on Weeds), producer of Abby’s Elderberry, food policy geek and all around great guy is here to talk with us about going rogue with food production, as well as a really cool conference he’s got for us in late January. I for one plan to be there and serve some coffee!
But first
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I am not your typical farmer. Most people probably don’t consider me typical anything. Farming and homesteading were not something I ever planned to do. But I am now glad I get to do them.
Growing up, I enjoyed a varied diet of video games, cartons, and processed foods. Dental decay, seasonal allergies, and constant sickness were the inevitable result – a result that doctors and other denied was connected with my family’s food and lifestyle choices.
In my early 20s, I was waylaid by duodenal ulcers, my body’s final warning that some things were dreadfully awry. Thankfully, I listened. Over the course of a year, my fiancee (now wife) Jessica and I completely changed our understanding of food – what is food? How should it be raised? How should it be prepared?
This lead to thinking long and deep about farming, and eventually, moving out to a farm of our own.
Make it a great week
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
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