Today we explore the concept of silence used as a tool to teach, a tool to reflect, and a tool to manipulate.
Tales from the Prepper Pantry
Featured Forage: Rose Petals
SKIN Toner - rosewater -
Food: raw in salads, candies as dessert (petals)
Rose hip jam, jelly, or chutney, add them to muffins for a sweet-tart treat, and you can even dehydrate Rose hip puree to make Rose hip fruit leather!
Stump the Sauce from Krystal
Operation Independence
Main topic of the Show: The Power and Danger of Silence
Silence is a tool, it is something we need to be mentally healthy. But the cultural silence that occurs when people see a trend that may not be healthy, that people do when being polite - THAT silence is dangerous. It is a result of peer pressure. So look around you? And ask yourself - am I going along to get along right now? And is that the best course of action?
Make it a great week!
Song: Anonymous by Sauce
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
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