Russia invaded the Ukraine - that is what the headlines say. For days, I have watched people hyper focus on this international event. Then the joke memes started. Then the prepper facebook group got amped up about getting prepared via purchasing all the things. Then more humorous memes happened.
Then it was Friday - and I had extra time to spend on something. And I had a decision to make.
Today, I will share with you how I am moving beyond the crisis reporting drama of this world event to do my best to focus on the things that will move my life forward despite the fight with Russia, or the Ukraine, depending on which side is the side du jour.
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Main Topic: Living with War
War sucks - and what happens next from our country’s leaders to this altercation could have a pretty dramatic impact on our lives. Or very little. And the hell of the matter is that it is entirely out of our control.
So, then, how do we live with war?
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce.
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