Best baked wings recipe, funny new "found" livestock and more.
Featured Event: Midwest Preparedness Festival
Sponsor 1:
Sponsor 2: Harvest Right:
- Watercress is back
- Pawpaws are about three weeks out
- Creek mint
- Yard mint
- Echinacea seed
- Found Pet Rabbit
- Strays I have found: cats, dogs, a pig, and this rabbit
- Moved the boys from the girls (tell the story)
- Girls are more outgoing without the rams around
- Feed needs through the seasons
- Did not get the beet seeds in before I left, hope to today
- Tomatoes are coming on fast
- Time to harvest the brussels sprouts - no really this time
- Fall garden transition
- Baby ducks are ready to integrate when we are ready to integrate them
- No egg season is here (Typical timing for ducks)
- Need a “hard” harvest today
- There was a peach and we did not know it
Harvest Meals
Holler Neighbors/Community
- Steve oversaw the installation of fiber here because they were about 4 hours late
- Neighbor Pat is back in town the helicopters have also returned
- Meetup update
- Gate is in for the chicken area - thank goodness
- Still working on perimeter fence, a lesson
- Making salsa from our tomatoes and Rick’s tomatoes he dropped off t the meetup
Membership Plug
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
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