Today we talk about projects on the homestead, sheep, coyotes, squirrels, homegrown meals and more.
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Winter is here — brr
Branding talk
Long term picture is coming together, repairing things all the way
- Field Hay
- Jerusalem Artichoke\
- Ferns - looking into what kind (Sheep are eating it)
- Watercress got beaten back
- Duck Jail has finally happened
- Sheep need minerals - staying in again
- Sheep eating more than expected which is great for clearing
- Hawk Stories
- Rabbits - Poop is adding Up
- LGDS, Guns, and Coyotes
- Time to process more roosters
- Planning to get the indoor lettuce grow operation going in January
- Still need to plant garlic
Harvest Meals
- Taco Salad
- Easy Pork Loin
- Workshop Leftover Lamb Stew With Radishes
Holler Neighbors/Community
- Secret Santa
- Holler Neighbors and DAS PROJECT
- Squirrel Issue at the Duplex and tapping the network
- Dan starting a welding/repair business with a friend
- Floor Update
- One more stretch of hard fencing
- Cow update likely for the next show
- Spending $$ on woodworking tools to work on building things from her (Furniture, etc)
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
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