Today we talk about Managing the homestead while down one person, new infrastructure for the animals, impending birth and more!
- Featured event: Homesteaders Meetup Sat at 4:30 here - info at
- Sponsor 1:
- Sponsor 2:
- Bruny is getting close - her udder is growing
- Time to process another round of rabbits
- Where to look when the sheep go missing
- Almost time to integrate smallest ducks which makes management easier
- Having trouble getting harvest in while working in Nashville on my duplex
- Lettuce is germinated just need to keep it going through times of no rain while the plants are small
- Fall beets look horrible
- Peppers are slow
- Storing basil in the kitchen
- Ginger is up
Holler Neighbors/Community
- Meetup for our local freedom cell on Saturday at 4:30
- Played a new game - world without Rule of Law
- New chicken waterer - Cement tray with water - then put in a 5 gallon bucket, drilled a hole in the side to fill with a hose then turn it upside down. Easier to clean all the parts
- Installing semi permanent fence through the tree lines in the secondary property. If it works, will do more sections to make rotation easier. _Aluminum wire that will be charged when in us
- Tracking is on point -
- Focus on rental and home sale
Make it a great week!
GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. It makes a great Christmas Gift!
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